Positioning Of Fans and Passive Intake(s) for RubberMaid GrowBox? Help Wanted Please

What's going on to anyone who happens to read this. I'm new here as of last night, but have been a member of 2 other forum sites based on the subject at hand, which would of course be learning how to grow the Green Gift provided by good ol' Mother earth.
Ok now, so I am trying to finish up a Rubbermaid (50gal.) grow box, which consists of 2 Rubmaids that are hinged together on one side of the long end. So it allows me to lift it open when doing my gardening as needed. I started the box approximately 6 Months ago, but had to take a recess since I had a lack of funds, as well as getting caught up in other thing's in this stressful life of ours. Well my head is now back in the game and i am determined to finish my beautifully envisioned Grow project.
The box consists of everything that is needed for completion except for the following: Fans for intake air, as well as another for out take air. I also need a Passive intake PVC elbow. Or do I need a passive intake? This is the part where my questions come in. Just to make it clear to anyone reading this, I have done tons of research and reading on both the building of grow boxes and the actual growing process, but I have come across some conflicting information from various sources, which is understandable. I guess you just need to decipher the information on your own and do as much narrowing down as needed for determining the most factual and best information available.
So, my main thing and focus is to get the box completed properly and not built in a half assed fashion. I want the environment in the box to be built best for my future babies. Ok, now sorry I keep getting off track it seem's lol. But anyways, where exactly should my intake fans be mounted on the box. Top right or left of the side of the box? Please keep in mind that as i had stated above, the box consists of a top rubmaid and a bottom rubmaid, with the top one upside down and the bottom one standing normally, so that both lips meet. This Box will be stored in a dresser style closet which is about 8' long and 4' feet wide(plenty of room.) So should both of my Fans be mounted on the top section of the rubmaid box or should one of the fans be mounted on the bottom half with the other on the top? I've read some information saying so many sorts of methods, but the one i'm referring to is the fan posistioning. One person will say mount it here or mount it there. Put that here, put that there, so on and so forth... I've even read about people using only an out take fan with 1 PVC elbow mounted on the outside of the box acting as the route for getting air circulation through the growing environment. So basically the elbow takes in the air as the out take fan blows it out.
Could anyone help out a fellow brother and clarify the positioning factors of the Fans as well as the Passive intake/out take of the PVC elbow? Also How many fans will i be needing? (I'm gonna go with the 12 V Radio shack computer fans) And last but not least, how many PVS elbows will I need for the completion of my project?
I just wanna say that I truly appreciate any answers to my important questions, as they are vital for my long overdue self sufficient growing system to produce my greens. I also love the process of watching plants develop and appreciating the fruits of labor. I've done one grow which flowered but was done in a real half assed setup, which was reflected by the quality of the smoke. Practice makes perfect as the saying goes, and I know that if I'm able to get a proper and efficient box built, that it will pay off over time as my gardening skills and growing techniques develop with experience. Thanks again guy's. This will be my third post on this forum site, yippie... Please don't blow me off due to my lack of posts :cry:, as they will grow over time. Peace out my friends!!!


Active Member
Just get 2 to 4 LGA 775 CPU fans 2 for outtake the other 2 for intake those fans are pretyy strong check out my thread im doing a RMB im flowering at 3 months cause of little time i have.
Just get 2 to 4 LGA 775 CPU fans 2 for outtake the other 2 for intake those fans are pretyy strong check out my thread im doing a RMB im flowering at 3 months cause of little time i have.
Alright man. I appreciate your reply. I'm gonna check your box out (That didn't sound the greatest, LMAO) and see how you have all your equipment situated. That makes sense to have an intake(s) and and out take(s) fans for adequate air flow, but I'm not quite sure why people have the passive intake and if I'm not mistaken an outake (PVC) as well. If anyone could provide me with more information about this particular issue I would greatly appreciate it. This whole air flow situation is about the only thing holding me back from completing my Grow Box. I'm ready to grow for sure. Thanks again my friend....