A Pro Palin thread

dude, NOBODY is scared of her. if she's not running for anything why be scared?

what part of "she is JUST dumb" don't you get? :wall:

people mock britney spears all day long. you afraid of her as well? your statement is lame.

Goddamn, seriously! The Jon and Kate example was perfect. I guess we're all afraid of them too eh?

Nobody is afraid of Palin. Trust me Cracker.

How can you support her when I listed four almost individually disquallifying qualities she holds?
dude, NOBODY is scared of her. if she's not running for anything why be scared?

what part of "she is JUST dumb" don't you get? :wall:

people mock britney spears all day long. you afraid of her as well? your statement is lame.
Man I see I'm not alone and when you going to cut that bird fdd2blk its dieing for a knife..lol...smoking and looking at that bird makes me want..hmmmmmm turkey sandwhich ??????
Howbout how she believes the US military is in the middle east because God wants us there?

Howbout how she's a young earth creationist?

Howbout how she dismisses important scientific research when she's not qualified to comment on anything scientific?

Howbout how she didn't know what the VP's job was?

How about the fact that she really wanted to be sure that we were on God's side?

How about the fact that there is nothing to suggest that she is a young earth creationist, whatever that is. I happen to be a creationist.

If you are talking about important scientific research like global warming, maybe the recent e-mails hacked from "important scientists" are shedding a little information about the total fabrication and phony science behind the whole Global Warming Scam. Seems these guys were doctoring and filtering data to discredit global warming critics, and skeptical ethical scientists.

Seems Uncle Joe doesn't have much of a clue also. It appears that they have locked him in the cellar since he was constantly contradicting the Chosen One, The Anointed One, The Savior of All Mankind, All Hail King Oba-Mao! Hope they let him out for some turkey and pie...
dude, NOBODY is scared of her. if she's not running for anything why be scared?

what part of "she is JUST dumb" don't you get? :wall:

people mock britney spears all day long. you afraid of her as well? your statement is lame.

love it fdd2blk!
How about the fact that she really wanted to be sure that we were on God's side?

Well, I don't believe God exists, and personally, it makes me a little bit uncomfortable to know there is a possibility that a person who believes Jesus Christ is going to come back and take all the believers away within their lifetime, has codes for atomic weapons. I really don't believe people who hold crazy beliefs should be given mankinds ultimate weapon... maybe that's just me though..

How about the fact that there is nothing to suggest that she is a young earth creationist, whatever that is. I happen to be a creationist.

A young earth creationist is someone who believes the earth was created in 6 days, somewhere between 6-10 thousand years ago.

Here she is explaining her beliefs;

pg. 217 from Going Rogue

"[Schmidt] knew my position: I believed in the evidence for microevolution – that geologic and species change occurs incrementally over time. But I didn’t believe in the theory that human beings – thinking, loving beings – originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea. Or that human beings began as single-celled organisms that developed into monkeys who eventually swung down from trees; I believed we came about through a random process, but were created by God."

And here she is advocating teaching creationism and evolution side by side in the science classroom. I wonder if Mrs. Palin supports teaching the flat earth theory, the "no holocaust" theory, or the "babies come from storks theory" in sex ed?

“Teach both. You know, don’t be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important and it’s so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the subject – creationism and evolution. It’s been a healthy foundation for me. But don’t be afraid of information and let kids debate both sides.”

She doesn't accept the theory, and doesn't believe all life shares a common ancestor. She believes in Intelligent Design, which the Supreme Court ruled is Creationism in Kitzmiller v Dover, making her a creationist.

If you are talking about important scientific research like global warming, maybe the recent e-mails hacked from "important scientists" are shedding a little information about the total fabrication and phony science behind the whole Global Warming Scam. Seems these guys were doctoring and filtering data to discredit global warming critics, and skeptical ethical scientists.

I was talking about the fruit fly research she disregarded as pointless and wasteful;


She clearly doesn't understand the implications of such research, making her completely ignorant on the subject. So why is she speaking about a subject she doesn't know shit about? - lying about it no less, and telling her supporters exactly what they want to hear - that she'll cut all the 'wasteful spending'.
Well, I don't believe God exists, and personally, it makes me a little bit uncomfortable to know there is a possibility that a person who believes Jesus Christ is going to come back and take all the believers away within their lifetime, has codes for atomic weapons. I really don't believe people who hold crazy beliefs should be given mankinds ultimate weapon... maybe that's just me though..

A young earth creationist is someone who believes the earth was created in 6 days, somewhere between 6-10 thousand years ago.

Here she is explaining her beliefs;

pg. 217 from Going Rogue

"[Schmidt] knew my position: I believed in the evidence for microevolution – that geologic and species change occurs incrementally over time. But I didn’t believe in the theory that human beings – thinking, loving beings – originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea. Or that human beings began as single-celled organisms that developed into monkeys who eventually swung down from trees; I believed we came about through a random process, but were created by God."

And here she is advocating teaching creationism and evolution side by side in the science classroom. I wonder if Mrs. Palin supports teaching the flat earth theory, the "no holocaust" theory, or the "babies come from storks theory" in sex ed?

“Teach both. You know, don’t be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important and it’s so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the subject – creationism and evolution. It’s been a healthy foundation for me. But don’t be afraid of information and let kids debate both sides.”

She doesn't accept the theory, and doesn't believe all life shares a common ancestor. She believes in Intelligent Design, which the Supreme Court ruled is Creationism in Kitzmiller v Dover, making her a creationist.

I was talking about the fruit fly research she disregarded as pointless and wasteful;


She clearly doesn't understand the implications of such research, making her completely ignorant on the subject. So why is she speaking about a subject she doesn't know shit about? - lying about it no less, and telling her supporters exactly what they want to hear - that she'll cut all the 'wasteful spending'.
Dude, are you relying on Rachel Madcow?:wall: You are just as dumb as a box of rocks. You and maybe three other people watch that inane nonsense. God, not Keith Olbermann next, please. <frantically searching for emoticon that portrays shooting oneself in the head...> PMSNBC has absolutely no credibility since Chris Matthews got a"Tingle up my leg" at the Dem convention. Give me a fucking break, please Rachel?

My God man, The light has just come on for me. Thanks for clarifying all the previous posts. Would I find that your other sources are the Huffington Puffington Post?

This really does explain things. Thanks bro.
Who's caring for her special needs child ????? Hope she just trying to make enough money so that she can relax and do that...
OK... Hope he doing a better job then when Levy was hanging around the house with the Bristol. Is he helping Bristol with her baby too.... and true it does happen ...but when your 17 year old child gives birth and you too have given birth what 7-8 months apart with a child with special needs....you think that mom would want to be around.....hmmmm thats just me maybe thats the way we think in the lower 48 .....
Dude, are you relying on Rachel Madcow?:wall: You are just as dumb as a box of rocks. You and maybe three other people watch that inane nonsense. God, not Keith Olbermann next, please. <frantically searching for emoticon that portrays shooting oneself in the head...> PMSNBC has absolutely no credibility since Chris Matthews got a"Tingle up my leg" at the Dem convention. Give me a fucking break, please Rachel?

My God man, The light has just come on for me. Thanks for clarifying all the previous posts. Would I find that your other sources are the Huffington Puffington Post?

This really does explain things. Thanks bro.

...guy, fuck Rachel Madow. Right in her self righteous face.

So I don't say one word about MSNBC, Rachel Madow, or anything about leftwing politics/rightwing politics. All I say is the bitch doesn't understand what she is even saying, regarding science. She thinks the fruit fly research is not important, just because on the surfact - ie. to the majority of the public - it doesn't seem very important or striking because nobody really gives a flying fuck about fruit flies, including me. But what she doesn't get is that the research that she specifically used in her example of "wasteful spending" has VERY IMPORTANT implications on many different fields of science. She takes the one, simple title of "fruit fly research", ties it into "wasteful spending", then denounces it and says she'll get rid of shit like that, and the retarded audience she's purposefully catering to soaks it up because, like I said, they're simpletons, idiots, morons who don't do any actual research and believe whatever the bitch tells em'...

Nothing I said, at all, had anything to do with where the information came from, or who was presenting it. The only reason I didn't get a clip with Beck or OReilly reporting on this is because they didn't, and the one I chose was at the top of the youtube search page.

But instead of understanding the point, Palin only says shit people want to hear, and has no actual substance in her words, you attack the source. That's genius!

FAIL. :finger: