what is the importance of a fan?

newbie grow420

Active Member
Everyone uses them but what exactly do they help? The reason I ask is I started my grow without 1 and about 3 weeks in I put 1 in because all the grow room pics had em. I know u need to circulate air for more CO2 but what else is it for? Also my fan is above my lights so the plants arent moving much but the air is circulating.


Well-Known Member
like you said gets air flow. and also strengthens your stems so your plants can hold alot more weight


Well-Known Member
The fan is there to circulate the air and keep from humidity building up
Without proper air movement you will have weak stems and are risking for mold or powdery mildew
Most def keep the fan in there

newbie grow420

Active Member
Ok so it strengthens the stem ok i knew about the ventilation and humidity. But not the stems. Would it be better to have direct air flow on plants or as long as the airs moving in the room. Because first 4 weeks had no fan. I know I'm new learning as I go its great.


Well-Known Member
You want the plants to vibrate, causing them to grow larger, stronger stems capable of larger uptake of nutrients.

You want fresh air circulated around.

You want cool air to offset what is created by your lights.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
If you blow air directly on your plants they will dry out and the leaves will start to die. They need the ciculation but not direct air on them.

newbie grow420

Active Member
If you blow air directly on your plants they will dry out and the leaves will start to die. They need the ciculation but not direct air on them.
Thanks for info thats what i have been doing just circulation no direct air and I dont have to worry about heat I'm on cfl lights.