Active Member
I asked this question in the newbie section over an hour ago and i got NO response so maybe ya'll can help me. Ok, my friend left me a 2 gal. clean container filled with 2 gal. of tap water and a half a liter of 3% hydrogen peroxide added. It also has a running bubble stone in it. this is water for plants in soil, not a hydro set up. He asked me to adjust the ph level in the water for him while he went outta town. I CANT GET IT TO FUCKING ADJUST! I bought a new bottle of liquid ph increase and a new bottle of ph decrease. I have been adding 1ml at a time of the ph decrease solution and then let the water circulate from the bubbler for at least two hours, sometimes over night. Then, I check the ph level with the ph test strip and I test it with a test tube sample of the water and add the 3 drops of test soluition ( both are also new ), shake, and watch it change to the same blue color every time! I continuously get a reading around 7.5 or higher. Am I just missing or forgetting some crucial step? I know its gonna be one of those solutions I'm gonna kick myself for not realizing! I need ya'lls help! Thank ya'll in advance and Happy Growing!