hi i was wondering if anyone could help me out here?


Well-Known Member
ok this is my first time growing but i have to keep it hid in away so i cant have it in my closet. so dose any one now a good set up so i can have at lease 2 maby 3 plants? i was thinking of a cardboard box and just cover it with mylar wrap in the inside but i dont no what to use for lighting and i dont no how i would be able to not make the hole room smell like weed some weed is good cuz they no i smoke weed but it cant be to strong of a a smell. so if anyone can help me get a good set up id fuckin be so happy and i really dont no dick all about growing so any feed back on how to set it up would be nice.



Active Member
in your situation, i'd go with hollow furniture. unless a box were well-ventillated, you're likely to have heat problems


Well-Known Member
damn well is there any way to get around the heat problem?? like useing a heater or something??

Illegal Smile

The heat problem will be too much of it so a heater won't help.


Well-Known Member
i dont no like 2 oz or so. i no i cant grow them every big unless i can get something big enough to put them in


Well-Known Member
Mate. That box looks perfect :) The door thingy you linked. Go with that. Cut some holes in it for exhaust and intake and your sorted :)

Coat it with mylar aswell, be VERY good at reflecting any CFL light because of the small size of it. I'd say grow maybe 2 plants. One at the bottom and a shelf half way up with another on could be best, instead of them growing side by side.

This way you could do a Scrog, keeping both the plants low and because your using CFL's it'd be extra benefical because all the light produced by the CFL's would be able to be absorbed due to the lights being so close to the leafs.

What'd yu recon mate?


Well-Known Member
that pantry is perfect

get yourself 2 bottles of flat white spray paint and spray the shit out of the inside to make it reflective......

for ventilation you can use a couple of PC fans to circulate the air... they're the quietest, and you don't want a fan rambling if you're trying to sleep.... trust me...

www.newegg.com has very cheap ones.... i wanted to make it easy on myself and bought a pc cooling pad (they have a 3 fan one for 13 bux or so), that way the fans are already hooked up to a USB charger, i just bought a USB charging thing for an ipod at walmart (6 bux), carefully unscrewed the fans from the pad, keeping the USB cables together (BE CAREFUL, IF YOU DON"T KNOW ABOUT WIRING IF ONE OF THESE COMES OUT IT CAN BE A PAIN TO PUT THE USB-DC CONVERTER TOGETHER AGAIN) placed them on my box, and connected the fans to the USB charger.... and PRESTO!!! ventilation, quiet ventilation.... i used a 9" fan i bought at walmart on a cardboard box and it was a bit noisy..... this is SUUUUPER quiet.....

just so you know what i'm talking about:

here's the cooling pad I used:

KINAMAX President Notebook Cooler Pad w/3 Built-in 60mm Fans for Laptops Model FAN-NTP3 - Retail


here's the USB charging thing (mine was cheaper, go to the store and you'll find the one I mean):

Music Power Encore Dual USB Port Charger and Extended Rechargeable Battery for iPod and MP3 Players



Well-Known Member
and for the smell get some ona gel... and use ducting to direct the exhaust air into a bucket that has a mix of ona gel and water....

google roseman's odor bucket....


Well-Known Member
so what would work better mylar or white paint ... and can u get the fan at walmart or raido shack or canadian tire cuz i live in a small ass town and theres not alot of store around here to get shit and i dont have any accounts to order shit offline and would i want 100 watt cfl??for the best ligthing and how many u think i will need per plant 1 or 2 ???


Active Member
what do u have them in ??? and its allways cash :D no paper trail lol

prepaid cards dont have your name on em! and i just have a box lined with thermal reflective material to keep the box both insulated and reflective.. use metal tape to seal up the edges, buy a surge protector and 3 light socket plugs and plug them into there.. put your 3 cfls into there.. if you need more light build another one since theyre so cheap lol! i have one exhaust fan up high near the lights, and one intake fan down low by the plants.. plug the surge protector into a timer and youre good to go! easy as pie my friend! easy as pie


Active Member
depends on how big you want them to get but in that little space as you can see by my grow if you make sure the inside reflects nice and evenly and uniformly you'll end up with nice little bushy plants.. all i'm using is 4 23watt CFL's... but the key is i reflect ALL of the light and do it in a small space so its much more efficient than a CFL just shining in an open room! if youre on a budget and scale constraint like me, little tricks like this mean everything! :)


Well-Known Member
lol ya i was going to get some mylar to do it up with just wasnt sure on how many lights i would need i was thinking of handing one off the middle and one on the top but not sure if i should have 2 for both instead of 1 <br>