Okay, here's the pics. Everything is doing great! they are now 17" tall for the most part, but even the little one is only a couple inches shorter.
They seem to be opening up. A couple days ago you couldn't see the top of the res, now I see there is light going all the way down to the bottom of the plants. When I was working on them yesterday the sour diesel in the rear middle was really starting to droop, but within 15 minutes of refilling the res, it was standing tall again. The SD in the front left is the one with the secondary branch taller than the primary.
So, in the next few days we'll see how my fim job went. I'm not sure if I cut where I needed, some were so tight I'm not sure I got down far enough. I guess that depends upon that particular branches maturity.
I've got my water jugs filled and ready for my neighbor's help. the plants are using more than 1 gallon a day now. The nute concentration will be a little low when I get back, but I figure it's best, he won't be watching them as closely as I would.
I'll be back Monday and ready to start 12/12. Hey, anyone got a good source for timers, I will be running the 400w HPS so do I need to look for a special higher capacity timer (I don't know what it is, more amps or whatever) or can I use the timer I user for my outdoor christmas lights?
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Lt, hope you left enough water, glad to hear you'll be with family. Don't eat too much and watch out for the drinking and driving everyone, I got my DUI 20 years ago, you don't want to go through what I did. Be smart, let someone else drive. I want to see all of your shining faces here next week!
I'll check in over the weekend.