

Well-Known Member
those arent even pics of lower, shaded branches......those are lower cola sites at the end of branches, which i doubt are even the bottom branches that looks like higher noding than the bottom.. why wouldnt u post a pic of a whole plant to prove your point??

yes i dont represent your ways, i enjoy debating topics
id need a full plant shot to give u any credit.

u seem to think your right u just arent giving me hard evidence man
u can tell theres lower branchin in that third pic...the point of lollipopping is the bottom of the plant


Well-Known Member
u know uncle ben u really seem to know what ur doin and all but u dont have to be a asshole about it. i have read through most of this thread and u talk about people trying to protect there ego, when most of the people u accuse say what they have to say and move on. not u. u stick around and keep putting other people down. the only person i see flexing there ego around hear is u. besides if someone says that there crop turned out good for them then they dont need u telling them otherwise just because they dident do it to ur standards. and if someone decides to try something new they dont need u putting them down about it just state what u think and move on. screw u uncle ben. i like ur techniques but u got a shitty attitude buddy. grow up a little and come back when ur ego is not so big :)
I don't blame him for being a little gruff. I mean think about it - he's been growing for longer than most of us have been alive (and I have grown children myself, so that's saying somthing) - yet he's on this forum, offering his knowledge and advice to people that want to argue with him again and again. How many times could you repeat yourself before you start getting a little gruff? Several of you have called him an asshole now, a know-it-all, and a couple other things - yet the worst I've heard him say, is that some pathetic plants, looked pathetic. Who really has the attitude problem? The experienced grower, or the relative "noobs" afraid to admit they might be wrong?

Sheesh, give him a break, guys. I, for one, am grateful to have someone of Uncle Ben's age and experience, who's "been there, done that", to give me advice.:peace:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
.. why wouldnt u post a pic of a whole plant to prove your point??
What's that saying about those "too blind to see". OK, I'll take the bait. if you look reeeeeeeeeeelllll close at photo #1, you'll see the bottom of the plant, perhaps the 5 gallon black pot. And again, if you look real hard at my avatar you can see the 5 gallon black pot that is sitting on my dining room table.

yes i dont represent your ways, i enjoy debating topics
id need a full plant shot to give u any credit.
Since when did I ask for your approval? Now who's being arrogant? You're just a little smart ass twit who has his nose so far up Howard's lollipoppin' ass that if he suddenly stopped walking we'd have to remove your nose with a crowbar.

Pearls before swine......


Well-Known Member
man i asked you to post a pic of a whole plant to show what your saying, since you have grown so much u must have plenty of those.....and i dont "approve" you, who gives a fuck i just wanted to see if u had the balls to defend yourself since u think your right and to see if you are actually right

as for posting howards journal, thats a great example of how it works well.......u were the one asking bluey to show results....i showed u different results from a little more experience grower, i dont give a fuck who grew it, just happened to be that guy(marks)

as for the black pots, not sure if i see it in that first pic, avatar pic is small but i see it

arent u also the one who harvests the top and lets the bottom go for longer? just wondering thought i heard ppl sayin ur name about that too


Well-Known Member
me thinks old uncle ben loves the attention, bless him prob living in some old folks home with nothing better to do than preach his ways to people who dont give a crap.


Well-Known Member
wow every one getting really fired up around here, it's like everyone's on a mission to destroy uncle ben?
Fuck em' UB just be the bigger man and walk away you will never get them to understand your way of growing, let them keep on doing what they do and teach the people that are willing to learn the traditional and right way to grow a plant. Peace Tio Benjamin.


Well-Known Member
You guys crack me the fuck up!! I have never seen a bigger group of infantile egomaniacs in my life! You are supposed to be adults -- but ya'll are carrying on like some snot-nosed little kids on the playground arguing over who's daddy can beat up whose!!!!!

The main problem here appears (at least to me) to be ya'll are comparing apples and oranges, but most of you are unwilling to consider anything outside of your own self-inflicted paradigms. From a strictly botanical standpoint I have to agree with Uncle Ben (loads of empirical evidence support his premise. And who in the hell came up with this nonsense that lower buds are weaker???? Sorry, but that is just factually untrue, but I digress)--- BUT I also see the very definite possible validity (ie. the logic makes sense) in the other side of the arguement, especially in a high-density grow in a restricted and not optimally illuminated area. I've never done a side-by-side test of the 2 ideas and have no intention of doing so, so I can't PROVE either side right or wrong, and I don't want to. If you believe in lollipopping then hack away! If you don't, then don't! It's that freakin' simple. There is no need for the name calling and derogatory commentary I've seen on this thread.

I guarantee you, if this thread is one of the earlier things a newcomer (not necessarily a "noob") reads, they'll never come back to RIU again because they'll think we are all of bunch of childish morons. It's fine to respectfully agree to disagree, but this thread is atrocious and should be removed by the moderators because it is an embarassment to every rational member of this site.

And if that offends anyone, well feel free to flame away -- I'm way too thick skinned to let anything someone says on the internet personally upset me!!!



Well-Known Member
You guys crack me the fuck up!! I have never seen a bigger group of infantile egomaniacs in my life! You are supposed to be adults -- but ya'll are carrying on like some snot-nosed little kids on the playground arguing over who's daddy can beat up whose!!!!!

The main problem here appears (at least to me) to be ya'll are comparing apples and oranges, but most of you are unwilling to consider anything outside of your own self-inflicted paradigms. From a strictly botanical standpoint I have to agree with Uncle Ben (loads of empirical evidence support his premise. And who in the hell came up with this nonsense that lower buds are weaker???? Sorry, but that is just factually untrue, but I digress)--- BUT I also see the very definite possible validity (ie. the logic makes sense) in the other side of the arguement, especially in a high-density grow in a restricted and not optimally illuminated area. I've never done a side-by-side test of the 2 ideas and have no intention of doing so, so I can't PROVE either side right or wrong, and I don't want to. If you believe in lollipopping then hack away! If you don't, then don't! It's that freakin' simple. There is no need for the name calling and derogatory commentary I've seen on this thread.

I guarantee you, if this thread is one of the earlier things a newcomer (not necessarily a "noob") reads, they'll never come back to RIU again because they'll think we are all of bunch of childish morons. It's fine to respectfully agree to disagree, but this thread is atrocious and should be removed by the moderators because it is an embarassment to every rational member of this site.

And if that offends anyone, well feel free to flame away -- I'm way too thick skinned to let anything someone says on the internet personally upset me!!!

who the fuck do you think you are calling an adult........................

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Excellent points which I'm gonna address.

.... And who in the hell came up with this nonsense that lower buds are weaker???? Sorry, but that is just factually untrue, but I digress)
You're right, most times lower buds are indeed more potent, as posted in one of Mel Frank's book using scientific university data as backup. I won't go into the factors for that, as I too would digress. :)

--- BUT I also see the very definite possible validity (ie. the logic makes sense) in the other side of the arguement, especially in a high-density grow in a restricted and not optimally illuminated area.
The following is an example of an extremely high density grow. I'm not talking the type of thread you see here, I'm talking 18" wide plants that most folks would give space too.

I don't have some method nor use cute names, I just garden as nature intended it to be done. Fact of the matter is, most folks couldn't retain a lower leaf until harvest nor produce chunky buds on the lower part of the plant if they tried, so, they rationalize their shortcomings using this ruse called "lollipopping".

..... If you believe in lollipopping then hack away!
That's what it's all about, "feel good" belief systems, forum chat, as opposed to botanical systems.

I agree, if you want to remove the very unit that produces and supports flower production, then you go for it.

Much respect,


Well-Known Member

Now THATS what I'm talkin' about!!!!!!!!!!! Lower growth looks pretty tasty to me!

I tell ya what, for all of those who feel that the lower buds/popcorn/etc are no good, feel free to forward them to me!! I'll be quite happy to ahem.."properly" dispose of them for ya!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

Now THATS what I'm talkin' about!!!!!!!!!!! Lower growth looks pretty tasty to me!

I tell ya what, for all of those who feel that the lower buds/popcorn/etc are no good, feel free to forward them to me!! I'll be quite happy to ahem.."properly" dispose of them for ya!!!!!!
Amazing, and I agree with your last post. People take things to heart here on these threads lately.


Well-Known Member
Ah hell, people get defensive when they feel questioned -- that's just human nature. But some of the name-calling was getting REALLY ridiculous. I guess I'm pretty neutral because I see merit in both points of view, it just depends on the circumstances and situation I suppose. I'm new to indoor growing, but I spent most of my formative years on the family farm, so I tend to lean towards a more horticulturally scientific approach. I've gotta say though, there is no one absolute correct method, so I try to learn all that I can from everyone here. I try to be like a sponge and just absorb it all, then filter out the bs and faulty logic once I feel a little stronger in my own knowledge of this hobby or my own experience proves/disproves it. But I'm VERY happy with my results so far on the first indoor grow, and I'm even happy with my failures because I learn a lot more from failing/struggling then I will learn if it is all handed to me on a platter!!!! (plus I LOVE to experiment!)

And I'm having more fun with this than I have had in a long time!! Here's to hopefully never buying weed again -- and having stuff WAY better than anything I can buy anyway!!!


Well-Known Member
Amazing, and I agree with your last post. People take things to heart here on these threads lately.
Just to clarify, in case there is any confusion -- Those are some of Uncle Bens plants. I just aspire to grow something that nice (but I'm not too far off currently, so I'll pull to within a reasonable facsimile within the next grow, which I've already started!!!).

I may be an old fart, but I still learn quickly!!!!!


Well-Known Member

Now THATS what I'm talkin' about!!!!!!!!!!! Lower growth looks pretty tasty to me!

I tell ya what, for all of those who feel that the lower buds/popcorn/etc are no good, feel free to forward them to me!! I'll be quite happy to ahem.."properly" dispose of them for ya!!!!!!
just imagine if it was lollypopped... your plant could make full use of all your lights energy and not loose most of it after 24 inches... depended on your light this could be more or less... but its a fact that the small flully buds will not be as potent due to their maturity unless you have supplimental lighting on them as well... lollypopping is more so a sog tactic... i will never grow anyother way... so many more plants fit in there with no horizontal branching...

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
just imagine if it was lollypopped... your plant could make full use of all your lights energy and not loose most of it after 24 inches...
Ya think? How's that, by producing less simple and complex carbos? I don't think so.

For starts, those plants are at 4 weeks flowering in that particular photo so you can not draw a conclusion. They yielded much more than any butchered plant I've seen to date on this thread.

I had a "few" plants crammed in here with a light about 6' above the floor. Kinda blows the lollipop mantra outta da water doncha think? See all those leaves below? See those fat colas about 3 weeks prior to harvest? See those low hangin' nuggets? See that BIG outstretched fan leaf in the foreground? Betcha can't guess what it's doing? That's right, making full use of my light's energy. Leaves below it are too. ;)




Well-Known Member
im confused....................................
My bad. That pic came from Uncle Bens post/link just before mine. I copied it over (there were several pics) to compliment him/it. It never occurred to me that some may think that was MY grow until I read the next couple of replies, then I was like, "uh-oh" because I don't want to take credit for someone elses success. I should have clarified that when I first transfered the pic, but I figured other readers had read his previous post and would realize it was his.

Sorry for any confusion. Poor wording, etc on my part.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
i have to say im shocked that you would try and pass off some of bens fine work as your own............... and now you made me pay him a compliment...curse you i can no longer go on..goodbye crule world ............. i wasnt cofused really mr greejeans