the past tense of took is taken if you wanna make this all official.
nirvana's not ripping anyone off, they have been around too long, they were the first website i ordered from so many years ago.
also, use perlite. i did a side by side comparison this time and it makes a big difference in growth speed which equals improved yeild in the end.
i still trust them, they`re sending my order for the 3rd time, free of charge. It probably won`t get here cause they`re probably just doing the same WRONG thing they did the first 2 times, whatever that is
Perlite is that volcanic rock right? I`ve read on it but i don`t think i`ll find it readilly available around here. Thanks for the advice though and for checking in as well
So have you started this grow yet?
Best of luck to you cause this seems pretty risky
If your gonna be using cfls Id recommend using some of these plugs cause there like 75 cent at home depot and you can plug like 3 of them in them power strips that have like 6 outlets and make a nice cfl light mount.Id also recommend buying some good nutes to you will notice a huge difference in bud growth.
I was planning on using these, especially if i`ll doing the pc grow, they`re very useful, i just hope to find some. I have a Well shop close by, they might have these fixtures, if they do, i`ll take advantage of it for sure

Someone give this kid a hand!
OK I'm gunna BLOW my last gasket!! Thanks for the advice kid.....or NOOB, whatever.....BUT as an etiquette thing READ SOMEONES THREAD FIRST BEFORE TOSSING OUT YOUR OPINIONS!

easy mate, you`re gonna blow a gasket, the kid was just trying to help, i know to separate the better advice from the lesser no worries
Hey Andrey Here's some pics of the Girls Last day. Just cut em down 2 days ago. Here's what you can expect in a 72-76 days from seed at 12/12 cycle...but if i had just a bit more time, i'd go the extra 2 weeks.
On the left is a PURE LEMON SKUNK
On The Right is the Hollands Hope Cross Strain.
These 2 will give me 1 ounce Dry Collectively.
*drool* those look like i could fit 3-4 in my closet. 2 ounces a month will do just fine. And i just might clear out the roomie`s closet too

double yield ftw. How`re they tasting?
BTW, i saw them in your pc grow thread before here, i`m subscribed to that
Yepper, cfl and tube. Six 32 watt tubes and 8 26 watt cfls. Space about 22"x24"x50" Sorry, but even with crap cell pics or not. Nute burn is nute burn.
Ok, now if the pissing contest is done and over
no more hijacking. Get rid of that testosterone at the gym.
And on a side note, did anyone see the pics of asian girls shitting that were here a few days ago?