What to use as netty pots ?


Well-Known Member
I dont have acces to a hydro store, I want to know if i could use something simple like a plastic cup ?

Someone told me a jello pudding cup works wonders Lol.

Any other items I could use ?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
You can use anything that will keep media in allowing the roots to keep a dark controlled environment,
but there needs to be drainage... and the more air access the better


New Member
Cut holes in those plastic solo cups. The mini ones for like mouth rinsing and such. Or even go with the beerpong cups if ya need bigger ones. The internet can serv u well also. U can find netpots all day and they'll ship them to ur door. Most take money orders if u don't have a card.


Well-Known Member
Cut holes in those plastic solo cups. The mini ones for like mouth rinsing and such. Or even go with the beerpong cups if ya need bigger ones. The internet can serv u well also. U can find netpots all day and they'll ship them to ur door. Most take money orders if u don't have a card.
I just cut vertical strips out of those big 16 oz solo cups.

Do i need to make it a checkerboard style like a netty pot or can I leave as is ?