Smokin Straight Hash


Well-Known Member
I normally never have hash, but I just started experimenting with different ways to make it. Ive been smoking my oil out of the bong smeared on the edgs of a bowl, and my normal hash I just throw on top of a glass screen in a pipe and cherry it. Now you got me wanting a bowl of some....


Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I normally never have hash, but I just started experimenting with different ways to make it. Ive been smoking my oil out of the bong smeared on the edgs of a bowl, and my normal hash I just throw on top of a glass screen in a pipe and cherry it. Now you got me wanting a bowl of some....

Hahaha sorry, make some i guess! But for sure hash is so good, just throwing it on a glass screen works very idealy.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I like mixing it with opium on the rare occasion that i have both (such as right now, for instance)
Its great through a Vaporizer! I would like to construct some sort of hash pipe for smoking straight hash, because it will suck right through most weed pipes, without a weed base.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
^ I think i could finish that hash doobie, honestly though if it was my hash and herb i wouldnt just cause eventually i would smoke my self sober and id rather just get high like 10+ times off it haha.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I like mixing it with opium on the rare occasion that i have both (such as right now, for instance)
Its great through a Vaporizer! I would like to construct some sort of hash pipe for smoking straight hash, because it will suck right through most weed pipes, without a weed base.
Just buy a glass screen. It's like a little glass star that you put in the bottom of your bowl. It works perfect. They are usually only 1 to 2$ at local head shops


Well-Known Member
^ Haha oh word. Well im glad you can par take, i just found out ill be able to get ahold of hash alot more consistantly now.
Sick, Im always happy when I get some hash. Its perfect for the bowl before bed. And gogrow im hopin youll get some weed soon..

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ya no doubt, i work from 9-6 and i dont smoke before or during work cause i do to much with finances to get all blazed. But as soon as i get home me and my roomate usually smoke a blunt if there is no hash, if there is hash we will usually just smoke a fat chunk... Tonight we probably smoked on a chunk for an hour easy.

GOGROW Im sorry that sucks so bad! I hope you get some good weed soon, better quality then swag.


Ya no doubt, i work from 9-6 and i dont smoke before or during work cause i do to much with finances to get all blazed. But as soon as i get home me and my roomate usually smoke a blunt if there is no hash, if there is hash we will usually just smoke a fat chunk... Tonight we probably smoked on a chunk for an hour easy.

GOGROW Im sorry that sucks so bad! I hope you get some good weed soon, better quality then swag.

I've got a few irons in the fire;-).... bout 15 of em if nothing else:-P


Active Member
I love hash too. Next plant will be all made into hash.

Back in the 70's, got thrown in jail once when I was 18 on a warrant (unpaid parking tickets...oooh big bad criminal, lol)

Had a half ounce of blonde lebanese hash (personal stash) in my pocket. They approached me in a parking lot. Had time to hide the pipe in my soda, but wasn't able to hide the hash. During a break in booking, I was able to stash it in my shoe, The dumb ass cops never found it (suburb cops probably wouldn't have know what it was).

Had to suppress my urge to jump up and down in joy when I was released...with the hash. You'll never guess what I did when I got home. Took a big 2 gram size chunk and stuck it on a pin. Don't remember much after that.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I've got a few irons in the fire;-).... bout 15 of em if nothing else:-P
Hahaha Thats good. I know some areas around here people cant get anything but swag, im just lucky i guess and have a good hook.

In your area does the dank just not come around to often?