not a single good argument in the whole god damn video

even if you assume that everything is true.
"My friend smoked some pot and crashed his car into a tree with another friend of mine in it and killed them both." No shit, someone was drunk on New Year`s Eve and decided to park the car on the railway tracks with 3 friends inside, then drive off right in time, only he didn`t and killed 3 innocent people, 2 of which 18 year old girls that didn`t even drink, were just persuaded into coming along for a drive around town. Sounds worse to me. Is alcohool illegal? Well, no, it isn`t is it?
"I went from pot to crack and heroin." No shit, just like you went from blowjobs to goatsee, you fuckin bitch? If you have an addictive personality, you`ll get hooked by everything from Days of our lives to lollipops.
"I could`ve been in college now, ready to graduate." Is that so smart man? I bet you looked real smart with BMW windshield between your teeh too you fucking genius.
Who else was there? The wrestler? Newsflash acnee face, steroids<weed.
Can they get any non-losers to testify against weed? Maybe they should knock on fdd`s door, ask him about how weed fucked up
his life. You know, no job, no home, no friends, not married. Mhm, right...