Are they to far gone?


Help, my plants are dying. I run a flood and drain system. They are in the 2 week of grow. I only have the cheap ph tester kit, water 3 drops, I keep it a pee yellow color. I have air bubbles running constantly in the reservour. They feed 45 mins on and hour 35 off all on timers. The lights are 150 w red spectrum and 2 four foot florences sunlight, In 15 gal water put in 230 pureblend pro grow. What should I do??? please help...



Well-Known Member
Help, my plants are dying. I run a flood and drain system. They are in the 2 week of grow. I only have the cheap ph tester kit, water 3 drops, I keep it a pee yellow color. I have air bubbles running constantly in the reservour. They feed 45 mins on and hour 35 off all on timers. The lights are 150 w red spectrum and 2 four foot florences sunlight, In 15 gal water put in 230 pureblend pro grow. What should I do??? please help...
I would flush those man! Looks like you have some nute issues, possibly lockout. You might be able to save them but I'd dump your rez and clean it real good. Then flush, flush, flush!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
like what kind of nute issues do you think? Do you mean nutrient? Should I flush with the clearex?
Yes nute is short for nutrient. I would. You could use plain old pH'd water and run it through your system but I think clearex wouldn't hurt either. I can't say for sure what's going on with those plants but it looks like you have multiple things going on. When I see signs of multiple deficiencies I always assume lockout. Could be a salt buildup, could be pH related. I assume your rez temps are acceptable as are your grow room temps? :bigjoint:


I dont really keep track of the rez temps but the room stays between 75 and 82 hum is 50 to 74, co2 aprox 50 lb per week for a 8 x8 room it was extra room in house. picked up a stealth ro filter, have not used yet, Want to make a rez for that first...


Well-Known Member
I dont really keep track of the rez temps but the room stays between 75 and 82 hum is 50 to 74, co2 aprox 50 lb per week for a 8 x8 room it was extra room in house. picked up a stealth ro filter, have not used yet, Want to make a rez for that first...
Your water may be the problem. I have extemely hard water which caused all kinds of lockout symptoms. I almost lost several plants until I got it sorted out. I use only r/o water now. That way I know everything the girls are gettin'!:cool:


I have used one of those test strips on the water to check the clorine and it shows very hard water too What do you do to recycle the "waste" ro water in and do /can you have it set up somehow to circurclate the water and reuse it in the ro filter? I remember reading somewhere about if the stems are purpleish color that is mag def? I really want to make this work.


Well-Known Member
I have used one of those test strips on the water to check the clorine and it shows very hard water too What do you do to recycle the "waste" ro water in and do /can you have it set up somehow to circurclate the water and reuse it in the ro filter? I remember reading somewhere about if the stems are purpleish color that is mag def? I really want to make this work.
I use the r/o machine at the grocery store. I don't really know too much about r/o filters except that they are the shiz and I want one. :bigjoint:


I finally got my rez full of ro water, I have them in clearex right now. I had a rez full of water and cleaned the roots wich all look good. I have all plants in small containers with a peice of neoprene holding the plant into place. Have you ever used hydrotons?