advice on special k


Active Member
A friend of mine did quite a bit over the summer because it made him "not notice the heat"...i'm not saying I approve, but whatever gets you through!


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine did quite a bit over the summer because it made him "not notice the heat"...i'm not saying I approve, but whatever gets you through!
Ketamine is very safe and can tolerant abuse for some time! their are folks out their that use ketamine on a daily basis and have no trouble... but after the 30 day mark I am sure your gonna run into some cognitive troubles. Ketamine is one of the only habitual/addictive psychedelics out there!


Active Member
First order is aaaaall gone another load on the way in, this time with some 73 for company...i only used moneybookers cause they took the card I have, alertpay looks alright...i'd never use western union though, been ripped off with them before!


Well-Known Member
First order is aaaaall gone another load on the way in, this time with some 73 for company...i only used moneybookers cause they took the card I have, alertpay looks alright...i'd never use western union though, been ripped off with them before!
Western Union has no fuckn credibility... they could suck my balls until they blue :lol:

You mean you're all done with your 018? No way their is so many doses in one single gram!

How was the experience, did it live up to a true cannabis high?


Active Member
I only got 100mg for my first lot of 018 (just incase it never came through) so was enough for a solid week's research!

I'd say it's similar to a true cannabis high (i actually prefer it i think), but it has an extra bit of hallucinogenic kick to if you added a bit of salvia to a bowl...but that might've just been due to the dose size, can't be sure!


Well-Known Member
I only got 100mg for my first lot of 018 (just incase it never came through) so was enough for a solid week's research!

I'd say it's similar to a true cannabis high (i actually prefer it i think), but it has an extra bit of hallucinogenic kick to if you added a bit of salvia to a bowl...but that might've just been due to the dose size, can't be sure!
You're saying that you prefer it over mary jane?

How long did the high last?

How did you measure it out?

So you bought it in a 100mg increment dose.... good choice for a first time buy ;)

I would rather invest my dough on the 073 variety... was the taste of the smoke harsh?


Active Member
Given the choice between the 2, i'd take the jwh...but i'd rather have both! (or jwh laced that'd be a whole new story!)

The peak lasts about an hour, then you have roughly 2 hours of buzz...for a grand total of 3hrs!

I bought and used a 0.001g scale, it's a bit dodgey (i can't be exactly sure how much I had, but i figure +/- 0.002g)

I vaporised it and could barely taste anything, but my vap is a bit rubbish (light bulb vap) and I'd used it for herb in the past so it was a bit hit/miss trying to smoke the damn stuff! Got me a proper pipe on the way though in prep for my next batch!


Well-Known Member
Given the choice between the 2, i'd take the jwh...but i'd rather have both! (or jwh laced that'd be a whole new story!)

The peak lasts about an hour, then you have roughly 2 hours of buzz...for a grand total of 3hrs!

I bought and used a 0.001g scale, it's a bit dodgey (i can't be exactly sure how much I had, but i figure +/- 0.002g)

I vaporised it and could barely taste anything, but my vap is a bit rubbish (light bulb vap) and I'd used it for herb in the past so it was a bit hit/miss trying to smoke the damn stuff! Got me a proper pipe on the way though in prep for my next batch!
Nice, the high seems a big longer then regular cannabis...

Why do you prefer JWH over cannabis?
Ketamine is great. Its my favorite recreational drug. I would do it everyday if I had a steady connect. Too bad prices have gone out the roof and supplies are low.


Well-Known Member
how much do you pay for your k? round here it goes for £15 a gram
Its about that price here in the USA!

25-30 bucks is the norm... anything else is strident inflation of the product!

Ketamine is probably one of the most recreational/addicting dissociative psychedelic out their!

Has anyone took the liberty of shooting it up?