ann coulter debates cheech and chong



you must have not watched the video because no body got pwned

there wasnt even any debate on the topic as they would not let them take it seriously

they kept interrupting them to talk about stuff that didnt matter


Well-Known Member
That was a good video discussing the issue. I dislike Ann Coulter as much as the next lib. But that was not a debate by any means nor did anybody get owned.
you must have not watched the video because no body got pwned

there wasnt even any debate on the topic as they would not let them take it seriously

they kept interrupting them to talk about stuff that didnt matter


wtf are you talking about?! the bitch got owned, even geraldo got in on owning her dumb ass. shit... whos side are you on anyway kid?

jeff f

New Member
What reality you live in? If you used all the money Nixon, Reagan, and the two Bush's used to fight marijuana they probably could have cured cancer.
bush 1-moderate to liberal
bush 2-started conservative then really went left

i'll give you reagan but the rest i wouldnt consider conservatives. also, 1980 was 30 years ago. there was an entirely different politic associated with pot because of the late 60's early 70's. many people falsly blamed societal decay on pot because it was thrown in with coke and herion.

i really think if reagan were alive and saw how many people get caught in the chainsaw, i think he would re-evaluate. i could be wrong, but i dont think so.


Well-Known Member
bush 1-moderate to liberal
bush 2-started conservative then really went left

i'll give you reagan but the rest i wouldnt consider conservatives. also, 1980 was 30 years ago. there was an entirely different politic associated with pot because of the late 60's early 70's. many people falsly blamed societal decay on pot because it was thrown in with coke and herion.

i really think if reagan were alive and saw how many people get caught in the chainsaw, i think he would re-evaluate. i could be wrong, but i dont think so.
I wouldnt consider any of them moderate, but thats just me. Bush 1 spent over $44 billion in 4 years on the war on drugs shifting the efforts from drug kingpins to users, and its why incarcaration rates skyrocketed in this country. Thats liberal?

In the 70's Carter wanted to make marijuana legal and the conservatives had a heyday with it and it never happened. So even back then there were a few politicians with sense but because they saw what happened to Carter it was politcial suicide..... because of conservatives.



wtf are you talking about?! the bitch got owned, even geraldo got in on owning her dumb ass. shit... whos side are you on anyway kid?
kid? lol, your the one who makes multiple accounts so you can agree with yourself so it looks like people agree with you

your not fooling me

you heard me

watch the fucking video, they hardly let them speak about legalizing and why it should be legal,

they keep side tracking them, and throwing them off topic

maybe stick to 1 username this time

jeff f

New Member
I wouldnt consider any of them moderate, but thats just me. Bush 1 spent over $44 billion in 4 years on the war on drugs shifting the efforts from drug kingpins to users, and its why incarcaration rates skyrocketed in this country. Thats liberal?

In the 70's Carter wanted to make marijuana legal and the conservatives had a heyday with it and it never happened. So even back then there were a few politicians with sense but because they saw what happened to Carter it was politcial suicide..... because of conservatives.
i agree with you mostly. but i am refering to todays attitudes. there are a lot more conservatives changing their veiws. i know i have in the last 20 years. like i said, i think it is getting better. not fast enough for my liking but it is getting better.


New Member
I'm a Coulter fan. Why? ... because she has such a talent for ramming a red-hot poker wrapped in barbed wire up liberal assholes, that's why. :lol:

What is not commonly known about Ann Coulter is that she is/was a Dead Head. In college, she traveled the entire country going to Grateful Dead concerts. That should tell you all you need to know about how she stands on pot.


Well-Known Member
I'm a Coulter fan. Why? ... because she has such a talent for ramming a red-hot poker wrapped in barbed wire up liberal assholes, that's why. :lol:

What is not commonly known about Ann Coulter is that she is/was a Dead Head. In college, she traveled the entire country going to Grateful Dead concerts. That should tell you all you need to know about how she stands on pot.
For Ann, it doesn't matter what her own personal feelings are. We all know like everything else any debate of legalizing marijuana will be split mostly down party lines. She is going to carry the GOP position. That will be the position she holds on talk shows and interviews. So its the only one that matters. She did an interview on Opie and Anthony earlier this year where she was asked straight up "Is there anything you disagree with Republicans on and agree with the Democrats". Her response was "No, Nothing" "The only time I ever find myself agreeing with Democrats is when they agree with the Republicans".
I'm a Coulter fan. Why? ... because she has such a talent for ramming a red-hot poker wrapped in barbed wire up liberal assholes, that's why. :lol:

What is not commonly known about Ann Coulter is that she is/was a Dead Head. In college, she traveled the entire country going to Grateful Dead concerts. That should tell you all you need to know about how she stands on pot.

shez a disgrace, da dead doeznt need fanz like her.

did u know coulter waz da inspiration 4 da american beauty radio spot...

ann wasnt schitzophrenic just senile at 23, she had no fun, she didnt nag, only short kinky haired boyz called her, they were ashamed of their bodiez. now id like to tell you coulter heard da dead n left home n joined fanny n now can be seen skinny dippin at da tropicana motor hotel pool in yorktown but ur no fool, youd complain, wed get in trouble n garcia would get busted again, so if u dont have da deadz american beauty album ur missin 40 minutez of pleasure in a world thatz owned by thousandz of little annz.