
Well-Known Member
you know them rat bastards were smokin that ish when they got home and laughing about all of it.


Well-Known Member
"next thing you'll be watching caddy shack and drinkin mtn dew" how the hell did they know what I do when I m high lol


Well-Known Member
Its more bigger then that... its the common sense fact, how does ecstasy widely operate around the world without getting confiscated.. sure some does... but most is not which leads to the fact that alot of it is a inside job.. paying it off to underscored feds.. its a scheme within a scheme... money makes the world go round!


Well-Known Member
well i dont know the full story im not a cops lol just what they told us ...my guess excuse to bust us with a littel bit

but i dont understand why the DEA would go after just a littel

unless they thought my boy actually had a kilo he walked around the bad parts of town for 4or so hours b4 we got him so i have no clue what he was up 2

he sells coke and i think the local police kn that was the reason for it all

it was just a bunch of bs


If you are roaming around the LB area, especially in areas like signal hill then the police will have their eye on you especially if your messing with that cocaine, it was probably a misdirected informant who caught a bad vibe, but usually they dont operate like that. Once they had you in their possesion, their intent is to scare the shit out of you so you'll be wise not to roll on the streets like that. Their version of fighting tuff crime... that's where learning your legal rights as an american citizen comes in... know your civil rights and the cops have more respect for you... otherwise to try to chop on you at every accessible chance!
yea bro i dont fuck with coke my friend wanted to roll a chronic blunt for some reason , and i know my rights and i tryed to use them and the searched in my pants and shit grabbed around my cock and when i said i know my rights u cant look through my phone they said you have know rights we found drugs well do what ever we want and smash ur phone if we want u pill head :finger:


Well-Known Member
nonsensical statement? Etardish spoken at its finest

Why do you resort in calling everyone an etard, its seems like that's the only put down word in your vocabulary... squimish, squismish mind... could I fit "strumpet" in their :lol:


Well-Known Member
yea bro i dont fuck with coke my friend wanted to roll a chronic blunt for some reason , and i know my rights and i tryed to use them and the searched in my pants and shit grabbed around my cock and when i said i know my rights u cant look through my phone they said you have know rights we found drugs well do what ever we want and smash ur phone if we want u pill head

It is very true when the police find any narcotics on your that you lose every right to contest them to stop their search on you... your basically on their territory now, playing according to their rules and they'll call you every name in the big... and yes if the capital "N' word!


Well-Known Member
yea bro i dont fuck with coke my friend wanted to roll a chronic blunt for some reason , and i know my rights and i tryed to use them and the searched in my pants and shit grabbed around my cock and when i said i know my rights u cant look through my phone they said you have know rights we found drugs well do what ever we want and smash ur phone if we want u pill head

It is very true when the police find any narcotics on your that you lose every right to contest them to stop their search on you... your basically on their territory now, playing according to their rules and they'll call you every name in the big... and yes if the capital "N' word!

yup i got nothing to worry about that was just a wrong place wrong tme kinda thing i got arrested once 4years ago for half a dime lol but got to clear my record casue iwas 14 now im 18 older cops treat u more and more like shit


Well-Known Member
Did someone say they couldnt watch it because the grow house was at the end. Is this the first video you have ever played on a PC or MAC? there is a scroll bar knucklehead scroll to the end and watch the commercial.


Well-Known Member
yup i got nothing to worry about that was just a wrong place wrong tme kinda thing i got arrested once 4years ago for half a dime lol but got to clear my record casue iwas 14 now im 18 older cops treat u more and more like shit

I know its been some time since that arrest, but how did it occur? Your kidding an actual arrest on half a dime.. did you lie to the officer and say you had nothing? Did you have a pending or outstanding warrant? Something other then the half dime had to get you arrested.... and I bet you were scared and lied that you had the bud, once you lie the officer loses and crebility in you and will mostly be a righteous dick and take you in. I would love to hear of the account!


Well-Known Member
yup i got nothing to worry about that was just a wrong place wrong tme kinda thing i got arrested once 4years ago for half a dime lol but got to clear my record casue iwas 14 now im 18 older cops treat u more and more like shit

i know its been some time since that arrest, but how did it occur? Your kidding an actual arrest on half a dime.. Did you lie to the officer and say you had nothing? Did you have a pending or outstanding warrant? Something other then the half dime had to get you arrested.... And i bet you were scared and lied that you had the bud, once you lie the officer loses and crebility in you and will mostly be a righteous dick and take you in. I would love to hear of the account!
well i was being dumb and the kid at skool had half gram of kb for bux so i did it and h told everyone he sold to me got around by end of day...... Sorry bout my typeing i kn i suck lol but ur lucky its not my hand writing lol , but go to the end of the skool day 15 min left i see my skool cop and principal they took me to the office i lied and they found it and no warrents nothing im a low key person im never introuble with the law


Well-Known Member
to me, its sounds like the people you hang with keep getting you popped.
something to think about, it was a hard lesson i learned along time ago. friends are cool, for sure, but most of em will roll over like ho on a sun morning if they think they can save there own asses.... or do stupid shit to attract attention from johnny law.


Well-Known Member
2000w's or more and you should CONSIDER that ur making a heat signature. This guy had to be pushin 4000w's or more and i didn't see one light that was cooled in any kind of way.


Active Member
Did someone say they couldnt watch it because the grow house was at the end. Is this the first video you have ever played on a PC or MAC? there is a scroll bar knucklehead scroll to the end and watch the commercial.
yeah he sure did, i was thinking WTF too...the grow op bust is in the middle of the vid first off, and if u move the cursor over the scroll bar it even has a description of what that part of the show that is..


Well-Known Member
oh my god. just watched that with my brother and he was right when he asked me "why are u watching this? its about as bad as watching a bunch of babies being killed"...
yes it was.

poor motherfucker.


Well-Known Member
yup i got nothing to worry about that was just a wrong place wrong tme kinda thing i got arrested once 4years ago for half a dime lol but got to clear my record casue iwas 14 now im 18 older cops treat u more and more like shit

I know its been some time since that arrest, but how did it occur? Your kidding an actual arrest on half a dime.. did you lie to the officer and say you had nothing? Did you have a pending or outstanding warrant? Something other then the half dime had to get you arrested.... and I bet you were scared and lied that you had the bud, once you lie the officer loses and crebility in you and will mostly be a righteous dick and take you in. I would love to hear of the account!

Dude when i was 16, i dont know how much a dime is or whatever. I got arrested for about 0.5grams maybe 0.3 like a small spliffs worth yea...Fucking took 7 hours of police time, pissed off my parents...pissed me off. Absolute piss take, and i realised thank got at a young age, how much the police suck. Fucking disgusting corporate fucking thugs. Dickheads, i wasnt even smokin tha shit or anything just stopped n searched. Fucking pricks and i dont like this video!!