Boiling water removed resin from glass?


Well-Known Member
no water. just alcohol and salt.

i put mine in a plastic baggy then add alcohol and salt. then close and shake until clean. if it's really heavy i scrape the goo out first then let it soak overnight in the baggy.


Active Member
no water. just alcohol and salt.

i put mine in a plastic baggy then add alcohol and salt. then close and shake until clean. if it's really heavy i scrape the goo out first then let it soak overnight in the baggy.
alright that sounds simple enough but as for the bong its 3feet tall and has 3 percolators and very dirty.... it was given to me from a friend who never cleaned it in yrs or some shit. the bong tastes disgusting weed isnt even worth smoking in it. So just get alot of rubbing alcohol and fill it up? or any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
alright that sounds simple enough but as for the bong its 3feet tall and has 3 percolators and very dirty.... it was given to me from a friend who never cleaned it in yrs or some shit. the bong tastes disgusting weed isnt even worth smoking in it. So just get alot of rubbing alcohol and fill it up? or any other ideas?

bongs are a bitch. i add a bunch of alcohol and salt. cover the end with my palm and start shaking.


Well-Known Member
Take out all the slides and whatnot, duct tape over it, and the carb if there is one. Put your hand over the mouthpiece, and make sure every perc has some salt and alcohol in it. Shake it up and down.

Don't put it in boiling water. If you do that wrong it will crack.


bud bootlegger
i also use fdd'ed method for cleaning.. and with that bong.. just find something to plug up the carbs with and any other holes that the alcohol may leak from.. with one that big your best bet me be sitting it in the tub or a big laundry sink or something along those lines... fill it with as much alcohol as you can and just let it soak overnite or however long... after it soaks for awhile, do the shake that fdd'ed said.. the resin should just come running out... if it is too big to clean all at once, try to break the process down to a few steps, like get one area clean first, then move onto another area and so forth.. it may take a few days to get her all clean, but your taste glands will love you for it..


Well-Known Member
you guys just reminded me to clean out this nasty ass piece. only took about ten fifteen minutes of shaking in a bag to get the burnt nasty crusty stuff from the cone inside of the bowl. i dont think that glass hasw seen daylight in years and now its as clean as the day i bought it. not a spec of resin.


Active Member
so i cleaned the ashcatcher slide etc came out looking brand spanking new thanks guys. Ya for the bong i probably wont shake it or anything just let it sit... the top percolator broke off and it just dangles inside the bong and cant come out b/c the ice catcher so shaking might just break glass all over the place.