OK. 2nd and 3rd orders so far were pretty good. Jim messed up my 2nd order and sent me something i didnt order instead of what i did. It was only 1 pack of mistaking, but still got me upset. He did call my house when i didnt think i was getten his emails, this got me excited knowing that hes on top of his game. I figured it out, the email was going to my junk and auto deleted. Now its fixed, and jim is usually pretty fast on getten back to me.
So i have to say so far on everything i give Jim 3 1/2 stars. Woulda been 4 stars, but he only sent me 5 freebees on my third order instead of my 10, and also messed it up a little, which he hasnt still made up for yet.
As far as the seeds themselves.....Yes they are what they say they are. 3-4 weeks into the auto's and they are looken freaken awsome! I may post up some pictures soon.
Some personel info on the seeds. Ak47 lowlifes seem to be the best on germinating. The bluberry kush, pff, very hard to get to sprout.(7 days germinating and only got 5 to crack outta 10). Onyx seems to be the best far as females.. 9/10 made it and 8 are females

. Russian rocket fuels(shortstuff's) are like 2x bigger than anything atm, they are growing like wild fire, with buds all overem.
Anyways....ill keep you guys updated. l8r! and CHEERS JIM!