Limited grow space. help or advice?

I am anticipating my first grow for the new year. I've done lots and lots of research but i want to make sure im prepared berfore i start. My grow space is very limited approximately 3 feet wide by 2 feet and about 6 feet tall. I want to keep it as cheap as possible and invest more in the future. Please any advice, help, or recommendations. My biggest question right now is soil or hydroponics and what seeds/strains to get.


Active Member
well if you want cheap soil and cfl are your best friend. hydro is gonna cost some money and knowledge. if your not on an extreme budget go for a 400 or 600w hps. that space aint exactly small you have 6 sqft of space to work with on the floor there :P for strains thats all up to you and what your lookin for take a look around in the smoke reports.


Active Member
. My grow space is very limited approximately 3 feet wide by 2 feet and about 6 feet tall. I want to keep it as cheap as possible and invest more in the future.
Hi mate,

As said above, you actually have a good sized grow space there! Try CFL's in there, see how it goes?
This is my 'limited grow space' below :-) Just 30" wide by 30" tall by 12" deep !!!! ...... you have a veritable Palace of a grow space by comparison.

If you need any help I'm happy to do my best. You could do DWC in that space, but if its a first grow then I would advise soil until you get a feel for these plants.

Illegal Smile

That's my grow space size and I get 12+ oz dry out of it in simple hydro. The investment for an easy diy done my way with cfls is about $250 not counting seeds and nutes. That is without cutting corners and includes everything. You will hear people say you can do it for much less but then you will find yourself either doing a half-assed grow or being nickle and dimed to death.

It is not hard. My best advice is this: your goal for your first grow is a big fat crop of knowledge. You'll get bud but measure your success in what you learn.


Active Member
That's my grow space size and I get 12+ oz dry out of it in simple hydro.
Holy sh*t Illegal smile ..... 12oz ?!!!!!! That would be over 2 years supply for me these days!

For comparison only yaboy, I yield an average of about 2 to 2.5 OZ's dry every 12 week or so from my little cabinet, still more than I need but nice to have it in reserve :-) I guess the starting point is always going to be "How much do I need to supply myself?"

Good luck with your grow.

Illegal Smile

The point is, that's a pretty big grow space if used well. I grow either 6 plants planning for 2 oz each or 4 larger plants planning for 3 oz each. But I know people growing in that space that get well over a pound out of it and do it 4 times a year. If you do hydro well you can harvest a hell of a lot out of a small space.


Active Member
The point is, that's a pretty big grow space if used well. I grow either 6 plants planning for 2 oz each or 4 larger plants planning for 3 oz each. But I know people growing in that space that get well over a pound out of it and do it 4 times a year. If you do hydro well you can harvest a hell of a lot out of a small space.
Point taken.... BUT many of us will approach this differently, ..... I'll risk getting caught with a couple of OZ's but the consequences here at least of getting caught with a pound of drying/curing bud is VERY different in terms of sentence handed down!

For anybody who is planning a grow, this must also be an important consideration when handing out advice I think.

Grow only what you need is my advice.
Thank you everyone for the advice, like i said im looking to gather as much knowledge as possible. I've i will be using soil this time around, i have heard lots about higher yields and faster growth using hydro systems, but im going to keep it simple. Anything on advantages or disadvantages of using soil over hydro? Thanks again.


Active Member
hydro will give you bigger yields yes but if you have no knowledge on how to use it its prolly not the best idea to start with it. as for soil im told it tastes better then hydro in the end plus its just easier in my opinion to stick some plants in the dirt and water them every few days. compared to maintaining all the stuff that comes along with hydro. but like i said thats my opinion


Well-Known Member
If you go the cfl route I would recommend the 68watt(4200 lumens) or the 68watt(4200 lumens) you dont need a special ballast and you wont see much of a difference on your electric bill and if it get too hot a small fan will usually keep temps down.