General Comments On This [big pictures]


looks about two weeks old poss three a little over stretched with a slight ph problem i am guessing at indica predomanantly !!!!!!!


soil looks pretty dry in the pic dude if you check you water for ph you are looking for between 5.8-6.8 if using tap water i boil it first then leave it out for 48 hours to rid of chlorine but you shouldnt need to flush em if your not giving nutes which you dont need to untill about 5 weeks what light you using?


I would transplant into a larger container within a week. I Transplant 2 times beyond this point, but you may want to transplant into the final pot. This is the beginning of a possible PH problem so just lower your feed PH a little to bring down the soils PH. Be sure to check the run off for consistency.


Active Member
soil looks pretty dry in the pic dude if you check you water for ph you are looking for between 5.8-6.8 if using tap water i boil it first then leave it out for 48 hours to rid of chlorine but you shouldnt need to flush em if your not giving nutes which you dont need to untill about 5 weeks what light you using?
it gets plenty of water, the soil is still damp under the topsoil, im using a flood light cfl just one for now. i am using 24-8-16 plant food, but im thinking of stopping with the food and just continuing on treated water until health gets better, and also its on second day of 12/12


sorry dude how old is it it doesnt look sexually mature to me what strain is it and how far from the light isw it


for cfl grow keep light about 2-3 inches away only some strains will respond well to 12/12 from so early on i would switch it back to veg for 4 weeks untill about a foot tall then flower cycle should end up 3.5 ft tall giving about ounce and a half if its your only plant i would also top it and lst it aswell


Active Member
im not an expert grower so im going to stick to the regular old fashioned way of growing indo, im hardly expecting an ounce, and im going to see how well it responds to 12/12 after a couple days, just flushed with reverse osmosis water. GOD I CANT WAIT its been 3 short weeks, i love watchin its growth progress. its a learning experience.


Active Member
Transplant to larger container. Looks like one I let get root bound. Leaves looking "spotty" or "patchy" kind of green yellow mix? Veins getting red and standing out visibly? Bigger pot. People do go 12/12 from seed and they can be completely healthy. If your curious what the different light cycles do I've got a thread "12/12 vs veg and flower" that charts the first few weeks of a kush plant under 12/12 from seed and the same under 18/6. pics and all. I'm about a third of the way thru these plants so far but they might help you gauge size and development week to week... On average I've been seeing that the root system on my plants is 50%-100% larger than the plant you can see. Personal rule of thumb. If the leaves reach the edge of the pot then transplant. Until I get to 5 gal then they just hang out...


Active Member
I use any "Premium potting mix" that is not fertilized. Miricle grow has nutrient capsules that disolve over time and has given me problems. I use Whitney farms right now. Put plenty of holes in your bucket (a clean bucket is best but DON'T USE ANY BUCKET THAT HELD CHEMICALS OR PETROLEUM) And I mix 4 scoops soil with 1 scoop perlite. Mix is real cheap...


Active Member
hopefully my baby will live until im able to get it a decent sized clean bucket and potting mix. most likely it will. wish i had the setups ive seen on here, you guys are some amazing growers, very inspiriing.


Active Member
I'm still pretty new myself. Here's what this newbie learned thru experience. Lots of light. The more the better. If flouros put them right on the plants. I went HID and love it. Transplant early. If the plant thinks it only has a cup to live in it will take a long time for it to realize it has more room to grow. Slow growth, little plants. Good aeration on soil for these guys. Always add more perlite / vermiculite etc. to any potting mix. I know it's already in there. Add more. The rest is details about how much yield you'll get and you'll learn more as you grow. I'm not about to start the nutrient debate...


I keep the light 1-3 inches away. Slows top growth a little but it bushes out alot tighter. It's not too stretched. I've seen much much much worse. I never say its too early as a general rule because some strains LOVE LOVE LOVE nutes early. Why deprive the hungry?

But obviously your plant can't take it yet.