Sick plant needing help

bud up

Here is the situation. I have 7 plants that are ready to be flowered (15 to 20 inches tall). The fan leaves on one of the plants has started wilting. I suspect that the nitrogen got to high, because of the dark green color of the leaves. When I first noticed the problem I flush the plant with a couple of gallons of water. Now I'm kinda stalled on what to do. I would like to begin flowering but don't want to jeapordize losing any of my girls (feminized seeds). Will it hurt to go ahead with the 12/12 cycle.​

Secondly, I FIM two of the plants about a week ago. Is this a sufficient amount of time for the plants to recuperate. They seem to be doing well.

If I veg too much longer I will be dealing with height issues near harvest time. 3 to 4 feet tall is my goal.

I'll try to get some pics up. This is all new to me. First grow.


I would suggest going ahead and putting it in 12/12 being that you have somewhat insufficient space.

Secondly, sense you seem to have these 'fem' seeds, I'm guessing they're not worth wasting..
take a few clones, so you won't be thinking months later, "dang, wish I had more" ha.

here's a link for cloning, if you're interested:
click here


Active Member
I personally would wait for the plant to recoup before switching to flowering. It's a personal preference though, I like the plant to be in optimal condition before telling it to start producing bud. Don't ask me why, just seems to make the most sense in my mind.


Well-Known Member
I personally would wait for the plant to recoup before switching to flowering. It's a personal preference though, I like the plant to be in optimal condition before telling it to start producing bud. Don't ask me why, just seems to make the most sense in my mind.
It'll be weeks before the first flowers appear. by then, it should be fine.


Active Member
i would switch to 12/12 .
on the first few weeks the plant will start growing and vegging . so it should be fine .

also a few fan leaves wilting is not that much of an issue , if those are old leaves , then prolly not enough light got thru to them.