tga subcool seeds


Active Member
seems like you are both wasting time and energy. i do have to say, i dont get whats funny about being canadian and im american. Trailer park boys for life!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

"now thats a very interesting post there hobbes where did this come from? im surprised i havent heard of it. but then again im not really into breeding."

Don someone else posted it here a while back, I always thought it was kind of wacky. Not something I'd go by, I doubt it's much better than random selection.

What strain is in your pictures? Were they grown the same method - topped? What are the major differences you notice - is one naturally bushier? The color looks different, or is that the light? Any difference in smell or bud density/structure?

its TGA Querkle topped about 3 weeks vegged 7 grown in same coco nutes the lot one pheno is more trainwreck. yeah the thinner one has started to purple up at the tips of the buds but no where near the purple i was expecting. i just gave them a small dose of gravity to help them along.

they are at 8 weeks which should be them finishing soon but the trainwreck pheno is easy going another week maybe more. their both lassoed round to keep them upright.

bud smells similar but the non wreck pheno has the fruitier smell both smell like grapey berries. should be killer. buds are completely different structure.

one more for shits n giggles


Well-Known Member

"seems like you are both wasting time and energy."

I agree, but we Canadian Americans are much more aggressive than you US Americans. We have this self defense philosophy that limits the violence on our streets and made us feared around the world, that if someone attacks you then you can use necessary force to defend yourself. We've never developed that "turn the other cheek" philosophy that your country is so famous for, I've always felt that it helps develop lunch for those animals who don't.


"i do have to say, i dont get whats funny about being canadian and im american."

Nordowell you must have seen how deeply the insult cut me, I was hours pulling myself from the funk. I'm Canadian, I never really thought about it that way before. Sob.


"Trailer park boys for life!"

I agree. I would love to see an hour of "My Name Is Earl moves to Sunnyvale!"




Well-Known Member

"ts TGA Querkle topped about 3 weeks vegged 7"

It's nice that they finish on time - 8 weeks flower, nice. When I first read your post I thought "Damn! 3 weeks of flower and they look like THAT!?" I was about to go to my grow room and germ my Querkel seeds even though I have no room in my garden.

Beautiful ladies.


"coco nutes"

Do you grow in coco as well? I've tried it a couple of times but never had good results with it, different skills needed that I haven't developed.


"the thinner one has started to purple up at the tips of the buds but no where near the purple i was expecting."

None of them are very purple or just that one? I've never been too worried about color but it is plesant. I have Purple Maxx and Overdrive, I've found that double or trippling the dose of Overdrive in the last 2 weeks turns most plants purplish. I find the Purple Maxx very hard on the plant, stressfull. I've stopped using it. I've got a bubblegum that's turning some nice colors, some purple in there. No additives yet.

"i just gave them a small dose of gravity to help them along.'

How are you finding the results with Gravity? I've only used it once but had no side by side clone to compare the results with.



Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

"ts TGA Querkle topped about 3 weeks vegged 7"

It's nice that they finish on time - 8 weeks flower, nice. When I first read your post I thought "Damn! 3 weeks of flower and they look like THAT!?" I was about to go to my grow room and germ my Querkel seeds even though I have no room in my garden.

Beautiful ladies.. hahah i wish that was the case man

"coco nutes"

Do you grow in coco as well? I've tried it a couple of times but never had good results with it, different skills needed that I haven't developed.

canna coco & some perlite mixed maybe like 15% and the canna nute range. not really much different otherwise to soil growin

"the thinner one has started to purple up at the tips of the buds but no where near the purple i was expecting."

None of them are very purple or just that one? I've never been too worried about color but it is plesant. I have Purple Maxx and Overdrive, I've found that double or trippling the dose of Overdrive in the last 2 weeks turns most plants purplish. I find the Purple Maxx very hard on the plant, stressfull. I've stopped using it. I've got a bubblegum that's turning some nice colors, some purple in there. No additives yet.
well i only have the two and some newly flipped babies, of the two large ones one is showing just the tips of the buds purpling and the other has totally different hair colour bud shape and apart from the taste they would be completely different plants.

i used overdrive when i was doing soil and its a surefire product. im just beginning to rock the purple maxx and gravity asnd to be honest the purple max did burn my babes bu i did overdo the dose, not by much i must say. i used pk13/14 aswell but the buds are rock solid dense.

"i just gave them a small dose of gravity to help them along.'

How are you finding the results with Gravity? I've only used it once but had no side by side clone to compare the results with.

the gravity does exactly what it says on the tin. it finished my girls in like a couple of days. if you use it earlier than you should you'll lose out on yield. its kind of a fake finish tho. plasnts hairs will all have turned and the buds will look darker but the trichs will tell you the truth.


:eyesmoke:Don G&T


Well-Known Member
tga are not stable genetics,they are makeing seeds from clone onlies and will get all types of stretching and phenoes of differant types,which so many people love or they wouldnt bye them,that is what you should expect from this type of seed making.


Well-Known Member
seems like you are both wasting time and energy. i do have to say, i dont get whats funny about being canadian and im american. Trailer park boys for life!
not that ,i said that because of the anti-american sentimism that goes around canada.not all jus some real dumbasses like yours truly.didnt yu see that "king of the hill" episode recently doing a series addressing the issue,lolol.


Well-Known Member

Smoken I topped the 3 plants from seed (still in veg) and have had the toppings rooted and in flower for about 3 weeks. There's nothing much to look at now so I haven't been taking any pictures but I've got a beautiful Bubblegum about 2 weeks from harvest and I'll post some pics of Jillybean and my Troll Garden with the Bubblegum. The buds are huge already and starting to swell (Bubblegum), the pink bubblegum and icing sugar scent is starting to develop.




Well-Known Member
tga are not stable genetics,they are makeing seeds from clone onlies and will get all types of stretching and phenoes of differant types,which so many people love or they wouldnt bye them,that is what you should expect from this type of seed making.
lawl bring your troll propaganda somewhere else, cause no one's believing it. :finger: :lol: Just cause they are from clone only strains, doesn't make the genetics unstable. TGA spends just about over a year to perfect each strain, back crossing and back crossing until he sees fit, making sure he's selected the best consistency for potency, yield and short flowering time.

Sure they can have a bunch of phenos, but that's just the result of combining the 2 or more strains to = TGA's gear. Some of his stuff has strains that are known to have a half dozen phenos.

Pretty much everyone I've spoke to, personally and through RIU have all said TGA's Gear is top notch, at least 60% females and ALWAYS has a couple top shelf keepers for mommies in a 10 pack.

Honestly, just bashing a company cause A) you've never grown it or B) you personally prefer another company doesn't mean shit when hundreds of people have proved otherwise and grown fantastic shit. :leaf:


Well-Known Member

Sensi Seeds - Jack Herer

"... Three of Jack’s four main phenotypes are heavily Sativa-influenced while the fourth has a growth pattern leaning towards Indica - fast-flowering and relatively compact with a dense, expansive, rounded bud structure that’s suited to cash-cropping. ... Enhanced features from both sides of the family are strongly evident and are expressed in different combinations, allowing growers to select mother plants tailored to their circumstances and tastes. "

Even the best have some variation, it may just take some time to get the mother we want. I'm more concerned with sexual stability.




Well-Known Member
lawl bring your troll propaganda somewhere else, cause no one's believing it. :finger: :lol: Just cause they are from clone only strains, doesn't make the genetics unstable. TGA spends just about over a year to perfect each strain, back crossing and back crossing until he sees fit, making sure he's selected the best consistency for potency, yield and short flowering time.

Sure they can have a bunch of phenos, but that's just the result of combining the 2 or more strains to = TGA's gear. Some of his stuff has strains that are known to have a half dozen phenos.

Pretty much everyone I've spoke to, personally and through RIU have all said TGA's Gear is top notch, at least 60% females and ALWAYS has a couple top shelf keepers for mommies in a 10 pack.

Honestly, just bashing a company cause A) you've never grown it or B) you personally prefer another company doesn't mean shit when hundreds of people have proved otherwise and grown fantastic shit. :leaf:
hey tga is as good as any other seed maker,never said he wasn't,if you cant put pollen on a clone then i cant help ya their.but i don't call it breeding my friend,but we all see it differently.


Well-Known Member
w1chedcowda quote:Pretty much everyone I've spoke to, personally and through RIU have all said TGA's Gear is top notch, at least 60% females and ALWAYS has a couple top shelf keepers for mommies in a 10 pack.w1chedchowda what is the technique used to get a 60% or higher female ratio.i thought that was just random of genetics,but if your saying tga gets 60%or higher of female ratio please provide me the scientific research that can guarantee such male to female ratios.i would truly like this to be true as long as were not genetically messing with genes.


Well-Known Member
w1chedcowda quote:Pretty much everyone I've spoke to, personally and through RIU have all said TGA's Gear is top notch, at least 60% females and ALWAYS has a couple top shelf keepers for mommies in a 10 pack.w1chedchowda what is the technique used to get a 60% or higher female ratio.i thought that was just random of genetics,but if your saying tga gets 60%or higher of female ratio please provide me the scientific research that can guarantee such male to female ratios.i would truly like this to be true as long as were not genetically messing with genes.
to be honest it's just collective information I've gathered from researching people's grows.

almost always I see people getting at least 6/10 female ratio, I don't know what causes that, but it just seems that way.

I've even seen people with 8/10 - 9/10! :-o

I can gather some posts from threads, but honestly, just checkout any grow on riu or icmag for TGA and almost always you'll find people with positive results during germination and female over male ratio.


Well-Known Member
i will add this,i have never grown or known any one to have grown tga stuff,but i can say that when tga tells you that everything JC touches becomes better,he is spot on.


Well-Known Member
i will add this,i have never grown or known any one to have grown tga stuff,but i can say that when tga tells you that everything JC touches becomes better,he is spot on.
You are right my friend.

Sorry for snappin at ya earlier :confused: I just hate bashers on these sites trolling against dedicated and respectable breeders. I see you're not in this category, so my bad mang.

I do think Jack's Cleaner will be one of my next strains to try, after Ice Cream from Paradise Seeds. Both I've heard amazing things about. :joint: