For those that hate "Liberals"


Well-Known Member
If we are talking about those in Washington, this is where you and I disagree. The Liberals are just being liberals. Healthcare reform, that isn't a shock coming from liberals. Cap and tax, thats no shock from liberals. Many Washington conservatives on the other hand call themselves conservative while pursuing what at times seemed to be an almost authoritarian agenda. Thats far from conservative. Not to mention they get a pass from their "conservative" pundits. Had the Bush administration done everything it did and the only difference being Bush was a Democrat. It would have been the sky is falling, Bush hates America, blah blah blah for 8 years from the Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity types. Not to mention all the arm chair conservatives like you find on this site. But there was none of that. So where is the loyalty? Is it with conservatism or is it with the Republican party?
Rush and Sean Hannity aren't conservatives. They try to apeal to the conservatives out there, but they are clearly arms of the republican party. I agree 100% that Bush was not a conservative. None of these people have any moral fiber. None of them are really any part of a "movement" or trying even to advanced the agenda of their true core values. The conservatives pander, the liberals pander and it's always for one means, to gain more power. It's a constant power struggle up there in Washington, get behind an issue, run with it hard and try to assert your power as boldly as possible.

"Do whatever it takes to stop terrorists" - Republican bullshit used to blind the people while they grab for more power AND money.

"do whatever it takes to keep people in their homes and keep them employed"
-Democrate bullshit used to blind the people while they grab for more power AND money.

Does it really make any difference what the flavor of the day is? Who is stealing your money and power? It's not liberal or conservatives, it's not republicans or democrats, it's WASHINGTON. It's the 636 fuckwads who don't seem to care for the people.

They don't care that after their actions their approval ratings will plummet, they don't care that the people aren't served and they don't care what damage their policies inflict long term.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that in SD there were more raids in 2009 then all of Bush's 8 years.

Even prior to the October announcement our Attorney General is on the record stating that he informed the DEA to back off...this was many many months ago.

The DEA is going to do what they always do. The CIA, the military...all things will continue like they have. Nothing has changed.
Im only trying to get across one simple point. You seem to want to connect this rise in pot raids in San Diego county directly to Obama and the federal government and it just doesn't exist! It says only 2 people have faced federal prosecution from those raids. The rest are facing prosecution from San Diego county itself and what is obviously a DA with an axe to grind. Neither Obama or any President for that matter can waive a magic wand and have any effect on what the San Diego county DA's office does. I have never thought Obama would be pots knight in shining armor. But the fact that the federal government has announced it will no longer be looking to prosecute MMJ in states where it is legal under state law. Thats way more than Bush ever did for it. As for what your county does, that is up to them.


Well-Known Member
Rush and Sean Hannity aren't conservatives. They try to apeal to the conservatives out there, but they are clearly arms of the republican party. I agree 100% that Bush was not a conservative. None of these people have any moral fiber. None of them are really any part of a "movement" or trying even to advanced the agenda of their true core values. The conservatives pander, the liberals pander and it's always for one means, to gain more power. It's a constant power struggle up there in Washington, get behind an issue, run with it hard and try to assert your power as boldly as possible.

"Do whatever it takes to stop terrorists" - Republican bullshit used to blind the people while they grab for more power AND money.

"do whatever it takes to keep people in their homes and keep them employed"
-Democrate bullshit used to blind the people while they grab for more power AND money.

Does it really make any difference what the flavor of the day is? Who is stealing your money and power? It's not liberal or conservatives, it's not republicans or democrats, it's WASHINGTON. It's the 636 fuckwads who don't seem to care for the people.

They don't care that after their actions their approval ratings will plummet, they don't care that the people aren't served and they don't care what damage their policies inflict long term.

Gotta throw you some rep for that. You and I may disagree on specific issues. but we both agree with what you just said. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Im only trying to get across one simple point. You seem to want to connect this rise in pot raids in San Diego county directly to Obama and the federal government and it just doesn't exist! It says only 2 people have faced federal prosecution from those raids. The rest are facing prosecution from San Diego county itself and what is obviously a DA with an axe to grind. Neither Obama or any President for that matter can waive a magic wand and have any effect on what the San Diego county DA's office does. I have never thought Obama would be pots knight in shining armor. But the fact that the federal government has announced it will no longer be looking to prosecute MMJ in states where it is legal under state law. Thats way more than Bush ever did for it. As for what your county does, that is up to them.

Couldnt have said it better. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Couldnt have said it better. :clap:
I do have to say, as a So Cal resident and with strong connections to SD I of course followed as this case unfolded. I'm glad that Jovan Jackson was acquitted and I'm glad that jury nullification is alive and well in Ca. The people do have a voice and that c**t will never get 12 people to convict on any of those raids. BUT, those raids weren't connected to the federal gov't. The DEA did assist in the raids, but their policy only said they wouldn't continue raids on MMJ patients or dispensaries that FOLLOWED states laws. The guys that they busted weren't following the laws. The laws are clearly spelled out that these dispensaries must operate as not-for-profit organizations and these guys were making lots and lots of profit.

I don't agree with the laws, I don't want to debate whether they should've been raided or not, but making the connection to washington on this one is pretty rough.

And thanks for the rep, I'm always happy when a discussion can stay civil and not be diminished by personal attacks and "name calling". So +rep to you Drag.


Well-Known Member
So i can't help but wonder if you obviously think elected conservatives are generally wrong in their view of marijuana, how you have such a conviction they are right about everything else?
Wow! That, boys and girls, is what we call non-sequiter. Or, the conclusion does not follow from the premise.

Libertarianism is for the most part on the right of the political spectrum. And there are different types of Conservatism. Some are concerned with National defense, others fiscal Conservatism, others with morality and preservation of culture, and others with preservation of the traditional family.

William F Buckley was one of the most well know of all Conservatives and he advocated legalizing drugs or at least pot IIRC.

Unlike Liberals who nearly always march in lockstep and pretty much think what the popular crowd says they should think, most Conservatives actually really think, and form educated opinions.


Well-Known Member
Unlike Liberals who nearly always march in lockstep and pretty much think what the popular crowd says they should think, most Conservatives actually really think, and form educated opinions.
And where did you pull that little ditty from? Saying one group forms educated opinions and the other doesn't is just ridiculous. To suggest such shows nothing more than the esteem you hold for yourself. As if it isn't easy to say the reverse. Its pretty obvious Liberals can't agree on shit. Hell they have a house majority and still can't get anything passed. Sure doesn't look lock step to me. Now conservatives, that to me looks like a herd that sticks together no matter what. I need not look any further than the free pass the right wing media and base gave the previous administration to know that.

I was never big on the "labels" until recently. Im still not really. Conservatives I guess you could say made me a Liberal. Im pro 2nd amendment and against gun control. I think cap and trade is a huge fraud. I actually have a pretty good list of conservative views. But as soon as I dare debate something like healthcare reform and don't tote that conservative line, Im a big Liberal apparently. Even if it was to educate who you think are so educated that there were no "Death Panels". So if that makes me a Lib, I am cool with that. Words don't scare me. :eyesmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
The labels are really just an easy way to place someone in a category and write them off. A lot of conservatives are now calling themselves libertarians,but many are still firmly in line with the ideals of the religious right Republican party as it stands today. I've been called a liberal, and I guess I am,but I don't want the government involved in every aspect of my life,as many of the conservatives on this site say of "liberals". The thing is, if you look way back in our history,the Republican party would have been the one I would have sided with if I had lived back in the days of its creation.(For the most part, anyway.) But both parties have morphed and changed over their lives, and now don't resemble their original incarnations much at all.The Republican party is infected with a poison.It is destroying its credibility,and is alienating potential supporters of that party.It's called the religious right.

For myself, I believe this. No one can tell you what to do with your own body,as long as you are not harming anyone else who is not dependent upon your body for it existence.Now, to clarify, no, I don't believe a mother should smoke crack through her pregnancy,but I do believe that a woman has a right to decide within a reasonable window of time whether she wants to share her body with a fetus and accept the responsibility of caring for its well being.If she decides to keep it, then she accepts that she has decided to share her body for that pregnancy, and must act in the best interests of the baby within her.
Everyone has the right to arm themselves.
The government must operate in the best interests of it citizens,AS IS DETERMINED BY THOSE CITIZENS. In other words, if citizens do not wish to participate in a certain government program,they have the right to do so.But those who have a need of such programs also have the right to make use of them without fear of ridicule.
The rights of the individual are not to be infringed upon.
Separation of church and state, without exception.
No church should be given tax free,free land or property when there are many taxpaying citizens who have fallen on hard times who could make good use of such land.
Elected officials should only be paid for the days when they are present and doing their jobs.Yes, they can have sick leave and vacation days just like any other job,but these must be earned in the same way any other working American earns them.
All campaign contributions by major corporations or special interest groups must go into a pool.All candidates shall equally split the money,and accept any further funding for their campaigns only from private citizens.All donations shall be anonymous, or unknown to the candidate,until after the office term is over.That way everyone is on a level playing field,and no one is being influenced by these groups to act in their interests.

There's more, but you get the basic idea.


Active Member
Wow, a LOT of retardation here. Conservatives think for themselves? LOL

Unless you are voting for a third party then you are not thinking for yourself, you are supporting the Republicans. They have nearly destroyed this country in 8 years.

Conservative and liberal are the stupidest terms any person could use in a political discussion. Neither are true in this country, just spin words. Hollow monikers spouted by fools unable to fathom the depth of the opinions of others.

In almost any other country, they mean FINANCIALLY conservative or liberal. Clearly this is not that case in this country. $500+ billion in wars....? That is liberal spending up the fucking ass.

The prison system and all this law and order bullshit? Costs A LOT of your tax money. That's not conservative either.

The deprivation of rights and the stifling of the constitution seems to be almost entirely on the Republican side...what with the Homeland Security crap and the suppression of gay and abortion rights.

And all the religious bullshit, trying to get prayer in schools and the like, is clearly against the constitution again.

All Republican presidents in the era after Reagan have espoused the infringing of many rights. Shit, it was Nancy Reagan and all that 'just say no' shit that smeared our beloved pot beyond hope for a decade. The last election was a joke. Finally a good Republican candidate and he is paired with what the party thought America wanted in a female candidate, a fluffball.

McCain was sabotaged, maybe he wouldn't play ball with the party's leaders. Anyone who would vote for a party that values image over actual competence is an idiot.

So you can be a conservative of any type, but you are still supporting a party that says they want more rights, fewer taxes, and smaller government, but in practice causes just the opposite. Yes, now the prez will have to raise taxes, to pay off his predecessors debts...And the next Republican candidate will get elected on the premise that Obama taxed you too much! It's a tidy system

So keep on spouting small government, rights blah blah blah. Communism sounded great in theory too didn't it? The facts are; taxes pay for lots of stuff you wouldn't want to do without, guns kill 36,000 people a year here and less than 1% of that in Japan, if we don't take care of the disadvantaged with social programs all society will suffer from the bottom-down, a strong central government is the only logical adaptation to a global world, and the US continues to fall behind other countries due to debt, educational failing, and military adventurism. Wow that was a long sentence. And besides the 2nd amendment, nobody is trying to take your rights but the Republicans and the police!


Well-Known Member
So your argument here is that because the Republican party, while claiming to be fiscally conservative, is ACTUALLY spending liberally people should go ahead and support the ideals and beliefs of the party that claims to be fiscally liberal?

If you think the people in Washington that CLAIM financially responsiblity and conservatism spend a lot of money you ain't seen nothin'.

You think the war in Iraq has been pretty expensive? It's been going on for 6 years at a cost of about 707 billion dollars to date or about 117 billion per year.

Obama in his infinite wisdom...787 Billion for the "Stimilus Package" that was the biggest rip off in the history of man. He proposed the bill, it was voted down. Every senator and congressman got to put his own shit in the bill so of course they all passed it. Don't have to worry about "Earmarks" or deal with getting approval for funding's all in the bullshit "Stimulus Package".

Add in the Auto Industry Bailout and the bank Bailouts and how much has this guy spent in a year? He doesn't even have to pretend he's not going to do it.

We haven't discussed healthcare or what it's going to cost, the fact that the majority of American's are against it and the cost is astronomical and we can still steadfastly say that the conservatives spend less than the liberals.

They are both full of shit, the both want more money and more power, but the liberals definitely do more damage and they do it WAY faster.

I agree with the above statement about needing to remove religion from the right. I don't understand why there is such a connection between religion and conservatism, it's very odd. Religion just needs to go away period as we evolve and our intelligence level rises. I definitely don't think religious people should be able to make key decisions in this country, they've clearly showed an inability to evaluate facts and make decisions.

So when it comes to what "party" do I affiliate with, it's the republicans, but not because it's a good party by any stretch, it's just slower and less damaging. Libs scare the piss outta me. They don't even bother lying or restraining themselves. The gov't fuckin' owns companies now and tells them who their CEO can and can't be. Haha...that's fuckin' fantastic.


Well-Known Member
So your argument here is that because the Republican party, while claiming to be fiscally conservative, is ACTUALLY spending liberally people should go ahead and support the ideals and beliefs of the party that claims to be fiscally liberal?

If you think the people in Washington that CLAIM financially responsiblity and conservatism spend a lot of money you ain't seen nothin'.

You think the war in Iraq has been pretty expensive? It's been going on for 6 years at a cost of about 707 billion dollars to date or about 117 billion per year.

Obama in his infinite wisdom...787 Billion for the "Stimilus Package" that was the biggest rip off in the history of man. He proposed the bill, it was voted down. Every senator and congressman got to put his own shit in the bill so of course they all passed it. Don't have to worry about "Earmarks" or deal with getting approval for funding's all in the bullshit "Stimulus Package".

Add in the Auto Industry Bailout and the bank Bailouts and how much has this guy spent in a year? He doesn't even have to pretend he's not going to do it.

We haven't discussed healthcare or what it's going to cost, the fact that the majority of American's are against it and the cost is astronomical and we can still steadfastly say that the conservatives spend less than the liberals.

They are both full of shit, the both want more money and more power, but the liberals definitely do more damage and they do it WAY faster.

I agree with the above statement about needing to remove religion from the right. I don't understand why there is such a connection between religion and conservatism, it's very odd. Religion just needs to go away period as we evolve and our intelligence level rises. I definitely don't think religious people should be able to make key decisions in this country, they've clearly showed an inability to evaluate facts and make decisions.

So when it comes to what "party" do I affiliate with, it's the republicans, but not because it's a good party by any stretch, it's just slower and less damaging. Libs scare the piss outta me. They don't even bother lying or restraining themselves. The gov't fuckin' owns companies now and tells them who their CEO can and can't be. Haha...that's fuckin' fantastic.
Anything more than two parties leads to some new dickweed getting into office with potentially 33% or 25% of the vote. You think it's tough now with roughly 49% pissed (well more like 60% pissed if you count those indies that voted for Obama) wait till you see someone get elected with 27% of the vote and 63% are hung out to dry.

Then the shit will really hit the fan.


Well-Known Member
haha, believe me, I know why a 3 party system doesn't work. It's definitely a way to make sure the fewest people are satisfied. Hence I side with the lesser devil.


Well-Known Member
haha, believe me, I know why a 3 party system doesn't work. It's definitely a way to make sure the fewest people are satisfied. Hence I side with the lesser devil.

Many think it's the answer. I don't know how many of these people have friends in Brasil or other countries that have sometimes 5 or more parties. Imagine winning with 21% of the vote...HOLY APE SHIT BATMAN :shock: :spew:


Well-Known Member
They hate liberals because they are fucking stupid.."oh you tree hugger" and what the fuck does that means you fucking hate trees and want to cut them all down or something? Why do republicans hate Nature and trees did they get a paper cut wiping there ass with our tax money. fucking motherless cock suckers go suck dadys dick.

They hate the gays and then complain when we say its the same shit they been saying since the slavery days, and voter rights. BTW every fucking race and religion and even fucking monkeys couple and mate for life,THE BIBLE DONT OWN MARRAIGE.Every fucking race, tribe, and religion of man has its form of marriage. The fucking cave man had a form of marriage. So in a country with freedom of religion, marriage has no laws. Plain and fucking simple. Fucking Nazi fucks

Republicans trying to taking over the world with War is not conservative.

Giving huge tax cut to the upper 1% and driving up the debt is not conservative.

Building your own solar panels, or taking care of your yard or the fucking "trees" thats conservative you stupid fucks.

Growing your own medicine and food

So call me a tree hugger and you are calling me a conservative, conservation of the fucking Planet.

And these Motherless cock suckers have the fucking audacity to claim moral fucking high ground....go fucking figure I need a joint