Need advice with my first grow/1G Per Watt / Stealth cab project started


When I was 15 I told some friends of mine when I lost my V Card I would last no less than 20 min....this was the ultimate challenge(I failed miserably). I since have come up with a new way to challenge myself, 1G per watt on my very first grow (I will not fail). I have spent countless hours researching this grow and I feel as if I am finally ready to make the plunge.

The Cab-
I bought a steel cabinet measuring 30wx30hx20d with a lockable door. I started by caulking the seems and adding weather stripping to make it light tight. I couldn't really find mylar locally so I bought some reflective insulation and will be lining the inside later on tonight.(96% reflective)

I am not sure on exactly how much I need but I have room for two passive PVC intakes (2" each). I will be putting a small desk fan in the box blowing over the plants, and one exhaust fan (have not chosen this yet any recommendations?) O2 Generator / Carbon Scrubber...What works best and will be small enought to fit inside my cab?

Growing Medium -
I was going to start with a simple organic soil grow but I ran into a good deal on Emily's Garden which is a 6 plant DWC system. Only has a 2 gal rez so I know I will be playing with PPM and PH a lot but I think I can handle it. This kit came with flornova nuts as well ;)

Fem Chocolope
I have a bunch of fem seeds but these sound like the easiest to grow and with any hydro I have been told to stick with only one strain per rez or PH might go crazy.

Lighting -
I built a light fixture that can hold 12 CFL's (mixture of 2x42w and 10x23w) I think that should be enough light but I have been kicking around the idea of LED or HPS, I have no idea whats going to work best in this size cab :(

What would you guys do for the lighting and for the exhaust...I need this to be stealth but I plan on using it over and over for years so I don't have a huge issue spending the money (since this is an investment in my new favorite hobby)

Also as for the training of the plants, I do not currently have another box for veg so I am stuck using this for veg and flower. I would obviously like to shorten the duration between harvests so less veg time would be better. I have seen SOG/SCROG/LST which will work best with my set up? SOG sounds ideal but with 6 plants its unlikely I will be able to attain my goals of 1G per watt. I want to veg for about 3 weeks and then begin my 12/12 could I fill up a screen in that amount of time?

Any input would be great I will be working on the box here over this week and germinating my ladies on Turkey Day!

Feel free to hit that blunt, then the bong so we we can shoot of some steam then get to work ;)



Active Member
1 gram per watt thats a pretty tough order for a first time. hope you have a super pro mentor on the spot. and them guns look like air softs whats everyones fuss let the kid have fun with his toys :P


Put your guns away don't be a douche!

I never knew everyone who owned a gun was a douche!? Stereotyping people who choose to own guns as criminals or gangsters is childish. I honestly feel bad for your ignorant ass. Both guns are legal and licensed. MP5 Replica (22cal) and a mac11, just two of the many in my collection.

I agree the 1G per watt is a big goal but if you dont have a goal then how do you go about planning?

Any advice on the exhaust / odor control? Lights?

Thanks for the response so far guys!


*Thats my Tec9 not my mac wrong picture :)


Well-Known Member
I never knew everyone who owned a gun was a douche!? Stereotyping people who choose to own guns as criminals or gangsters is childish. I honestly feel bad for your ignorant ass. Both guns are legal and licensed. MP5 Replica (22cal) and a mac11, just two of the many in my collection.
Im not saying if you have guns your a douche, by posting pics of your plants and guns, you associate them together. This is why people think that weed growers are Associated with guns and other shit! it just looks bad homez that's all i am trying to say


There is no plants....YET ;)

I guess I can understand, but it feel as if your stereotyping me. I am not a drug dealer nor do I shoot people.

Guns do not kill people, people kill people!

Now back on track, help me out here....anyone....bueller..bueller???


d r0cK

Well-Known Member
with as hard as everyone is working to decriminalize and or legalize in their areas, you having guns posted makes us look fucking bad! you douchbag take the gun pics off! youre not cool. its fuckheads like you that make the recreational users look like criminals. i hope youre banned from this site!


Well-Known Member
Ya i hear ya budd, best thing to due is start running tests in that cab with all those cfls if you already haven't, see what the temps will be like.
your venting seems ok with the passive intakes and a breeze blowing inside, just make sure the cab don't get too hot, im sure you know that. You can make a carbon filter for your exhaust if smell is an issue. A SOG screen would fit nice inside, and will help you utilize your space and yield. Just make sure you wait till the plants show sex and then setup your screen.
Heres a link that you can check out, showing a basic sog grow!

good luck dude keep us updated.


with as hard as everyone is working to decriminalize and or legalize in their areas, you having guns posted makes us look fucking bad! you douchbag take the gun pics off! youre not cool. its fuckheads like you that make the recreational users look like criminals. i hope youre banned from this site!

Wow your a complete idiot. The things your talking about totally contradict each other. Your trying to legalize something...MY GUNS ARE ALREADY FUCKING LEGAL FAGGOT! You talking about cultivation and use of a illegal substance is much more risky then me posting pic of my guns. I am an activist for MMJ and Guns...if you don't like it GTFO!


Ya i hear ya budd, best thing to due is start running tests in that cab with all those cfls if you already haven't, see what the temps will be like.
your venting seems ok with the passive intakes and a breeze blowing inside, just make sure the cab don't get too hot, im sure you know that. You can make a carbon filter for your exhaust if smell is an issue. A SOG screen would fit nice inside, and will help you utilize your space and yield. Just make sure you wait till the plants show sex and then setup your screen.
Heres a link that you can check out, showing a basic sog grow!

good luck dude keep us updated.

I gotz me some fem seeds so I should be fine! Thanks for the link to mang. SOG requires a higher qty of plants to be effective right? Is the 3 weeks I want to veg going to be enough time for scrog?

Thanks to all who are contributing,


Active Member
i think the reason people are getting upset is cause you posted pictures that were pointless.... your asking for advice on getting 1 per watt and you post pictures of a bong a blunt and some guns. your associating your guns with marijuana there was no point or purpose in putting them up but to try and make people think your cool or something


i think the reason people are getting upset is cause you posted pictures that were pointless.... your asking for advice on getting 1 per watt and you post pictures of a bong a blunt and some guns. your associating your guns with marijuana there was no point or purpose in putting them up but to try and make people think your cool or something

I only posted pictures to make the thread a bit more appealing hoping to get more feedback. I have never been flamed on a website as I have been here. Guns are not illegal and I do not have them to look cool. These are all judgments that you guys are making...not sure where some ppl get off judging others. I would even go as far to say I would be more apt to reply to a thread with gun pics.(someone with similar interests)

I was posting pictures of me smoking...again I had no idea that could offend so many people...with that being said I DO NOT APOLOGIZE.

I thought this site was somewhere to express myself amongst my peers...guess I am the only person in the world who A.) hunts B.) smokes blunts C.) doesn't pre judge people for their choice to own / collect guns


Active Member
i didnt know people hunt with fake mp5s and tec9s but ok lol. the point is you should expect some bad responses when you come on to a marijuana growing forum and start posting pictures of your guns


i didnt know people hunt with fake mp5s and tec9s but ok lol. the point is you should expect some bad responses when you come on to a marijuana growing forum and start posting pictures of your guns

HAHA I would not hunt with either of those guns...doesn't make much sense it would be like growing with incandescent bulbs! I am simply a collector, and the day I took the pics and posted we had been out shooting.(targets..not opposing gang members)

The interwebz is corrupting people, since they can post what ever they want people feel as if there opinions on my believes reality all their doing is showing ignorance.

I digress...the guns are legal, if they offend you don't look.

Back on topic please:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I gotz me some fem seeds so I should be fine! Thanks for the link to mang. SOG requires a higher qty of plants to be effective right? Is the 3 weeks I want to veg going to be enough time for scrog?

Thanks to all who are contributing,

Well when i say SOG i dont mean literally a see of green i mean a scrog screen. Scrog is really good when you have lots of plants or little space. The cab looks relatively close to my grow cab, i will post a pic. I am choosing to grow like buddy did in that link i posted because i have a smaller space, and my plants will grow way to high. I have done some minor LST to keep the stalk lower to the ground and i'll be able to grow right into that screen and tie them down onto that. I am pretty new to the game and im sure some 1 with better experience can relate this information and translate it to make better sense, plus it really doesn't help im baked off my ass right now and keep thinking about dinner =)
Based on the size of your area and starting from seed i think about 3-4 weeks of veg will be good, that is just about what i did. Remember these bitches grow like WEEDS in flower, they will double if not triple in size, easily!


Active Member
Good luck getting much advice. I've been trying for two and half weeks! Anyway, 12 cfls in one fixture, DAMN! I'd like to see a pic of that beast. Is that for veg. or flower?


Active Member
advice and tips are everywhere. look in the cfl section which your posting in its loaded with stealth cabs to take tips from thats where i came up with ideas for mine


Well when i say SOG i dont mean literally a see of green i mean a scrog screen. Scrog is really good when you have lots of plants or little space. The cab looks relatively close to my grow cab, i will post a pic. I am choosing to grow like buddy did in that link i posted because i have a smaller space, and my plants will grow way to high. I have done some minor LST to keep the stalk lower to the ground and i'll be able to grow right into that screen and tie them down onto that. I am pretty new to the game and im sure some 1 with better experience can relate this information and translate it to make better sense, plus it really doesn't help im baked off my ass right now and keep thinking about dinner =)
Based on the size of your area and starting from seed i think about 3-4 weeks of veg will be good, that is just about what i did. Remember these bitches grow like WEEDS in flower, they will double if not triple in size, easily!

SCROG it is man! I am still up in the air about the lights...I am half tempted to try an LED...:?:

This cab will be used for both veg and flower the CFL's will work for both depending on the spectrum, maybe for now ill try the CFL's and next grow do LED or a mini HPS(150 or 250)

I found a ton of info by searching and reading some of the grow journals...makes me feel like a seasoned veteran already:lol:

Mikey - I would love to see your cab if you get a chance. I have some Chocolope seeds from attitude and I know they are medium to tall plants...probably not the best choice for me but its what I have(this is why I am thinking of doing the SCROG and growing these bad boys horizontal...bowchicabowwow). I know they are easy to grow so I am less likely to kill them! Nest time I will be doing some AF strains, actually plan on ordering DEC. 4th with the Christmas special from tude.
