Greenhouse Seed Co. So much negativity

Super silver lemon haze,the new cannabis cup winner of 2009.From what I can gather Arjans smoke was bullshit and this cup sucked ass,On a good note most everybody says swerve and the cali conection brought the heat.From what I hear the tahoe og was the best smoke at the cup bar none.Thumbs up to swerve and all the cali connection family.No doubt the best breeder at this years cup...
Yea that's all I care about :bigjoint: Not who stole what and this and that.. I just want something potent, tasty, and overall a good plant... Don't really care how they are doing it, as long as its quality.
this is the thing, how does anyone here know that greenhouse stole genetics? that may be media propoganda. iv never found any seed bank to be horendus. you get what you pay for. its what you do with it that counts. ask the people that grew bagseed and try telling them there shit is crap just because its bagseed. look after your plants and they look after you;-)
there are a load of F1 widow plants going round and being sold as BW or WW clones etc but the father of the widow which is reponsible for the original seed that won it fame is only with us at MNS. I know that GHSco use another since I left in 98, and Ingemar uses yet another and so on...all claim to be the original etc...but if you do some research on grow reports etc you will discover the one you need .All the best Shantibaba

all the best,

Hi All

well most of you are clear about your experiences with Arjan's seed post 1998 when i sold him my half of the company and left to Swiss setting up the Mr Nice Seedbank at the same time.

Since 1998 I must have answered several thousand complaints against Arjan's seed which he sells under GHSco. He will never admit it but he lost or killed most all plants that were left to him so he basically buys in seed from Ingemar(which is unpredictable at best) or tries to avoid true breeding by using hormones to feminize seed. The reason he feminizes seed is two fold, one it sells well to beginners or people wanting to only get females, and two because he has no idea of what male to breed with...nor does he have the males so as an alternative use the hormones to make seed from the female...a job anyone can do. The only problem now will come when people grow his types. And just a small tip for anyone who really wants to know, the loudest sound comes from an empty barrel...that is why he has god knows how many strains named after his own it ego or insecurity...I will leave it to you to figure.

One last thing is if anyone of his internet sites dealt with complaints my life and work load would be so much lighter. A self acclaimed king...but actually a glorified dope dealer nothing more nothing less. Here endeth the story...all the best Sb

all the best,

Hi all

it never ceases to amaze me about those insecure people. If all these people did as they said including Ingemar why did I win in 1995 with the GHSco this award and then the year later make the seeds available when they were ready. If all these geniuses were who they claim they were why are they still talking about it in 2006 almost 10 years after the fact. Why am I not angry at Nirvana or Dutch Passion when they came and purchased a single packet off me in 1996 and the following year both had it available on their seed list etc....And if anyone does the correct research in chronological order you will see there was only one set of parents making this strain, so whatever the genetics of all these other companies are that produce a strain called WW I know what I make and where it really comes from. There are certain questions related to breeding I could ask that would surely show that these seed producers are all using at best F1s of the originals like what is on sale from MNS!
Finally if this Ecoman who claims he is the one who people are making money from his product, really thinks about it he should be happy and complimented that people are doing well from his product...otherwise he would not even have a reason to complain, would he?

All the best SB

Last edited by shantibaba : 10-13-2006 at 05:04 PM.

all the best,
I got this from somewhere else on the web but thought it might be useful to get shanti's perspective on what happened with GHS. I for one will never buy seeds from arjan. I would rather give my money to the real breeders who refine and create new strains and move things forward, rather than some glorified dope-dealer who figured out that you can use hormones to create hermaphrodite seeds from nice plants that someone else bred. Shanti, on top of being an amazing breeder and horticulturalist, seems to be someone who is in this for love of the plant and I would rather support him than other scam artist, the self-proclaimed "the king of cannabis".

"Now to clear up the story and myths that go around, due mainly to people in the industry(other seed companies) who are more interested in making money than giving information that is correct. Haze brothers worked on the Haze’s and they did get to Sam and Nevil(owner of THE SEEDBANK…and then Ben Dronkers retailed Nevils strains under the label of SENSI SEEDBANK after Nevil had some jail time in Australia .Nevil was the first Seed Bank or company to exist in Holland so his legendary strains such as Northern lights 5, Ultra skunk , Nl5 Haze, Early pearl , Early girl, Shiva Skunk….and so on became the basis for a lot of offspring seed companies that followed in the 90s.

In fact companies like Dutch passion and Nirvana began by copying Nevils seeds from the F1 seed…but most of them would never say so as they are Dutch business men who see dollars first and not genetics….Sam and Nevil use to work a bit on strains together but when it was revealed that Sam and his crew of Americans in Holland all were part of informants for the DEA in America on a radio program in Holland they split to the UK to do other things. Sam never started or owned a seed company so his claim to all the strains that became famous years ago are not really warranted. He did however do a lot of work on Skunk and shared some seed with Nevil, but as you know for breeding you cannot just take any plant and make a strain like Greenhouse does nowadays. I was working in Australia on varieties like Mullumbimby madness and Thai and Columbia strains of sativas, as well as a lot of original Afghan stock. When I came to Holland in 1990 with my seed stock I linked up with Nevil , and used Arjan’s coffeeshops to introduce strains of cannabis and a little later the seed versions, but we never gave any of the plants to him.Arjan just sold seed produced by Nevil and myself. I co founded the Greenhouse Seed Company with Arjan in 1994(unlike Arjan’s claim it began in 1985 from him alone…he was angry that I sold my half share to him and left in 1998 to Switzerland and to open Mr Nice Seedbank with Nevil and Howard…but I was and still am the sole owner of MNS). In 1995 I came out with the seed version of White widow, then White Rhino 1996 and White Shark 1997…el nino1998 , Himalayan gold and so on. Nevil and I co worked on some Haze strains during the early to mid 90s of which Super Silver Haze and Mango Haze were two strains that eventually came out of this work.The seed was sold under the Greenhouse Seed co label but Nevil held those plants and only sold the seed of these varieties as well as the weed version that won all those awards.So as to help Arjan sell the correct weed we set up our own independent grow rooms and produced those weeds and Arjan bought them all so as no other Dutch shop could compete. In those days the Greenhouse sold the correct weed and seed.But in 1998 when I won all the cups with Nevil(including Shantibaba’s Hash for best nederhash) I was givien a better offer by a Swiss group to set up a medical cannabis farm and distil oil…so I sold my share to Arjan and left. A lot of people were shocked as they thought we were a solid unit but actually Arjan was over the top already with his success and his ego was too much to listen to and considering the Swiss thing had unlimited possibility where as Holland was stuck at being glorified dope dealers….as it still is today. Medical was more my interest.

I took all my plants which made the seeds, especially my fathers and Nevil put all his plants with me so together we had a library of all genetics possible in the cannabis world. Nevil soon sold his part in one of the coffeeshops and had a big problem with Arjan too…but it took another year or two for them to split. Take a look at the High times Cannabis cup after 1998, so 1999 onwards….only while Nevil was there did they win with SSH, but that soon left with Nevil and Arjan even got caught cheating or trying to bribe people to win cup…so was disqualified one year.

A lot of stories exist about the Widow family and a lot of people had access to some of the female versions I left in Holland and soon began claiming to be the creature etc….but the original seed versions that won the first cup in 1995 came from my plants not anyone else’s. Till today we have all the plants in original form. Franco, the Italian working for Arjan now does not even know the original plants as he did not come on the scene till after I left. I have nothing against him at all but he is paid by Arjan andis part of that show so believes what ever is feed to him. The GHSco tried to get things going by buying some seed Nev and I had for sale from a guy in Holland during this time. The guy called me up and told me Arjan bought a few thousand euros of this seed and a year later came out with seed under the well known names he had used previously. The growers could not know this until they grew it out and considering a lot of people never grew it before they did not even know what they were looking at and still do not.So many seed companies use the names like White widow but the genetics are all different. I wrote out the true origins of the plant and everyone copied that so it looks like everyone is selling the same genetics but it is they are all selling a name that sells…nothing more.Ask Franco to show you a photo of the original parents that make the widow…he cannot as he has never seen them.The Ghsco linked up with others like Ingemar who claims to be the widow breeder but he is only a grower and he never came out with a seed version until after I made it in 1995. But all the facts have become mixed and people try to confuse the grower by claiming things that no one else can prove to be correct or wrong…as there are no rules in the seed game since all cannabis is actually not recognized in the official plant world as sub species due to it being drug related. So in actual fact no one owns nothing…even all the trademarked R after the names you see from various seed companies are all bullshit as they are not really able to protect any names as the plants do not officially exist…but that is another story.

In the late 90s I gave plants to Soma, and he began a seed company a year later too…mixing his skunks to my males. This has occurred many times to me just look at the Spanish seed companies and 10 years ago…none existed until I went there in 1995 and gave away 3 kilos of seed to growers via Canamo magazine….but that is another story too.

Now the female seed story saved a lot of seed companies who never really breed seed as you only need a F1 female and chemicals….no need for a male… go figure why companies like the Greenhouse or Dinafem etc…set up selling female seed…..the money the demand and not really needing skill with males are all prerequisites to make a female seed. It is therefore obvious to me why Arjan (who is a very marketing person nothing more) and Franco come out every year with a new name plant…they buy an original F1 seed and donk it with silver nitrates and there you have there products…but now adays there are so many doing it it is incredible. Even companies have called me to tell me they feminised a clone of Critical mass in spain and call it critical plus….but say nothing more than thanks. So actually I really do not care any longer about other companies and what they say. We at MNS sell the real versions that won the original awards and made the legends…nowadays it is all confused and everyone is going feminised…except MNS. We exist so people who like to breed will be able to with the original true breed plants that come from selection and natural collection from traveling around the world. As they say, an empty barrel makes a louder noise…and we are full. "

i have ghs seeds growing right now....
and im happy with them....
they alway win the cup......
but ive heard it many time and agree
that the stuff from cali is way better than any shit in that shitty comp...
if u want the best strains u gotta get the shit form the states...
im starting to reconsider ordering form the european, the uk, and canadain seedbanks ...
and keep it cloney from the dispensaries around here....
You cant get true og, skywalker, nor any great kush product from them....or can u?????
Just a quick follow-up/clarification to what I posted:

i don't care if weed from GHS seeds IS the best in the world (i've never grown them so I wouldn't know) or if they get 100% germination rates when left in toilet water for a week.

The reason I will never buy seeds from this man is that he's a not a breeder but someone who takes other people's F1 females, gets them to produce seeds and then sells the seeds. Without people like shanti who actually breed and create new strains, arjan the dope-dealer would have nothing to rip-off and would quickly go out of business. So no matter how good his seeds are, his way of producing them is a dead-end for cannabis genetics and that's why I will continue to give my money to the real breeders like shanti, subcool et al.

If you think 'hey ghs seeds grow nicely and give me good week, so I don't care about anything else' that's your right and you should do whatever you want. But if you want real breeders creating new strains and moving teh genetics forward, you should be rewarding the people who do this for the love of the herb, not the ones in it for the money or the fame.
its calld business people. arjan was in the right place at the right time and he siezed the moment, now hes in the weed spot light. life is not fair right
change of plan fuk ghs anuva mate of mine got 15 great white shark from green house and only 3 sprouted and one died WTF is going on with them?:cry:

15 fem Great White Shark seeds, 15 sprouted, 15 will be harvested. No herms, huge buds, great smoke.
This is my first time to use GHS seeds and I'm more than pleased. It didn't keep me from ordering LSD for my next batch though.


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The biggest reason why people don't like GHS co. is because they represent corporate marijuana culture. they come off as douche bags. Arjan comes off as self promoting and arrogant. I have no idea if this is the case personally. I've been to Amdam a couple times never seen him at the Greenhouse. Look at their website Arjan claims himself the "King of Cannabis" what the f*ck does Justin Timberlake or Mike Tyson, to name a few, know about weed? Well, Amdam is full of retarded clown douche bags now. It's like they've taken the worst of American pop culture and ran with it. It's bling bling marijuana culture. Bongs now are "name brand" like jeans with logos stretched out the sides that look more like they should be on a crotch rocket. The club music makes me want to barf, it's been like that for a decade now but seems like it's getting worse and worse.

"Strain Hunters" really cracks me up. They ask these guy's how much money they make like he's going to offer them a job! and then it goes on about "globalization" and how they are a different "force" When in reality they are the opitomy of it. They go to lands discover resources and capitalize on them with no benefit to the local population. Don't get me wrong awesome idea but the cheese, stupidity, and arrogance Arjan put's off is douche bagginess level 10!

As far as strains go if you don't need Super Ultra Afghan Kushberry bubbilicous auto flowering #3 go with Royal Queen. Never had a seed that didn't germ.
Just a quick follow-up/clarification to what I posted:

i don't care if weed from GHS seeds IS the best in the world (i've never grown them so I wouldn't know) or if they get 100% germination rates when left in toilet water for a week.

The reason I will never buy seeds from this man is that he's a not a breeder but someone who takes other people's F1 females, gets them to produce seeds and then sells the seeds. Without people like shanti who actually breed and create new strains, arjan the dope-dealer would have nothing to rip-off and would quickly go out of business. So no matter how good his seeds are, his way of producing them is a dead-end for cannabis genetics and that's why I will continue to give my money to the real breeders like shanti, subcool et al.

I'm not saying that Arjan isnt an asshole or whatever everyone say since I don't personally know him, but what about Shantibaba. Shanti and Arjan were partners, Arjan was the sales man and Shanti the breeder, and this was the combination for the Greenhouse Seed Co. Shanti supposedly takes all the shit that they made for the Greenhouse Co. And Arjan is supposed to do what? Go broke, possibly starve,and quit getting seeds to the public? Or get the original strains, or as close to the originals what ever means possible, which in my opinion he has a right to, and make something happen with another breeder. He chose to make something happen. Why would Shanti take all the strains and leave Arjan to rot? Cause hes probably just as bad as Arjan, who is also a sales man and in my opinion has shitty grammar, and sounds very bitter.
With all do respect to Mr. Shantibaba or any seed-breeding purist who claims to be the old-school best, if only they sold their seeds at a more affordable price like Arjan does, then people would be buying from them and not from Arjan. Mr. Nice seeds are so expensive, not everyone can afford them and that includes me.

I just bought a few feminised from Green House seeds, germinated them yesterday and now I hope for the best.

Hope I'll get a good pheno and clone the heck out of it.

I'm growing Mandala next time.
previous to reading through this thread i had pretty well made up my tiny mind to purchase 10 seeds from greenhouse seed co. for 50 quid at a local store ... yep i saw them on the counter. what i liked about them was that they did a stavia/indica mix. two seeds of each of five different varieties for 50 pounds sterling.

having read this thread, considered the possible conditions these seeds have been nurtured under, the lights, the pulsating trance bass beat, being partied on, shagged on and maybe having to appear in a you-tube video being sniffed and fingered. ... all this aside, i think i am going to buy these seeds and trust the fleeting glimpses that ever guide our moments to lead me to pick out the pack i am destined to be with. i may even attempt to grow from bagseed, the scrawniness male with which to cross with the greenhouse ferms ... thus creating whole new strains to start my own bagseed ... erm i mean seedbank company.

seriously, i like the mix, the price and if two out of the ten thrive, for me, it's worth the gamble.
The biggest reason why people don't like GHS co. is because they represent corporate marijuana culture. they come off as douche bags. Arjan comes off as self promoting and arrogant. I have no idea if this is the case personally. I've been to Amdam a couple times never seen him at the Greenhouse. Look at their website Arjan claims himself the "King of Cannabis" what the f*ck does Justin Timberlake or Mike Tyson, to name a few, know about weed? Well, Amdam is full of retarded clown douche bags now. It's like they've taken the worst of American pop culture and ran with it. It's bling bling marijuana culture. Bongs now are "name brand" like jeans with logos stretched out the sides that look more like they should be on a crotch rocket. The club music makes me want to barf, it's been like that for a decade now but seems like it's getting worse and worse.

"Strain Hunters" really cracks me up. They ask these guy's how much money they make like he's going to offer them a job! and then it goes on about "globalization" and how they are a different "force" When in reality they are the opitomy of it. They go to lands discover resources and capitalize on them with no benefit to the local population. Don't get me wrong awesome idea but the cheese, stupidity, and arrogance Arjan put's off is douche bagginess level 10!

As far as strains go if you don't need Super Ultra Afghan Kushberry bubbilicous auto flowering #3 go with Royal Queen. Never had a seed that didn't germ.
Nope the biggest reason ppl dont like ghs is bcos THEY AARE NOT BREEDERS
WTF?! bling bling society? who cares, its the fact that MJ purists know that Shantibaba has the original genetics and is the breeder and MJ enthusiast.

Where is the GHS new releases? they dont have any bcos they have no breeding program.

Why are GHS seeds all femenised? Bcos they have no parents and keep turning there crappy F2's fem.

Original Mr Nice Black Widow is knock off ghs white widow
Origial Mr Nice Medicine Man is knock off ghs white rhino
Original Mr Nice Shark Shock is knock off ghs great white shark
Original Mr Nice Super Silver Hze is knock off ghs ssh
GHS named there plant Trainwreck when it has NOTHING to do with the original clone only TW

The original Father of modern seedbanks and Haze craetor himself Neville Schoenmaker (nevilles haze) is aligned with Mr Nice Seeds and is also a fellow countryman of Shantibabas Australian! (Aussie Aussie Aussie)
So know the facts and make ur own decision.. the original seeds or sketchy knock offs.. they should both grow u plants.
Does anyone really know for a fact how Greenhouse breeds, or is this all speculation? I really doubt anyone here would know..