Long post inc
If you want to think about it, as an atheist, your parents were your creator. Also, every day your body continues to replenish cells, you grow hair, your squamous cells create oils, etc. So kind of like a Buddhist, your body really is your temple. If you nourish your body, you are armed with a healthy immune system, an alert mind, and strong body. However, if you do not take care of your temple, it will slowly crumble, your mind will be weak and you would be more susceptible to disease. You care about yourself, and you should love yourself. Im not talking gushy gushy or figuratively. Im saying how can you love or take care of anyone unless you can take care of yourself? Once you stop, take a look around, and decide where you are going (set goals), you become the master of your future.
Telling fact from fiction in the King James Bible, for instance, is hairy. Why? Because it depends on whether you are reading the Bible or
being read. See, too often people hang on every little word in the bible, not realizing it is an organic translation -- in that it is STILL being added to (or attempting) and changed or new scrolls are found. It has been edited and translated over history since it was created, by many different scribes. If you read the bible in its entirety (I have, I made it a point, and I read it in 3 weeks. I cannot recall everything but I have at least read the entire KJ bible) you will realize that there is indeed stuff missing, stuff that doesnt seem to belong, and contradictions. As a critical thinker, anything that seems bunk ill just dismiss. For instance: circumcision is/was required for Judaism, for religious reasons im sure, but Dont you think it might have something to do with public health? Removing the foreskin was a sanitary issue since people did not bathe often as they should have. (See black plague) The act of not eating swine (cloven hoof) is also probably best explained that if not cooked thoroughly at 160deg, you will get E. coli and die. People in charge knew if ppl ate bad pig they could die, so it was probably written in.
You can say I believe in what the Bible is meant for; a guide to life that will keep you going forward in life, giving you something to believe in DESPITE all the tragedies and horrors in life.
A lot of people have become non-thinking slug brains, sadly. They don't vote, only strive to gain low-wage jobs, offer nothing to the community, and sit on their laissez-faire asses blaming everyone else for their problems. It's ok though, because this was the intent of our beloved PTB; retard our minds with endless entertainment and convenience novelties. So, if you are not a part of that group, continue reading. The bible was written in verses that was easy to understand for readers of that age. The first part of the bible is basically history and chronology. A bunch of old people who nobody knows, but the entire family tree and how things came to be. We find that humans are inherently stupid, God punishes the shit out of them for doing stupid shit and not believing. Then, only when his wrath is made known, do the Jews get back to believing. Of course, being that we are human and prone to err, they got right back to doing stupid shit. So we rinse and repeat this over several hundreds of years, and finally, we get into the latter half of the bible. Jesus comes into the picture, and everyone is like what up brah! Son of God, yah! He does some good things for the people and tells people how to live their lives in peace and for good. He extemporaneously spoke in parables, or stories, so that the really stupid people (they couldnt help it) could understand. (Jesus invented K.I.S.S.

) and then, of course, he had to be mocked, ridiculed, and killed because the non-believers had to PERSECUTE him. Now, it was at this point God was really going to do it in for us, but Jesus was like: Dad, they are stupid. They can't help it, and if youre going to kill everyone for being stupid, then I am going to go FOR the rest of them, if they will believe that I did this FOR THEM. So God was like, thats deep. so be it. And so, since we arent all God's little chosen ones by birth/ancestry (technicality eh?), Christianity (Mainstreamed by Constantine the Great) was the availability of salvation for those who were not Jewish. All you had to do was believe that God's son gave his life for us for our errant ways. (I finish going over the bible because I dont feel like it)
So thats kinda a long synopsis. The bible is a collection of parables, stories, historical "data", letters from prison... all translated over a LOT of years. If you have a critical mind, even if you DO believe in religion, you would not believe
everything that is written, bible or not. ...nor everything you see on TV or hear on the radio.
"...Israel must be wiped off the map." -Ahmedinejad
This CNN translation is bullshit, being that the actual Farsi translation of whatever he said was
"[The] Zionist regime
should be wiped off the map." -note VERB.
We cant even translate news correctly this day and age. It's not common sense but the bible is a guide not a commandment.
Well, going back to the first half of the bible... people are inherently stupid knuckleheads who dont want to follow rules - naturally. We are built that way. God used to interfere, and though we would listen for a few years, we would always go back to our errant ways. Just like a dad having to whoop some ass on a boy for doing stupid shit, he kept having to do it over and over til his son sacrificed himself for us. So, I think that pissed God off a little bit. Would you talk to us? If you were in his shoes? I think he is letting humans fuck over other humans as a lesson learned. Actually, this very well could be the end days. (Of course, the universe is cyclical, with positive and negative influences affecting everything over thousands of years cycles. Hindu, Christianity, Catholicism, Egyptians, Mayan, Incas, and others believed in these cycles. ...and we are reaching the end of a major cycle.) Then again, im not the guy holding the "Jesus is Coming" sign. Im not a stomper, nor am I trying to hammer religion into your throat, just offering a different view. =)