• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

democratic healthcare swindle


New Member
I guess I missed the geography lesson where they told us about all the countries that don't live by social factions.

Factions start on the playground, even before that perhaps. It's called life and in the USA, it becomes political discourse, as opposed to running over kids we don't agree with politically via TANKS.

There is a difference in the USA .. a good difference.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I guess I missed the geography lesson where they told us about all the countries that don't live by social factions.

Factions start on the playground, even before that perhaps. It's called life and in the USA, it becomes political discourse, as opposed to running over kids we don't agree with politically via TANKS.

There is a difference in the USA .. a good difference.

You seem old enough to remember Kent State. They didn't use tanks but they did shoot 4 students protesting didn't they?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
All you do is say the same thing over and over and over and over and over - yes I do mean Ron Paul would "respect" the sovereignty of thugocracies like Saddams Iraq, and the Taliban's Afghanistan and that would be disastrous. I would actually rather have Obama in office than Ron Paul. But it isn't worth discussing and you can go ahead and have the last word - Ron Paul is nothing and never will be anything more.
I do tend to rail on about freedom don't I? Respecting other people rather than telling them how they must live, even when I disagree with them, is what I believe in.

I do agree with you on this... there isn't much difference between Bush and Obama now is there? Both believe
they can use government force to run your life better than you can.


New Member
So everything from Kent State on is tainted? Check ur history books ... using that logic, no one should be living in the USA at all.

Kent State has been addressed FULLY. How about in China? Wanna even go over there and type ur opinions?


Ur living in the greatest nation on earth. Once outside the USA borders, it's very very obvious, unless you only hang out in the tourist areas of other places, which give a false impression of what's really going on there.
For a very long time the conservative movement has attempted, and in many respects succeeded, to paint liberals as communists. But if you take a closer look at conservatism you will find that it resembles communism much more closely than liberalism does.

The Soviet Union and Communist China placed almost no restrictions on business and industry because the very people who ran those businesses were the very people who ran the Government. There were no rules or regulations to force companies to pay a fair wage to their employees, none to stop industry from dumping toxic waste anywhere it desired, none to assure the products were safe for the public to use, none to make work places safe for the workers. Deregulation has been the battle cry of the conservative movement from day one and each year that the conservatives are in charge more and more of our regulatory agencies put in place by liberals are defunded and disbanded. Our conservative politicians are so tightly linked to big business that it has become harder and harder to tell one from the other.

Conservatives, just like the Communists they pretend to hate, want to force the entire country to believe in the same thing, Christianity for the Conservatives and Atheism for the Communists whereas the Liberals are happy to allow each and every person to believe in whatever they desire.

Whereas the Communists gave business and industry free reign to use employees as slave labor and pollute the environment, their subjects were a completely different matter. The governments of the Soviet Union and Communist China micromanaged their peoples lives, spying on their every move, telling them what they could read, listen to, watch, and say. Conservatives could care less about what business and industry do but love to pry into peoples private lives, they like to ban books from our libraries, censor our movies and TV programs and consolidate our media outlets so only their side of the story can be told. Liberals, on the other hand, could care less what people do in the privacy of their own home but want to keep big business from polluting and taking advantage of their workers.

One ploy Stalin used to take control after the revolution was to fill the Government with people who were strict party supporters but had little if any knowledge of the Government job they were assigned to do. This very ploy has been used by the Bush administration, he filled most of his appointed positions with unqualified wingnuts from Pat Robertson’s Regent University. He even created new positions to fill with Christian movement types where they oversee the Parks Department, the Surgeon General and many others.

When Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist claimed there was a communist behind every tree I truly think there was a mirror behind every tree and they were simply seeing themselves.
Patriotism: Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one's country; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve one's country; Concern for the common good of one's political system.

I hear a lot of conservatives brag about how patriotic they are, they have handles like “Real American”, they plaster their trucks with every flag decal they can find, have their made in china flags flying from their front porch year around, scream “USA, USA” at nearly every sporting event and war and tell anyone who isn’t just like them that they “hate America” but that’s about as far as their devotion to country goes. Their patriotism has limits and conditions attached to it, they only love the President when it’s one of theirs and then he can do no wrong. They praise democracy and claim they want to spread it around the world but threaten to circumvent our democracy and political process when they get voted out of office. They say this president will take away their rights and freedoms while at the same time plotting to take away the rights and freedoms of others the instant they get in power.

Senators like Jim DeMint came right out and said they were conspiring to destroy a United States President, which is treason no mater how you slice it. They hate paying taxes or doing anything else for the common good of the country they only care about themselves.

Senator Kyle wants to make sure his and Fox’s right to lie is protected under Freedom of Speech (yes that is what he said on national TV when asked about a lie he was caught in about health care) yet when they are in power they want liberals arrested for telling the truth, I have heard Hannity and Oriely say numerous times that “all those liberal journalists should be rounded up and thrown in prison” when journalists exposed the lies told by the Bush administration that lead to the Iraq war. But of course the Fox bunch is acting like the victims now aren’t they.

It seems to be the same thing with civil liberties, you scream about your liberties all day long yet you hate the organization that was founded to protect those civil liberties, They American Civil Liberties Union, oh that is until you feel yours have been violated then they are the first people you call, RUSH I’m speaking to you!!! And they hate civil liberties anyway, they love being able to spy on other Americans to see if they are “American” enough. They love telling you who you can marry, who you can sleep with, what you can smoke, which books you can read (banning them from libraries and in some cases burning them when they don’t fit their twisted version of reality). Not one of them said a word when Bush shoved the Patriot Act down our throat over night without letting anyone read it first. That was the largest expansion of the federal government since the New Deal and not since the internment camps of WWII had we seen such a loss of civil liberties. Because that’s all conservatives are about is the WORD “patriotism” they know nothing of it’s true meaning, it’s all for show with them.

This whole states rights thing is hilarious, as with everything else they only want the states to have the rights when it comes to things they want, gun laws and abortion laws but when a state like California tries to pass medical marijuana or gay marriage they want the feds to step in and make laws banning them.

So they hate democracy, they hate the Government, they hate the other political parties, they hate the ethnic minorities, they hate blue states, they hate states rights, they hate Native Americans, they hate our neighbors to the North and South, they hate civil liberties, they want multinational corporations run by foreigners to have the same rights as you and I. So just what is it they “love” about this country so much if they hate everything about America? Maybe what they love is that our country allows them to be greedy and selfish because everything they want revolves around THEM and no one else. It’s “I have mine and screw everyone else”. Maybe what they love is how they have perverted our political system with money to the point our founding fathers wouldn’t even recognize it, making it easy for them to manipulate. This isn’t a Democracy anymore, when money became included in freedom of speech that allowed one man or a small group of men to literally buy politicians and the debate rages in the Supreme Court as we speak over Corporate Personhood, with the conservatives standing on the side of Multinational Corporations where they always are and they Liberals on the side of the American people.

When I say I love this country I mean I love what our founding fathers intended it to be not what the Conservatives have tried to turn it into with their greed and bigotry. When I pay my taxes I want them to help the nation out as a whole and I am smart enough to understand that includes me. I love this country because we have a political system that won’t allow groups like the Conservative movement to take complete control, and they hate that with a passion. What they want has nothing to do with a democracy, what they want resembles some sort of corporate theocracy where they don’t have to have a competing ideology to run against, where we will all be back working for the company store and living in the company house and praying at the company church. They don’t want capitalism either, capitalism is fair competition and fair competition without them being able to buy politicians off all these years would have put many of their monopolies like energy and insurance at risk of being cut down to size.

The only thing I can see I don’t like about this country is Conservatives, they are the problem. They hate all of our news but fox, they hate our neighbors Canada and Mexico, they hate over half the population, they hate our government, they hate our secularism, they hate our State parks, they hate the environment, they hate the redwoods, they hate liberals, they hate libertarians, they hate blacks, they hates Mexicans, they hate Native Americans, they hate American workers, they hate Unions which were uniquely American, they hate EVERYTHING about this country except telling us how much they love this country. The conservative movement is a cancer and if we allow it to spread it will kill the host. They are only about greed and propaganda, they have no substance and no solutions, the conservative leadership would sell this country out to the highest bidder in a second and leave their clueless followers as slaves for the new owners.


Active Member
Well put, Dark.

We all know reality has an anti-conservative bias. So instead we have fox news and talk radio where these people can live out their conspiracy fantasies.

"help, the government, the media, academia and basic logic are all conspiring against us!!! we need to take our country back. They took yer job! Durpa-a-dur!!"


New Member
Don't let facts get in ur way.

You folks must not be paying attention much. keep on keeping on ... it will make it that much easier.

Illegal Smile

I'm still reeling over the notion that "reality" has a political bias. I guess what reality is depends on what "is" is.
I hear a lot of conservatives brag about how patriotic they are, they have handles like “Real American”, they plaster their trucks with every flag decal they can find, have their made in china flags flying from their front porch year around, scream “USA, USA” at nearly every sporting event and war and tell anyone who isn’t just like them that they “hate America” but that’s about as far as their devotion to country goes. Their patriotism has limits and conditions attached to it, they only love the President when it’s one of theirs and then he can do no wrong. They praise democracy and claim they want to spread it around the world but threaten to circumvent our democracy and political process when they get voted out of office. They say this president will take away their rights and freedoms while at the same time plotting to take away the rights and freedoms of others the instant they get in power.
lmao so true n that reminds me of this old john prine song and also of the flag waving clueless conservative who posts here uses the handle illegal smile. wtf is that shit. a war mongering bigot using a title of a john prine song as his handle.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So everything from Kent State on is tainted? Check ur history books ... using that logic, no one should be living in the USA at all.

Kent State has been addressed FULLY. How about in China? Wanna even go over there and type ur opinions?


Ur living in the greatest nation on earth. Once outside the USA borders, it's very very obvious, unless you only hang out in the tourist areas of other places, which give a false impression of what's really going on there.
Actually from the Whiskey Rebellion on...lol
I do know a bit of history, but thanks for the suggestion.

The fact that other countries are horrible and "less free" does not mean this country is all about freedom. Things are not that black and white. My point about Kent State is that the government here has a history of atrocities too, albeit a good deal of them committed against people of color. Yes, other governments have been worse, but...

Failing to look in the mirror and correct and admonish past atrocities and giving blanket support to ANY gvernment will not lead to more freedom, it will lead to less. That is my point. I submit the Patriotic act as an example.

Illegal Smile

Actually from the Whiskey Rebellion on...lol
I do know a bit of history, but thanks for the suggestion.

The fact that other countries are horrible and "less free" does not mean this country is all about freedom. Things are not that black and white. My point about Kent State is that the government here has a history of atrocities too, albeit a good deal of them committed against people of color. Yes, other governments have been worse, but...

Failing to look in the mirror and correct and admonish past atrocities and giving blanket support to ANY gvernment will not lead to more freedom, it will lead to less. That is my point. I submit the Patriotic act as an example.
Whiskey Rebellion, lol. Right, that's when things started going downhill.


New Member
Actually from the Whiskey Rebellion on...lol
I do know a bit of history, but thanks for the suggestion.

The fact that other countries are horrible and "less free" does not mean this country is all about freedom. Things are not that black and white. My point about Kent State is that the government here has a history of atrocities too, albeit a good deal of them committed against people of color. Yes, other governments have been worse, but...

Failing to look in the mirror and correct and admonish past atrocities and giving blanket support to ANY gvernment will not lead to more freedom, it will lead to less. That is my point. I submit the Patriotic act as an example.

No one has ever said this country is perfect. it is however the best there is. wanna be like Europe, and ALL that that entails? Not me, I'd rather visit.

Oh, and go experience it while you can. It's disappearing through population implosion and immigration. The apathy of socialism is taking its toll in Europe.

No, we don't need a make over, we need a capitalist tune up. It doesn't mean calling out a union mechanic to take a 25 minute break and then pick up the largest wrench he has and throw it at the economic machinery.

There are adjustments needed, always, but the idea is sound and better than the rest.

Wanna get to that mountain top? You'll need a capitalist engine to get you there. That is if you want to be free as well.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
No one has ever said this country is perfect. it is however the best there is. wanna be like Europe, and ALL that that entails? Not me, I'd rather visit.

Oh, and go experience it while you can. It's disappearing through population implosion and immigration. The apathy of socialism is taking its toll in Europe.

No, we don't need a make over, we need a capitalist tune up. It doesn't mean calling out a union mechanic to take a 25 minute break and then pick up the largest wrench he has and throw it at the economic machinery.

There are adjustments needed, always, but the idea is sound and better than the rest.

Wanna get to that mountain top? You'll need a capitalist engine to get you there. That is if you want to be free as well.
Consider reading this book, The Market for Liberty, by Morris Tannehill.

I'm all for the free market and limiting government intervention, NO subsidies, NO waste. I understand that economic hiccups, depressions etc. are a result of government intervention.

I just don't like blind "patriotism". If we are the best country, why is it that we have the highest prison population by percentage of any nation?


New Member
Uhh, because of a 40 year old BAD idea called the "great society". Failure at every turn. We've had 40+ years of social intervention by the Govt.

What happens when you support ppl via strangers outside of the community? U lose that communities strengths, and you emasculate those at the bottom. That is who is filling up the prisons. The throw aways created by the govt's BEST intentions.