• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

OH bama


Illegal Smile

It is hard to know exactly what Obama meant by his Selma comment. But all of the possibilities are untrue. He also said his name was Swahili. It isn't, it's arabic. He also said his father was a goat herder when in fact he was educated and affluent.


Active Member
Don't forget that he had no idea that his reverand Wright was so controversial, I mean after twenty years, it's not like he would know what his beliefs were. Or that Van Jones was a self acclaimed communist, and how that might cause an uproar with his appointment. Or how illegal immigrants wouldn't be covered in our healthcare system, and not even a week later give a speech saying he was going to legalize them all. Do you notice that he becomes completely dumbfounded when his teleprompter fails, or he is asked a question he hasn't prepared for. What a great guy.
You seem to be bothered by mouthy negroes.


Well-Known Member
True enough. But admin can make it so difficult to bypass a ban that the troll eventually gets tired of constantly having to jump through hoops to get on.

Eventually the ass pain of infiltrating the site overcomes the joy of trolling.

Hopefully they get bored, or fatigued, and go troll another forum.
Like ROBINBANKS finally did...


Well-Known Member
It is hard to know exactly what Obama meant by his Selma comment. But all of the possibilities are untrue. He also said his name was Swahili. It isn't, it's arabic. He also said his father was a goat herder when in fact he was educated and affluent.
Which name is Swahili - the "Barack" or the "Obama" ? Never mind, it doesn't matter. There are a lot of these strange accusations, and they serve no purpose. One thing you have to give Obama (or at least I do) - he is smart and lying about little stupid things does not serve his goals. So go ahead, quote all the misconceptions you desire from all the right-wing, red-neck garbage sites you can find on the internet. These issues are not relevant; they serve no purpose whatsoever and do not assist in resolving the serious problems facing all of us.

Illegal Smile

Maybe we should change the subject from Obama's lies to his omissions. All the documents he has had covered up, pretty much his entire life. We are only now beginning to learn who this character really is.


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should change the subject from Obama's lies to his omissions. All the documents he has had covered up, pretty much his entire life. We are only now beginning to learn who this character really is.
That's not changing the subject, it's just more of the same.


Well-Known Member
It is reasonable to conclude that virtually every time the Chosen One precedes a statement with "I've always said," or "I've always maintained;" that the following words will be complete bullshit. :twisted:
Heres a few.
As a candidate, he promised to allow public comment before signing bills, eliminate capital gains taxes for small business, provide tax credits to businesses for hiring new employees, allow Americans to withdraw funds from 401(k)s and retirement accounts
without penalties, ban lobbyists from serving in his administration, reform earmarks, bring all combat troops home from Iraq in 16 months, sign the "Freedom of Choice Act," give Americans $4,000 in credits for college and run a "transparent" administration.

Personally I like the guy. Politics wise, he's a tool, but so is most of congress and our last pres. And darkdestruction is correct, both parties count on us to argue and name call. Thats why Beck is so popular, he tries to stick with facts. Does a pretty good job as well. His raido show is better than the t.v. show.
You're my savior. Now I don't have to post an almost identical post. But it seems noone paid attention. All discussing a troll who needs to be ignored....


New Member
Lies Obama Told Me

by Jeffrey Jena Remember way back in 2008 when George Bush was still the President and everyone on the left was screeching about lies? If you can’t remember that far back just flip over to MSNBC and wait a few minutes they’ll be happy to remind you. I thought I would write a short piece about the lies we have already heard from President Obama. I did little research and there are plenty of websites that focus on a lot of picayune stuff and things from long ago.
I decided to stick to direct quotes from the President within the last 18 months. Some I have commented on, the others, as they say at Harvard Law, res ipsa loquitur.
1) ”…not because I believe in bigger government — I don’t — not because I’m not mindful of the massive debt we’ve inherited — I am.” Speech to Congress, February 24, 2009
2) “And that is why I have ordered the closing of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay and will seek swift and certain justice for captured terrorists…” Speech to Congress, February 24, 2009
3) “My administration has also begun to go line by line through the federal budget in order to eliminate wasteful and ineffective programs.” I wonder if the President knows he doesn’t have a line item veto.
4) “My immediate task is making sure that the second half of that money, $350 billion, is spent properly. That’s my first job.” Press conference February 9, 2009, talking about TARP money.
5) ”It also contains an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability, so that every American will be able to go online and see where and how we’re spending every dime. What it does not contain, however, is a single pet project, not a single earmark, and it has been stripped of the projects members of both parties found most objectionable.” Press conference February 9, 2009 talking about his own economic bill.
6) “Second is recognition of the limits of the judicial role, an understanding that a judge’s job is to interpret, not make law, to approach decisions without any particular ideology or agenda, but rather a commitment to impartial justice…” I thought about putting this first because he was introducing Sotomayor who is on tape saying judges make policy, among other things.
7) “It’s not just enough to change the players. We’ve gotta change the game.” He has appointed over 150 recycled Clintionistas
8) ”I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying.” Either this is a lie or his later position where he opposes gay marriage, take your pick for number eight.
9) “I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community.” In reference to Rev. Wright 42 days before he disowned him.
10) “To those Americans whose support I have yet to earn: I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your President, too.”