Male/female flower identification

Hi everyone, i'm very new to this site and new to growing and love to learn along the way and i have some questions. I have a strain called K2 that is growing and have done alot of research before growing took place and using a aeroponic/bubbleponic system with foxfarm nutes. One of my questions is on one of the plants there is 1 teardrop looking pod on each side of the nodes about 5 nodes up from the bottom, so what im am wondering is are these female flowers or male flowers. Everywhere else i have read the male flowers are a bunch of balls that look like "grapes", but what i have is only one on each side instead of "grapes". So i was wondering if anyone could tell me what they are? I will post pictures as soon as i get my camera back which should be tonight, the plants have been in flowering for about 5 weeks now and have pistils all over them so as far as i can tell they are female but the 2 teardrop balls are what worries me so im hoping they are just calyxes



Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, i'm very new to this site and new to growing and love to learn along the way and i have some questions. I have a strain called K2 that is growing and have done alot of research before growing took place and using a aeroponic/bubbleponic system with foxfarm nutes. One of my questions is on one of the plants there is 1 teardrop looking pod on each side of the nodes about 5 nodes up from the bottom, so what im am wondering is are these female flowers or male flowers. Everywhere else i have read the male flowers are a bunch of balls that look like "grapes", but what i have is only one on each side instead of "grapes". So i was wondering if anyone could tell me what they are? I will post pictures as soon as i get my camera back which should be tonight,

If it doesnt have two white hairs it is a male.


bud bootlegger
i think what you are referring to is a petiole, and not a sign of preflower at all.. but without a pix i am only guessing.. how old are the plants? preflowers usually don't show for atleast about 5 weeks or so i would say, strain dependent... post up a pix once you get your camera back and we can end all of the speculation..
nice job on doing all of the homework before starting to grow, it makes it a lot easier this way.
I know about the white hairs but does the female produce a "ball" that will eventually sprout hairs cause everywhere i looked they say males produce clusters of balls and on mine there is only one teardrop style ball on each side. I took off 2 of the balls thinking it is a hermie but than i decided to do even more research. And what does an actual female flower look like cause everywhere i look it says the same thing that it's a pitcher and i can't find a picture of a female flower that hasn't opened yet just to see what it looks like. Thanks for the help to the people that replied like i said im new to growing and would love some information
Another question on when to harvest. They say you should harvest when a certain percentage of the hairs go brown, now does that mean the percentage of the hairs all over the whole plant or just in one spot? Thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
Another question on when to harvest. They say you should harvest when a certain percentage of the hairs go brown, now does that mean the percentage of the hairs all over the whole plant or just in one spot? Thanks for your help
All over. Or you can selectively harvest, most feel it isn't worth the time though. For more accuracy get a 30x scope and look at trichomes. Clear = no thc, cloudy = peak thc, amber = CBN. Most like to harvest 50% cloudy/50% amber... good luck
Hi everyone, thanks for all the help so far i found that female flowers are more like a oval ball but has a spout type piece on it where the hairs come out and male balls are enclosed no matter if there oval or round. Does anyone know what kind of smoke the K2 plant gives or if anyone knows anymore about this strain, I looked all over the internet and all the sites just give a short paragraph about it. I ordered one of those 420 scopes yesterday so i could see the trichomes as many people have suggested. And also im looking for more of a energetic and social high and i have read that you should harvest early, so does that mean harvest when the most of the trichomes are cloudy. Thanks for all your help you've given me i really appriciate it
Oh and also the "frost" on the leaves, are these trichomes? And if so is it worth it to collect the "frosty" leaves and make hash? And how would you go about doing this, is there a technique or would you just scrape them off?
