Spider Mites! Help!

Ok...major problem. I have 7 plants that have been flowering for about 2 weeks. I have 2 400W HPS lamps, the plants are growing in dirt, sprayed with spray n grow, and given earth juice bloom. The temp stays around 70-75. I had the mites while vegging and was trying to kill them off with a 1:1 alcohol and water mix. It controlled them for a little while but they always came back. And now that they're flowering I'm not sure what to do. I need something ASAP to kill these off to try and save my harvest! Any help would be awesome!! I can post pics if needed. Please help!!
Ok...major problem. I have 7 plants that have been flowering for about 2 weeks. I have 2 400W HPS lamps, the plants are growing in dirt, sprayed with spray n grow, and given earth juice bloom. The temp stays around 70-75. I had the mites while vegging and was trying to kill them off with a 1:1 alcohol and water mix. It controlled them for a little while but they always came back. And now that they're flowering I'm not sure what to do. I need something ASAP to kill these off to try and save my harvest! Any help would be awesome!! I can post pics if needed. Please help!!

NEEM OIL. get some.. add some dishsoap to your neem oil / water mix. and spray liberally.

Shit is AMAZING. i havent ever used it on cannabis cause i'm new to cannabis but it has killed every single type of pest that has plagued my cacti garden.

Be sure to shake it up real well cause neem oil has a hard time mixing with water (hence the dishsoap). I'm new to growing cannabis but in the history of my gardening adventures, neem oil has provided an amazing remedy to all pest problems.

If Neem doesnt work, you may have to get hardcore with some commercial premixed pesticides.
NEEM OIL. get some.. add some dishsoap to your neem oil / water mix. and spray liberally.

Shit is AMAZING. i havent ever used it on cannabis cause i'm new to cannabis but it has killed every single type of pest that has plagued my cacti garden.

Be sure to shake it up real well cause neem oil has a hard time mixing with water (hence the dishsoap). I'm new to growing cannabis but in the history of my gardening adventures, neem oil has provided an amazing remedy to all pest problems.

If Neem doesnt work, you may have to get hardcore with some commercial premixed pesticides.

spray the plants heavily, spray the soil top, spray the room.. everything.. there is no real way to overdose on neem oil. it's also biodegradable, non toxic, and harmless to humans in the quantities that you will be using.
dont use neem oil if flowering shit stinks and it will make your bud stink and taste just like it use somthin else
Safe soap bug killer and neem oil i just had them the shit is the best!!!!!!!!! KILLS BUGS DEAD LOL
I would also suggest that you don't apply with the lights on, made that mistake and burned the plants pretty bad.

I have heard of some stuff called Judo and it is supposed to be a one time application, it kills everything and they don't come back; but it's not available in CA. An 'organic' method is Pyrethrins it's an extract from the flower Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium. There are a few others you could use too, but this is pretty common to find even at Home Depot, just look at the label and see if it has it as one of the main ingredients. In a very heavy infestation I would find another organic pesticide to use with the Pyrethrins (If you look for the OMRI label on the pesticide then it's supposed to be organic) and follow up one with the other so that the mites that are immune from one is killed with the other.
I would also suggest that you don't apply with the lights on, made that mistake and burned the plants pretty bad.

I have heard of some stuff called Judo and it is supposed to be a one time application, it kills everything and they don't come back; but it's not available in CA. An 'organic' method is Pyrethrins it's an extract from the flower Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium. There are a few others you could use too, but this is pretty common to find even at Home Depot, just look at the label and see if it has it as one of the main ingredients. In a very heavy infestation I would find another organic pesticide to use with the Pyrethrins (If you look for the OMRI label on the pesticide then it's supposed to be organic) and follow up one with the other so that the mites that are immune from one is killed with the other.

I've used Azamax with good success. I think it prevents them from feeding. You have to use it every couple of days, but you can knock them out in about a week, and anything else that might be in the area. I think this stuff is fairly safe even well into the flowering period. However, as long as your humidity is low, I would still spray several times with plain water after a series of treatments just to be safe.
There's only one thing that I've seen anyone say that will kill the eggs, petroleum oil. All Seasons Spray Oil (98% petroleum oil) is one you can get at Home Depot for $13. I can't confirm it works or that it's safe to use around buds, just read about it in another thread.

I'm in an area where mites, thrips, and aphids are bad. It's because of the low humidity, around an average of 20%. I just got rid of thrips last night. Today I added two 10.0 UVB 18" fluoros to the grow room to help keep them away (they don't like UV). And tommorow, after doing a bit more research to find out what to feed them, I'll be getting Lady Bugs. Since Lady Bugs eat them I can't think of a better prevention.

If you have a grow room that is sealed off from the rest of the house, you might want to consider getting some to get rid of your mites. Home Depot sells them for $25 a pint, I imagine that's all you'll need. Just find out what they eat and pick some up so after the mites are gone you can keep them alive while you wait for the eggs to hatch so they can eat them too. That would be the safest way for your buds.

If you can't use Lady Bugs then I would recommend Mite X. You can find it at your nursery for $8.99. It's organic and safe to use up until you harvest, and it has Molasses & Sucrose which is good for the taste of your buds. Make sure to spray under the leaves and to get rid of the eggs after you kill them. You want to do it at the begining of a dark period because it's an oil, just keep some oscilating fans on your plants full blast and you shouldn't have to worry about mold/mildew. As soon as the lights come on, get rid of those eggs, or treat again in 7 days, then again 7 days later. It's up to you.
Hot shots not pest strip will knock them back long enough. Place in front of a fan and shut the exhaust fan off for the night.
suncant raw sugar to make stay in place and peroxide bout 1oz per gal sray til dripping,wait couple hours hit em agian then with plain cold water,(sugar sticks em, peroxide kills softbody insects! safer soap is good too and neem your shit floor everything to help PREvent,no animals in room after harvest BLEACH everything gud luck!
Thanks sooo much everyone! I live in an area where growing indoors isn't common. It's really cold here too so we don't have many nurseries. I have to do most of my purchasing online so I should be able to find any cure out there. I'm not worried about cost so I think I'm going to get some neem oil to spray around the room (I have 16 more clones I just transplanted to veg so they will be getting a good does too just to make sure) and the surrounding areas. The room isn't quite sealed from the rest of the house so I don't think lady bugs would be good although I've heard they help a lot..I just don't want my house covered in them! =P But I think I'm going to try some Mite X =) It will be getting rush delivered asap! If I have to spray in the dark hours...how am I supposed to see what I'm spraying? Do I have to spray every single leaf that has them? I would think so but just checking. And I can even spray near the buds right? Just making sure cause my buds are starting to look beautiful and tasty! I have AK 47, Skunk, Northern Lights, and Strawberry Cough. I can't wait to smoke itttt! Just hoping there's no mites to ruin it! Thanks for EVERYONES help. I love this fucking website <3
NEEM OIL. get some.. add some dishsoap to your neem oil / water mix. and spray liberally.

Shit is AMAZING. i havent ever used it on cannabis cause i'm new to cannabis but it has killed every single type of pest that has plagued my cacti garden.

Be sure to shake it up real well cause neem oil has a hard time mixing with water (hence the dishsoap). I'm new to growing cannabis but in the history of my gardening adventures, neem oil has provided an amazing remedy to all pest problems.

If Neem doesnt work, you may have to get hardcore with some commercial premixed pesticides.

...what he said ^^^...just don't spray while the lights are on (can burn foliage by magnifying the drops ), and not past 3 weeks of bloom (can mold buds).
I had the same problem bud. I simply went to the local hydro store and bought some organic spray that you dilute 1/3 and every third day sprayed my girls down thoroughly. I eventually got those bastards for good. And btw, my crop came out more than just fine :)
Thanks folks! I'm still new to growing...every batch has a new problem but that's the only way to move forward! This round is my second harvest. My first round was terriblleeee...I had problems with pH, over heating, soil, and fert! My girls have improved literally 200% from last time, but now I'm plagued with mites! I've ordred up some Mite X and neem oil. Between spraying the plants and disinfecting the room (with the neem oil) I hope I can kick this before it kicks my buds!
Thanks sooo much everyone! I live in an area where growing indoors isn't common. It's really cold here too so we don't have many nurseries. I have to do most of my purchasing online so I should be able to find any cure out there. I'm not worried about cost so I think I'm going to get some neem oil to spray around the room (I have 16 more clones I just transplanted to veg so they will be getting a good does too just to make sure) and the surrounding areas. The room isn't quite sealed from the rest of the house so I don't think lady bugs would be good although I've heard they help a lot..I just don't want my house covered in them! =P But I think I'm going to try some Mite X =) It will be getting rush delivered asap! If I have to spray in the dark hours...how am I supposed to see what I'm spraying? Do I have to spray every single leaf that has them? I would think so but just checking. And I can even spray near the buds right? Just making sure cause my buds are starting to look beautiful and tasty! I have AK 47, Skunk, Northern Lights, and Strawberry Cough. I can't wait to smoke itttt! Just hoping there's no mites to ruin it! Thanks for EVERYONES help. I love this fucking website <3

Sorry the Ladybug suggestion didn't help. They're gonna make great guard dogs, especially in dry areas like where we live and these mites, aphids, and thrips thrive. If you can close off your room with some screening or something you might want to consider it as a room upgrade somewhere down the line. You'll never get an infestation again.

Mite X is from Bonide. Hope that helps you find it online. It's safe to spray on the buds but I wouldn't. It can cause mold even with fans, and I'm prettys sure it wouldn't taste very good.

I live in Denver myself, can't get much colder than that this side of the polar caps. lol You might have nurseries near by and not even know it, you might want to search for some in your area on the web. The advice I've gotten from the horticulturist at the 2 by my house has been beyond valuable.

For light you can get one of those pen lights that you can hang from your ear or glasses so your hands are free. Or you can use a fluoro in the range of around 4,000k (aka cool white). Plants don't see much of that color spectrum and it will help you see. But under HIDs you're plants will get damaged from using any oil spray. Kinda like putting baby oil on when you go to the beach.

You have to spray every leaf on every plant, wether you see mites on it or not. And you have to remove the eggs yourself when the lights come back on. You can also treat again in 7 days, and then again 7 days later. But it's easier to remove the eggs yourself. You should be able to rub them off the leaves with your fingers.

Good luck, hope you get some fat, dense, dank buds
DR DOOM SPIDER MITE KNOCKOUT IS AN AEROSOL SPRAY OR DR DOOM FLOGGER IF YOU WANT TO FOG. I LIKE THE SPRAY GOES FARTHER IMHO use just before lights go out spray all over the plants,the plants love it. if anybody knows a good generic.... I would be interested in that
DR DOOM SPIDER MITE KNOCKOUT IS AN AEROSOL SPRAY OR DR DOOM FLOGGER IF YOU WANT TO FOG. I LIKE THE SPRAY GOES FARTHER IMHO use just before lights go out spray all over the plants,the plants love it. if anybody knows a good generic.... I would be interested in that

I wouldn't call it a generic, but the Mite X is only $8.99. I can't imagine a cheaper one that works as good. It's also organic and it has molasses & sucrose which you want on your plants anyway.

The best way of all though is the Lady Bugs. After doing some research I'm convinced of that. $25 for a pint of them on Home Depots web site and about $10 every couple of months to buy a little food for them. Here's a thread I posted if your interested. http://www.my-grow.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=731 If you use them, I'm sure you'll never need to use an insecticide again. They even eat eggs so they'd be ideal for an existing infestation.

Good luck
Ok so I did some extra research on the ladybugs and figured out a way to seal my room up. I bought 1500 ladybugs for $14!! I actually had to cut 2 of my girls down last nite! It's a strain I had a lot of trouble with the last time and it didn't yield very much. The leaves were beginning to curl and turn very brown, bud growth slowed to a crawl, and the plants were just overall junk. So I had to take the loss. I mean, I think they would have died before their budding was finished (which they did last time too), so I was basically just trying to take that many mites out to save the others. And..they were right next to my favorite (the Northerns) and those buds already look amazing!! I had to save them! Hopefully my ladybugs and Mite X will be here soon. I'll post some pics soon! I hope those red ladies will save my girls so I can toke em up!! :bigjoint: