Well-Known Member
I want to start off by saying thank you to all my fellow RUIers for the tips strategies and consultation with my two previous grows; indoor and out.
I was successful with my outdoor WhiteWidow grow dispite being clipped by theives 3 diff times. I cropped out with 6.7lbs dried. (which exceeded my goal of 1lb per plant) As a medical patient i stayed within my legal limit of 6 plants.
The indoor growop at my biz partners location was not so successful with mistakes that are unforgivable; Improper topping so it stunted the plants and mutalated the growth, and letting others knowof his operations and getting robbed at gunpoint inside his own home. If you havent followed my other grows please feel free to skim thru them. the links are below in my signature. Also look on page 62 of the outdoor grow for the photoshoot we did with my wifey before the harvest chop. Stay tuned for another shoot this grow

So with my past experience given and the friends ive made on here i hope to exceed expectations with this indoor crop ive been researching and workin my ass off to get it right the first time at a new bigger location, hopefully we pull thru successfully. I originally had my eyes on doing a ferrari hydro setup of Drip to waste with tables and 1000w lamps, ice box chillers, with co2 buuuuttt im gonna be conservative play it smart to start off with considering it was gonna cost me $15,000 for the shit i wanted to do.
With this grow i want to dial in all climate controls and master the conditions before i proceed too much further. the strain i have chosen is new SOUR GRAPE. i am not sure how it will react with my growing methods and recipe for nutes but thats the fun in experimenting and discussing other theories with veteran growers and teaching newbies. Ive heard several rumors and talk of "oh ive heard of that strain..." etc but no one ive talked to has grown it or even sampled it. it is a 3way hybrid clone from Oaksterdam Nor Cal. I have established myself as a vendor for our medical marijuana community here in So Cal and i am a marketing business major so it only made sense to go out in the field nad visit over 60 dispensaries and see what theyre looking to see come thru their locations. out of everyone ive vistied no one has this strain and the managers/presidents/owners all agreed a new rare strain would donate well and that is one reason why i chose SOUR GRAPE. I attempted to research this straim but falls short of available knowledge. I will copy and paste an alleged pic of a sour grape cola and the reveiw info from the grower i found on cannabiscultures site. i never believe anyone so i do shit for myself. live and learn.
But i would like to say during this grow journal i appreciate and welcome all positive comments and criticism. i do not want to deal with any negative vibes or shit talking. i will have the Admins remove you.
If you cannot tell already i talk alot cuz i have alot to say. for those of you following im assuming ull read this first page and everyone will follow and enjoy my grow. I am not a master grower or claim to be. my methods are a combination from several books read movies watched forums reviewed and personal experience. I have researched everything for the last two years and to see how far ive come from miracle grow to all organic to understanding every hydro setup. if you love hydro, im with ya but this grow will be a soilless grow to start. i will use the soil as a buffer for a learning curve with this strain and new recipe of nutes. hydro may be faster and more efficient but my pocket says hold up and my brain says be conservative. i dont need both a new strain and new system fighting me the whole way. so lets knock out this soilless grow and crop out strong reinvest to a hydro setup with table and drip to waste style.
Now that ive gotten most the shit off my mind while blowin trees here i can give u a breakdown of wat my plans are.
Although things are obviously open to change but the gameplan looks sumthing like this;
I currently picked up 4 sour grape clones and threw them under a T5 flouro lamp to start em up for mothers and in just over 30 days i should be moving into my new house with the wifey and its a 5 bedroom 2 story pad. the master bedroom is the only room downstairs so were turning that into the office and 2 of the bedrooms upstairs will have the common walked torn down and we will have a new bigger master bedroom with walk closet vanity bath etc. anyways the remaining two rooms upstairs i have for my growop. one room will be my Vegative Phase room;
-4 Sour grape mothers
-Clone dome with cuttings
-Veg table for clones to veg til 12"-18"
-using two T5 flouro lamps
- 1x 1000w MH metal halide lamp
-Also a work bench for trimming and maintenace work with the ladies.
The second room will be my FLOWER PHASE ROOM;
This will be where most my critical thinking will be used.
-4x 600w HPS high pressure sodium lamps
- 1075cfm Max fan
-CO2 tank with setinal PPM digi measure and REG
-10,000 BTU AC unit
-bak up 8,000 BTU AC window unit
--8" ducting
- 16" oscillating wall mounted fans
ScrOG netting trelis for support
- 100 can carbon filter for odor
-55gallon rez
-1/6 hp pump for my waterwand
-EC PH PPM digi reader
Painted white walls for reflection. the room will be completely sealed for the co2 use and the ducting will be ran the the lamp hoods since they can be air cooled with the 1075cfm fan it will allow me to lower the lamps closer to the canopy without burning the plants.
Electricity will be a story for later once i get in and see what im actually workin with. the renter has been given notice to move out so waitin on him before i can decide 220v for sure and wat extra subpanels ill need uses 10gauge wire most likely. we will be running a lot of amps and im all about safety and antifire methods.
theres lots of small details i will leave out for now to be discussed later and things im mite just b too faded to think bout right now haha. but ill be using pond liner for the floor to save the accidental spills. gonna get a chiller for the rez can. waterwand to increase oxygen in the water. NUTE line up will be coming soon once i make my final decisions.
Sunshine #4 soilless mix for the medium in 3gallon square containers.
most likely doing 6 plants under each 600w lamp. theyll be stretching thru the scrog net trelis i will suspend above the canopy. this technique ive heard great results and yield with. allows u to keep a lower plant amount and weave/train the tops thru the netting and adds support. with co2 its expected to increase yield by 25% with correct enviroment. temps bout 80-85 cuz co2. humidty correspond with each phase (VEG/FLOWER) no more then 50% basically. co2 PPM at 1500 (maximum used by the ladies during flwoer and only during ligths on cycle.) they do not use co2 while dark. co2 availability in our normal atmoshpere is around 300ppm i believe if i remember right so the 1500ppm should boost theyre growth.
Im using Hortilux HPS bulbs for the new tech behind the bulbs put off a lil blue spectrum to help with the internode spacing during flowering 12/12.
I run my clones lights at 24hr on. veg prob 20/4 just to push them faster. then flower obviously at 12/12 to simulate the outdoor enviroment season of fall nearing time to flower
I enjoy threads that have lots of pix and growth updates with details. so why should my own thread fall short of those same expectations.... expect to see lots of pix for the setup design process electricity work ducitng lighting cloning process mothers temps and of course beautiful buds in the end and hopefully pull 1 pound dried weight per 600w lamp.

Thats my realistic goal for now.
I will be doin a perpetual harvest cycle to ensure yields every month and keep my vending rep reliable. so 2 of the 600w lamps will be used to flower 12 total for the first month then ill fire on the other 2 600w lamps and move in a new 12 under those lamps from my veg room. the sour grape strain flowers in 60 days as its an indica so i should have a great rotation of buds every month
trimming will be done by hand since hand manicuring seems to always be the best cuz machines are sketchy to me. my lovely gf is a clipper and great at it. i will have to thank her in advance for tolerating all my crazyness involving my grows cuz this is my baby... but shes a great teamate and the only one besides our immediate family that even knows about the grow location. i have made the security decision to ban all friends from coming over. (descretely of course) u guys mite think its a lil overkill but if uve seen my threads and know wat ive seen and been thru, ud be paranoid too haha/. dont trust anyone. im done with my college party phase and this is strictly business to me and not gonna let sumone else jepordize my operation. ill do my social ativities elsehwere.
sooo cant think of much else to say im sure im missing all kinds of shit but i just wanted to get this thread rollong for now; so a qucik recap for all those pulling up chairs to follow...
2 grow rooms one veg one flower. cycle grow with screen of green method. prob gonna FIM crop to even canopy out. secure new location. video cameras, security screen door. brinks security. two pitbulls (even tho theyre loving ass dogs) 9mm springfield hollowpoint. Berretta 12gauge shotgun over under barrell. motion sensors wth chimes and sensor lights. i aint fuckin around this time.
Nute lineup to come still.
Wont be moving for a month or so, so dont expect too many exciting pix and convos til bout then but wanted to get this shit started with all my other RUIers still in my old threads and discuss my new setup cuz i still need imput and ideas for this new setup. u guys have seen most of my plans, setup ideas, methods, and style so give me sum feedback with wat u guys think will help or needs imrpovement.
so stay tuned for the next dried nug photoshoot with the wife and follow my clone mother closet grow til we get the new location.
Anyone with info or links to Sour grape strain info review etc plz send it my way!
Toke up, ask away, and rep for good advice!
Oh and again i am a cali med patient working within legal limits of growing under prop 215 and senate bill 420 allow 6 mature plants per rec. i am part of a collective and have attorneys to consult for legal advice. i suggest u do the same if u consider exceeding 6.
The grow is for my personal medical needs after i had both my knees reconstructed last year and i have lost 3 of my bestfriends to a terrible car accident up north in alaska and i eventually will cross breed strains down the line to develope my own strain in dedication to them and helping others with serious illnes and chronic pain everyday for the rest of their life like myself. Keep your head up street soldiers and RIP brothers youll never be forgotten!
Also wanted to say thank you to all our troops and my brother PFC Special Ops in the Army serving our country that allows us this so called freedom everyday. U can say fuck the government all you want but support our troops! Lets bring them all home soon fuk war, grow dank!
-first pic is the new clones startin up as mothers fresh from the collective. direct from Oaksterdam. Second pic is the in memory banner of my lost brothers. other pix are misc from previous indoor and outdoor grows just to give a recap and for new viewers seeing my potential.
I was successful with my outdoor WhiteWidow grow dispite being clipped by theives 3 diff times. I cropped out with 6.7lbs dried. (which exceeded my goal of 1lb per plant) As a medical patient i stayed within my legal limit of 6 plants.
The indoor growop at my biz partners location was not so successful with mistakes that are unforgivable; Improper topping so it stunted the plants and mutalated the growth, and letting others knowof his operations and getting robbed at gunpoint inside his own home. If you havent followed my other grows please feel free to skim thru them. the links are below in my signature. Also look on page 62 of the outdoor grow for the photoshoot we did with my wifey before the harvest chop. Stay tuned for another shoot this grow

So with my past experience given and the friends ive made on here i hope to exceed expectations with this indoor crop ive been researching and workin my ass off to get it right the first time at a new bigger location, hopefully we pull thru successfully. I originally had my eyes on doing a ferrari hydro setup of Drip to waste with tables and 1000w lamps, ice box chillers, with co2 buuuuttt im gonna be conservative play it smart to start off with considering it was gonna cost me $15,000 for the shit i wanted to do.
With this grow i want to dial in all climate controls and master the conditions before i proceed too much further. the strain i have chosen is new SOUR GRAPE. i am not sure how it will react with my growing methods and recipe for nutes but thats the fun in experimenting and discussing other theories with veteran growers and teaching newbies. Ive heard several rumors and talk of "oh ive heard of that strain..." etc but no one ive talked to has grown it or even sampled it. it is a 3way hybrid clone from Oaksterdam Nor Cal. I have established myself as a vendor for our medical marijuana community here in So Cal and i am a marketing business major so it only made sense to go out in the field nad visit over 60 dispensaries and see what theyre looking to see come thru their locations. out of everyone ive vistied no one has this strain and the managers/presidents/owners all agreed a new rare strain would donate well and that is one reason why i chose SOUR GRAPE. I attempted to research this straim but falls short of available knowledge. I will copy and paste an alleged pic of a sour grape cola and the reveiw info from the grower i found on cannabiscultures site. i never believe anyone so i do shit for myself. live and learn.

But i would like to say during this grow journal i appreciate and welcome all positive comments and criticism. i do not want to deal with any negative vibes or shit talking. i will have the Admins remove you.

If you cannot tell already i talk alot cuz i have alot to say. for those of you following im assuming ull read this first page and everyone will follow and enjoy my grow. I am not a master grower or claim to be. my methods are a combination from several books read movies watched forums reviewed and personal experience. I have researched everything for the last two years and to see how far ive come from miracle grow to all organic to understanding every hydro setup. if you love hydro, im with ya but this grow will be a soilless grow to start. i will use the soil as a buffer for a learning curve with this strain and new recipe of nutes. hydro may be faster and more efficient but my pocket says hold up and my brain says be conservative. i dont need both a new strain and new system fighting me the whole way. so lets knock out this soilless grow and crop out strong reinvest to a hydro setup with table and drip to waste style.
Now that ive gotten most the shit off my mind while blowin trees here i can give u a breakdown of wat my plans are.
Although things are obviously open to change but the gameplan looks sumthing like this;
I currently picked up 4 sour grape clones and threw them under a T5 flouro lamp to start em up for mothers and in just over 30 days i should be moving into my new house with the wifey and its a 5 bedroom 2 story pad. the master bedroom is the only room downstairs so were turning that into the office and 2 of the bedrooms upstairs will have the common walked torn down and we will have a new bigger master bedroom with walk closet vanity bath etc. anyways the remaining two rooms upstairs i have for my growop. one room will be my Vegative Phase room;
-4 Sour grape mothers
-Clone dome with cuttings
-Veg table for clones to veg til 12"-18"
-using two T5 flouro lamps
- 1x 1000w MH metal halide lamp
-Also a work bench for trimming and maintenace work with the ladies.
The second room will be my FLOWER PHASE ROOM;
This will be where most my critical thinking will be used.
-4x 600w HPS high pressure sodium lamps
- 1075cfm Max fan
-CO2 tank with setinal PPM digi measure and REG
-10,000 BTU AC unit
-bak up 8,000 BTU AC window unit
--8" ducting
- 16" oscillating wall mounted fans
ScrOG netting trelis for support
- 100 can carbon filter for odor
-55gallon rez
-1/6 hp pump for my waterwand
-EC PH PPM digi reader
Painted white walls for reflection. the room will be completely sealed for the co2 use and the ducting will be ran the the lamp hoods since they can be air cooled with the 1075cfm fan it will allow me to lower the lamps closer to the canopy without burning the plants.
Electricity will be a story for later once i get in and see what im actually workin with. the renter has been given notice to move out so waitin on him before i can decide 220v for sure and wat extra subpanels ill need uses 10gauge wire most likely. we will be running a lot of amps and im all about safety and antifire methods.

theres lots of small details i will leave out for now to be discussed later and things im mite just b too faded to think bout right now haha. but ill be using pond liner for the floor to save the accidental spills. gonna get a chiller for the rez can. waterwand to increase oxygen in the water. NUTE line up will be coming soon once i make my final decisions.
Sunshine #4 soilless mix for the medium in 3gallon square containers.
most likely doing 6 plants under each 600w lamp. theyll be stretching thru the scrog net trelis i will suspend above the canopy. this technique ive heard great results and yield with. allows u to keep a lower plant amount and weave/train the tops thru the netting and adds support. with co2 its expected to increase yield by 25% with correct enviroment. temps bout 80-85 cuz co2. humidty correspond with each phase (VEG/FLOWER) no more then 50% basically. co2 PPM at 1500 (maximum used by the ladies during flwoer and only during ligths on cycle.) they do not use co2 while dark. co2 availability in our normal atmoshpere is around 300ppm i believe if i remember right so the 1500ppm should boost theyre growth.
Im using Hortilux HPS bulbs for the new tech behind the bulbs put off a lil blue spectrum to help with the internode spacing during flowering 12/12.
I run my clones lights at 24hr on. veg prob 20/4 just to push them faster. then flower obviously at 12/12 to simulate the outdoor enviroment season of fall nearing time to flower

I enjoy threads that have lots of pix and growth updates with details. so why should my own thread fall short of those same expectations.... expect to see lots of pix for the setup design process electricity work ducitng lighting cloning process mothers temps and of course beautiful buds in the end and hopefully pull 1 pound dried weight per 600w lamp.

Thats my realistic goal for now.
I will be doin a perpetual harvest cycle to ensure yields every month and keep my vending rep reliable. so 2 of the 600w lamps will be used to flower 12 total for the first month then ill fire on the other 2 600w lamps and move in a new 12 under those lamps from my veg room. the sour grape strain flowers in 60 days as its an indica so i should have a great rotation of buds every month

trimming will be done by hand since hand manicuring seems to always be the best cuz machines are sketchy to me. my lovely gf is a clipper and great at it. i will have to thank her in advance for tolerating all my crazyness involving my grows cuz this is my baby... but shes a great teamate and the only one besides our immediate family that even knows about the grow location. i have made the security decision to ban all friends from coming over. (descretely of course) u guys mite think its a lil overkill but if uve seen my threads and know wat ive seen and been thru, ud be paranoid too haha/. dont trust anyone. im done with my college party phase and this is strictly business to me and not gonna let sumone else jepordize my operation. ill do my social ativities elsehwere.
sooo cant think of much else to say im sure im missing all kinds of shit but i just wanted to get this thread rollong for now; so a qucik recap for all those pulling up chairs to follow...
2 grow rooms one veg one flower. cycle grow with screen of green method. prob gonna FIM crop to even canopy out. secure new location. video cameras, security screen door. brinks security. two pitbulls (even tho theyre loving ass dogs) 9mm springfield hollowpoint. Berretta 12gauge shotgun over under barrell. motion sensors wth chimes and sensor lights. i aint fuckin around this time.
Nute lineup to come still.
Wont be moving for a month or so, so dont expect too many exciting pix and convos til bout then but wanted to get this shit started with all my other RUIers still in my old threads and discuss my new setup cuz i still need imput and ideas for this new setup. u guys have seen most of my plans, setup ideas, methods, and style so give me sum feedback with wat u guys think will help or needs imrpovement.

so stay tuned for the next dried nug photoshoot with the wife and follow my clone mother closet grow til we get the new location.
Anyone with info or links to Sour grape strain info review etc plz send it my way!
Toke up, ask away, and rep for good advice!

Oh and again i am a cali med patient working within legal limits of growing under prop 215 and senate bill 420 allow 6 mature plants per rec. i am part of a collective and have attorneys to consult for legal advice. i suggest u do the same if u consider exceeding 6.
The grow is for my personal medical needs after i had both my knees reconstructed last year and i have lost 3 of my bestfriends to a terrible car accident up north in alaska and i eventually will cross breed strains down the line to develope my own strain in dedication to them and helping others with serious illnes and chronic pain everyday for the rest of their life like myself. Keep your head up street soldiers and RIP brothers youll never be forgotten!
Also wanted to say thank you to all our troops and my brother PFC Special Ops in the Army serving our country that allows us this so called freedom everyday. U can say fuck the government all you want but support our troops! Lets bring them all home soon fuk war, grow dank!
-first pic is the new clones startin up as mothers fresh from the collective. direct from Oaksterdam. Second pic is the in memory banner of my lost brothers. other pix are misc from previous indoor and outdoor grows just to give a recap and for new viewers seeing my potential.
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