New Member
im kinda like Prof. Xavier, with my mental capability,
Of course the obvious observation would be .... that is NOT something someone like Prof. Xavier would ever say to anyone. He's a grown up intellectual.
im kinda like Prof. Xavier, with my mental capability,
I believe Quantum Mechanics help make the Multiverse fun park fun.
after all, reality is just a perception.
Its alot more simple then ppl make it out to be. Your thoughts guide you through out your day, planned or not. What you do daily makes up your life. You can either chose to stay home and do math or you can go and smoke with a friend, go to work, or anything else, but its whatever you chose to do. key word is chose. Every decision and event that unholds in your life, significant or not, is your life experience. Every book i read changes my life b/c it gives me greater insight to the world. If you wouldnt have smoked that joint/blunt w/e, you wouldnt have the same mind set you do now, and you use that mindset everyday and make decisions about what your gonna do and why. If you cant see the love in the world, you need to open up to yourself and allow yourself to vibe w/ the rest of the world. The hate is tooo easy to see, epecially for all you bitches out there(not women). See now if you take offense to that..i cant help you.
I had a friend i used to be best friends w/. Became a jeolous person and starts acting like other people to feel comfortable w/ himself, again, its alot easier to act like someone else then yourself. When you are truely yourself, you dont get bogged down by all the little bullshit, which is alot of the time, your(not you the reader, dont confuse lol) negative thoughts that you allow to guide your thoughts/action, and walla, a hater. Jeolous person. And if your truely yourself, you dont need to make people haters by showing off so you feel better about yourself(feeding your ego). People are sensative to change, so are you going to make the world a better place by doing the right thing? or are you just going to add on to more of the bullshit, negativity, curruption that is so blantent. But i guess that on some other shit, i cant go too far in depth and be preaching to an absence chior.
I just like the people who think they know everything, and that their perseption of the world cant change and become more enriched. So that is what you see, no change, stagnated. I told my dad today, "its in the eye of the beholder", how are you going to say that you know all the man(not sexist) your debating has seen through out his life, allll his thoughts, you've seen them? and b/c of that, you know he's wrong. Or just maybe, life is just a perception that is unique for everybody, to any degree, and maybe there's more to life besides all you've come to know? or maybe you've seen it in the past or through out your life and your yet to come to conclusion that they have any signifcance or meaning? i dont hate. You do Your thing, but your thoughts/actions guide your life, and you didnt understand what i said, thats just how it goes
It's called ... (drum roll) ... being in denial.
Reality can be hard ... many ppl choose not to deal with it.
Optimism is sweet indeed, but no guarantee of outcome.
Hard work, education, and dedication are much better precursors to success ... in any endeavor.