Selling Edibles

good weed in my parts will run like $40 an eighth from a homie. i haven't seen or heard of local schwag in years... only seeds i've seen came from my garden, lol.
Heres some Ganja English toffee, tastes just like a weedy skor bar.
Gets me f'ed up, very strong!

I'd say 5 bucks for a portion (about 1.5 oz) is fair to all parties. Not that I sell it... but if I did, thats what it would cost.
Heres some Ganja English toffee, tastes just like a weedy skor bar.
Gets me f'ed up, very strong!

I'd say 5 bucks for a portion (about 1.5 oz) is fair to all parties. Not that I sell it... but if I did, thats what it would cost.
Send me the reciepe will ya. That looks GOOD and I love baked edibles.
I use 14grams of kind (from my personal garden) to one batch of cookies/brownies. We get STONED for 6-8 hrs easy.
I would pay 10-15$ for a edible that could do that.
Prices around here for kind is 50.~8th // 150.~1/2//280-320 oz
Send me the reciepe will ya. That looks GOOD and I love baked edibles.
I use 14grams of kind (from my personal garden) to one batch of cookies/brownies. We get STONED for 6-8 hrs easy.
I would pay 10-15$ for a edible that could do that.
Prices around here for kind is 50.~8th // 150.~1/2//280-320 oz
I posted the recipe in my journal about a month ago. Sorry, normally i'd go out of my way and find it for you, but i'm stoned and lazy.
rep for the idea, i've been too lazy to try it even tho its my favorite candy. weed caramel is good, but its played out now. looking for recipe.... now.
shit you guys's weed is expensive.... here round its 10 a g 25 an 8th 40-45 a quarter 80 1/2 oz 150 for a full oz and depending on your contacts 1300-1500 a pound for outdoor grown and up to 2k for a pound of indoor nugs. but hell im in quebec weed paradise:weed::blsmoke:

but i gotta try that toffee!!! shit looks good

im so baked on hash oil
shit you guys's weed is expensive.... here round its 10 a g 25 an 8th 40-45 a quarter 80 1/2 oz 150 for a full oz and depending on your contacts 1300-1500 a pound for outdoor grown and up to 2k for a pound of indoor nugs. but hell im in quebec weed paradise:weed::blsmoke:

but i gotta try that toffee!!! shit looks good

im so baked on hash oil

hell, california is fucking expensive in general... but as someone who grows and supplies weed, those high prices are AWESOME. also, i really like the vibe of our medical scene, how's the medical mmj programs in Canada?

dude, i woke up baked, i ate a cookie before i crashed last night. great morning buzz
hell, california is fucking expensive in general... but as someone who grows and supplies weed, those high prices are AWESOME. also, i really like the vibe of our medical scene, how's the medical mmj programs in Canada?

dude, i woke up baked, i ate a cookie before i crashed last night. great morning buzz

im not medical and i have to agree that it would kick ass for us growers out here if the prices were that high but anyways every fall people fform the states and other provinces come and pay big bucks for our weed! its just fun when your in between harvest and it doesnt cost you a leg and an arm to smoke a blunt or 5 :P
here in north tx a pound of some cali nugs runs around 5,500-6. thats if they dont know you if you the homie its still gonna cost you like 5,200 everything under that is the industy norm.
damn i didnt realise there was such a market for edibles?! ive never even heard of folks selling brownies in the uk, i love making stuff with cannabutter, i need the cannacaramel recipe if anyone has it handy!!??
damn i didnt realise there was such a market for edibles?! ive never even heard of folks selling brownies in the uk, i love making stuff with cannabutter, i need the cannacaramel recipe if anyone has it handy!!??

edibles are big money near colleges, very easy too.

cannacaramel sauce:

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 6 Tbsp butter
  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream


1 First, before you begin, make sure you have everything ready to go - the cream and the butter next to the pan, ready to put in. Making caramel is a fast process that cannot wait for hunting around for ingredients. If you don't work fast, the sugar will burn. Safety first - make sure there are no children under foot and you may want to wear oven mitts; the caramelized sugar will be much hotter than boiling water.

2 Heat sugar on moderately high heat in a heavy-bottomed 2-quart or 3-quart saucepan. As the sugar begins to melt, stir vigorously with a whisk or wooden spoon. As soon as the sugar comes to a boil, stop stirring. You can swirl the pan a bit if you want, from this point on. Note that this recipe works best if you are using a thick-bottomed pan. If you find that you end up burning some of the sugar before the rest of it is melted, the next time you attempt it, add a half cup of water to the sugar at the beginning of the process, this will help the sugar to cook more evenly, though it will take longer as the water will need to evaporate before the sugar will caramelize.


3 As soon as all of the sugar crystals have melted (the liquid sugar should be dark amber in color), immediately add the butter to the pan. Whisk until the butter has melted.

4 Once the butter has melted, take the pan off the heat. Count to three, then slowly add the cream to the pan and continue to whisk to incorporate. Note than when you add the butter and the cream, the mixture will foam up considerably. This is why you must use a pan that is at least 2-quarts (preferably 3-quarts) big. (Check here for an explanation of why adding the cream makes the mixture bubble up so much.)
5 Whisk until caramel sauce is smooth. Let cool in the pan for a couple minutes, then pour into a glass mason jar and let sit to cool to room temperature. (Remember to use pot holders when handling the jar filled with hot caramel sauce.) Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Warm before serving.
Makes a little over one cup of sauce.
When I sold edibles it was about 5 each even in bulk up to 100 pieces. Each edible being about half a gram of hash oil. I would be using trim generally though.

Ear wax was a second favorite of mine to use because it is so easy to produce. The over all quality of Earwax is lower then honey oil. Honey oil if made properly crystallizes when dry.
cheers phreaky ill be giving it a go maybe this weekend ive got a bag of trim dying to be used up!

s for colleges lol i live near plenty universities etc but thats a fast track to jail in the uk lol
cheers phreaky ill be giving it a go maybe this weekend ive got a bag of trim dying to be used up!

s for colleges lol i live near plenty universities etc but thats a fast track to jail in the uk lol

i agree, but if you offload a large bulk order (50-500 cookies) to two or three 'distributors' (campus dealers), then you're in the clear, esp if you're good friends with them. they'll sell out in a week, no matter the quantity.

I live near the University of Oregon (Go Ducks), I would love to get in there and start selling edibles.

be careful as stated above, but goddam its the easiest income ever. $3 a cookie (in bulk) adds up really fast... if you have unlimited trim you will be rolling in dough... PUN!!!
here in north tx a pound of some cali nugs runs around 5,500-6. thats if they dont know you if you the homie its still gonna cost you like 5,200 everything under that is the industy norm.

Damn man, who wants to convoy to Texas with me?!
lol, last place you'd want to be with several pounds of weed is Texas. they'd prolly shoot you on the spot for it, j/k.
but seriously, i'm never entering a non-medical state with weed, i have a free pass and i want to keep it. 5k for a lb is great, but zero years in prison is way better!