There is no such thing as a plant "booster" i.e. the often hawked enzyme and vitamin inclusion baloney.
1. Plants make their own enyzmes and vitamins, they don't need your help,
2. One has no way of verifying that their fave product is as represented, and even if it was, because it's marketing gimmicks rather than facts that focus on fulfilling your production dreams, does not mean it's so (that's all this biz is, conmen fulfilling dreams).
If it sounds too good to be true......
The only "boosters" that horticulturists apply is synthetic hormones witness commercial artichoke or table grape growing. The rest is simple - the 16 essential elements for plant growth. Hell, most times you can't get that info with these cannabis specific products mainly due to a lack of strict regulation of this industry. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what that suggests. It means what you see in this biz - these vendors/manufacturers realize who and what they are dealing with - kids/noobs who tend to focus on the inherent communal glamor, mystique and romance, folks who are generally too lazy to learn what makes a plant tick regarding plant nutrition and such. It's really quite simple. "Tell me what I should use."
There are those that also prescribe "beneficial" elements like silicon. Now, I'm not advocating the use of silicon or any other wild ass element for cannabis, so kiddies don't go off on a tangent and Google yourself to death.

If you think you need some barium, then check out your proctologist's barium enema procedure. It just may save your life.