Hunting and Fishing


Well-Known Member
Is there anyone here who really enjoys hunting and fishing. I think it would be a great idea to put up some pics and tell stories. I wish I had a camera with me every time I saw something amazing.


Well-Known Member
I bow hunt in my back yard. And i also love to fish. I caught a 4. pound 5 ounce bass not to while back


Well-Known Member
I like to fish, but i think ur both scum bags for hunting :)
hey man, it's better than sitting around on your fat ass waiting for someone to kill and butcher a steak for you. besides, venison is better for you than beef. wtf do you think people ate before there was wal mart man?




Well-Known Member
hey man, it's better than sitting around on your fat ass waiting for someone to kill and butcher a steak for you. besides, venison is better for you than beef. wtf do you think people ate before there was wal mart man?


LMFAO! haha thats great. And yes Dear meat is so delicious.bongsmilie


Active Member
Fuckin eh!!! who dosent like to get baked and do a lil fishin! I caught a 28in. channel cat out of the crick! even tho itsa creek dont be fooled cuz there are some big ass holes we hit!


Active Member
dear meat is the best!!!! especially if you killed it! haha is anyone goin out for gun season? ours starts in a couple weeks.


Active Member
here are a couple we caught out of the crick behind my house! the crick runs into the ohio river so alot of big fish make thier way up.. to me haha



Well-Known Member
dear meat is the best!!!! especially if you killed it! haha is anyone goin out for gun season? ours starts in a couple weeks.
Oh hell yes brother. My first vacation in YEARS and I am taking 2 weeks off for deer, duck, rabbit and pheasant hunting. Cant wait!!


Well-Known Member
I bow hunt in my back yard. And i also love to fish. I caught a 4. pound 5 ounce bass not to while back
Oh yeah I love bowhunting too. My favorite time was with my ex-girlfriend. She wanted to go with me so I set up 2 stands and we went. I didnt get a deer that afternoon but I did get a turkey that came in. She couldnt believe it. Now she teaches kids archery in her hometown.


Active Member
Awesome catfish and bass, that must have been alot of fun.
thanx man, we have caught some HUGE fish out of that crick! especially the carp and sheephead. we take off and walk it for half the day and park another car where we get out and drive back. . now thats a good time, with a few spun up for the trip of course!