Hunting and Fishing


Well-Known Member
thanx man, we have caught some HUGE fish out of that crick! especially the carp and sheephead. we take off and walk it for half the day and park another car where we get out and drive back. . now thats a good time, with a few spun up for the trip of course!
I do the same thing at a crick back home. I pack up a lunch, twist a couple up, take the flyrod, spinning reel, camera and spend the day trout fishing. I should do that this weekend before deer season starts up.


Well-Known Member
i love finding a nice quiet place with a fishing rod and a bong and just sit ther. it so fuking kewl but i moved away from home so all my propper bong mates like OpenDNS r back at home. but yeah! love fishing and outdoors coz nature gave us weed!!!


Active Member
I do the same thing at a crick back home. I pack up a lunch, twist a couple up, take the flyrod, spinning reel, camera and spend the day trout fishing. I should do that this weekend before deer season starts up.

i have never fished with a flyrod! my buddy had one and we would fuck around and whip some jigs back and forth in the yard, hahaha but thats it! I use a ultra light open face cuz it makes it that much more fun tryin to muscle those big ass fish in!


Well-Known Member
Hutch, I've got family in Ohio, and they all say "crick" too. LOL I think its the funniest damn thing to hear...


Active Member
Hutch, I've got family in Ohio, and they all say "crick" too. LOL I think its the funniest damn thing to hear...
haha hey man its not my fault man thats what they told me it was when i was just a pup! lol i take it yunz say creek instead! my fiance is canadian so she wrecks on aboot everything i say lol!


Well-Known Member
I would rather shoot deer myself than hit them with my car. I had an aunt that would give me shit for hunting. I said "Don't give me lip just because you dont have the guts to kill all the chicken and beef you eat yourself.(She is 5'5 and 380#) Just because you pay someone else to kill your food for you dosen't make you any better than me." She STFU after that.


Well-Known Member
haha hey man its not my fault man thats what they told me it was when i was just a pup! lol i take it yunz say creek instead! my fiance is canadian so she wrecks on aboot everything i say lol!
LMAO. Update on this years deer season.............not a damn thing yet!!!! At least I had a good harvest that timed perfectly with still hunting the woods and not seeing anything but fawns!! I just cant shoot a fawn or a doe with fawns. I let them walk right by me. I have this weekend and I took next week off from work. Keep ya posted.


Well-Known Member
I would rather shoot deer myself than hit them with my car. I had an aunt that would give me shit for hunting. I said "Don't give me lip just because you dont have the guts to kill all the chicken and beef you eat yourself.(She is 5'5 and 380#) Just because you pay someone else to kill your food for you dosen't make you any better than me." She STFU after that.
I agree Early. I think a lot of the misconception on hunters is what we have been force fed through cartoon's and ignorance of the lifestyle. My wife doesn't hunt because she "can see their cute faces" and I respect that totally. It truly does go back to the "hunter's / gatherers" which is something that is part of our personalities. My wife is a perfect example, she may not hunt, but you can bet she is scoping out every sale out there and thinking about bringing things home. Me, I love the outdoors with a passion, and I really don't like buying my meat from the stores anymore unless it's the local butcher shop. It boggles my mind that stores are getting beef pulled off the shelves for ecoli. I am bringing home honest goodness organic food to keep me healthy. I also have a large garden every year for vegetables, and a smaller one to keep me sane with this world.


Active Member
i commercial fish for many years and seen some cool shit. Seen hundreds of porpoises swimming together jumping out of the water. Releasing giant hammerhead sharks from nets and hooks. The scariest shark for sure is a big macko. I want to kill one and save their jaws:twisted:


Active Member
LMAO. Update on this years deer season.............not a damn thing yet!!!! At least I had a good harvest that timed perfectly with still hunting the woods and not seeing anything but fawns!! I just cant shoot a fawn or a doe with fawns. I let them walk right by me. I have this weekend and I took next week off from work. Keep ya posted.

Hey Godspeed any deer yet? I got 2 does this morning! mmmm mmm cant wait to eats those girls! haha everyone i been hunting with has been dropping bucks but me, one was a fuckin monster 13 point! well good luck! I got 1 more tag and 3 days left.....


Well-Known Member
I have passed up alot of little ones so far. I have this coming week off from work so its time to fill the freezer. I cant wait for some tenderloins, fried onions, runny eggs and toast breakfast's!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i kicked up a 12 point outta my field while hunting thursday.. Saw its rack and got real excited and shot too quick. Of course i missed.. I'm still pissed. Got a nice doe tho w/ decent body mass so i'm better now. This year sucked weather was in the 40's they didnt move much had to kick em up while they were bedded down. I would rather post up and wait


Active Member
Yeah we had the same prob with deer not movin, we been drivin all our woods out! Hey pizzzh, I do the same shit dude! haha I get the fever when i see horns and start blastin! Fuck it... Today will be my last day, I got enough meat now I want some damn horns!!!


Well-Known Member
beers are chillin,,firewood loaded,,boat and trailer all checked up,,van has a new hitch,,rods are setup and ready,,and I'm just putting the finishing touches of filtres on about 20 pre-rolled doobs,,heading off to Pidgeon Lake,,only about 2-3 hours north east of where I live,,but excellent muskie,walleye,,pickerel and crappies,,bass will be biting as well,,but not in season,,,3 of us we'll be camping it out on a lil island with just the basics,,no electric,,no cabin,,just tents and a fire,,should be nice and quiet,,as we are leaving tomorrow morning,,staying Tuesday to Saturday,,camera batteries are charging in multiples so I will not miss a moment,,hope to bring ya's some cool pics back,,the 2 dudes I'm going with are long time friends,,like from public school,,so even if we don't catch much(pfffffttt),,I can tell you there will still be some good laffs,,wish me luck:blsmoke:

Keep on Growin
