i got caught, do you think this lie can get me out of this jam

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New Member
Maybe it won't be such a bad thing. You could work on your punctuation and grammar next year. Haha...sorry dude I had to say it.
im not stupid ok. i can spell and shit, its the internet i dont care what you think about my spelling and puntuation all right. so yea i could care less what people think


Master of Mayhem
im not stupid ok. i can spell and shit, its the internet i dont care what you think about my spelling and puntuation all right. so yea i could care less what people think
Then why are you getting so defensive about it?


Well-Known Member
kid your so fucked why would you smoke in school? couldnt you of waited? OH YEA HI EVERYON!


Well-Known Member
cause i have nothin better to do but shit here and watch you guys act all tuff on the internet dude you dead beats would proble kiss my shoes if you were face to face with me
LMAO! You're shitting here? shouldn't you shit in the bathroom? oo no wait thats where you and your butt buddy toke it up.:hump:


Master of Mayhem
cause i have nothin better to do but shit here and watch you guys act all tuff on the internet dude you dead beats would proble kiss my shoes if you were face to face with me
We're not acting tuff...you are.....and yeah, just drop out already....if you're in the 10th grade and writing like that ...well:neutral:


New Member
LMAO! You're shitting here? shouldn't you shit in the bathroom? oo no wait thats where you and your butt buddy toke it up.:hump:
dude this is comeing from a person with the name buzz kill who wonts to hang with a buzz kill i mean come on dude i so wish you lived were i do i would fuck you up
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