Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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ok so i have a plant wich i trained down it has about 7 or 8 little side branches and what ever. i notice thou what would normally be the top of the plant the main cola still growns more abudantly. If i where to top it now would all of the side branches become large colas assuming i took care of them porperly
or should i just leave it
or should i just leave it

This has all been discussed in the thread before...

You can definitely top right now, but you'll end up with a plant that is more bushy. Yes you'll have multiple tops, but they won't be "colas" so to speak.

My limited experience has lead me to prefer having a few big colas (or just one) instead of many little tops. Do what you please.
The main thing I'm unclear on right now is how much longer you let the plant veg after pinching before you'd consider switching the light to 12/12 to begin forcing. I realize that there's the final height factor to consider (and I can't really accomodate any more than 4 foot above the container) but I should certainly think that the plant needs at least a week or two more of vegging after being pinched back so that it can develope that healthy 4 cola scaffold.

That's your call, one I can't make for you. Your goal is to make sure that the plant has plenty of foliage and is well established (has a good root system after upcanning) before going 12/12.
Jack in the Bud-

What I've done in the past is top the plants at 5-6 nodes, above the 2nd node, for 4 colas, just as the first page describes. It took approximately 2.5 weeks for the plants to get to that point. I continued vegetative growth for another 1.5 weeks, leaving me with plants that were roughly 7 inches tall. After flowering, my indica dominants stopped growing at just under 2 ft tall.

The small plants contain an enormous amount of bud though. Although I'm having problems getting 4 identical colas, all the plants have 2 stocky heavyweights that are truly admirable. One of the 4 plants will be easily yielding me 2 ounces. For a newbie working with CFLs, that is more than I hoped for.

If space is an issue, I have to think this method will work better than you could ever dream.
That's your call, one I can't make for you. Your goal is to make sure that the plant has plenty of foliage and is well established (has a good root system after upcanning) before going 12/12.

Morn'n UB,

Thanks, I believe I understand what you're trying to tell me. I don't mean to wear you out with all these questions it's just that I'm trying to get a handle on the subtelties of your growing paradigm.

I realize that my times to get to these various stages that indicate you do certain things is going to be different than yours. What I'm looking for is your reasoning behind why you do things and what indicates to you that you should do them.

For instance, what is it about the seedling that tells you that it's time to take it out from under the flouros and start giving it the more intense lighting? Is there some kind of guidline for this based on the number of nodes the plant has produced?

This is the next judgement call I'm gonna have to make. I'm looking foreward to it because when I do get to the point when it's time to move them to the main grow space under the serious light it will give me the additional room to where I can do an upcan. I don't want to rush this step though. If it takes me longer than 20 days under the flouros to get to this point so be it.

Well, my morning brownie is starting to get a hold of me so I better wrap this up before I babble on at great length.

Take care.

Jack in the Bud-

What I've done in the past is top the plants at 5-6 nodes, above the 2nd node, for 4 colas, just as the first page describes. It took approximately 2.5 weeks for the plants to get to that point. I continued vegetative growth for another 1.5 weeks, leaving me with plants that were roughly 7 inches tall. After flowering, my indica dominants stopped growing at just under 2 ft tall.

The small plants contain an enormous amount of bud though. Although I'm having problems getting 4 identical colas, all the plants have 2 stocky heavyweights that are truly admirable. One of the 4 plants will be easily yielding me 2 ounces. For a newbie working with CFLs, that is more than I hoped for.

If space is an issue, I have to think this method will work better than you could ever dream.


Very interesting, thanks for sharing that with me.

I'm at 17 days and almost all my seedlings have 2 distinct nodes with the beginings of the third one becoming visible. I'm hoping that with in the next 7 to 10 days I'll have 5 nodes on each.

My plan is that when they get to 5 nodes I'm going to pinch them above the second node, upcan them from the 4x4x5 deep pots they're curently in to 8" diameter x 7" deep pots and then move them into my main grow space with the serious lighting.
Which in my set up consists of a 400 watt metal halide, a 150 watt HPS and 4 150 watt equivalent cfls.

My thinking at this point is that I'm probably going to give them at least another 2 to 3 weeks of vegging under 20/4 after pinching before switching to 12/12. Then once they indicate and I can get rid of all the males I'll have the room to do another upcan. All though from what I've been learning here lately doing an upcan at that point (after flowering has begun) makes it seem that doing an upcan at that point doesn't gain you all that much (root wise). But fuck it, it certainly won't hurt them.

It sounds to me like you're doing pretty good. If you've managed to get 2 oz. of cured bud off of one plant well, my hat's off to you. I can hardly wait until I can make that claim myself. I'm almost embarresed to tell you what my last average yield per plant was. It was only 9 grams (just shy of 1/3 oz.). But even with all the mistakes I've recently learned I'd been making what little I got was still some pretty stinky and sticky stuff. You might say I'm pleased with my quality but extremely disappointed with my yield. But I have the feeling that with what I've learned (and am learning)from uncle ben here in this thread I'm on the cusp of making a radical leap foreward in that area this go round.

Time will tell.


Very interesting, thanks for sharing that with me.

It sounds like you have a battle plan, and if you stick to it my guess is that it'll work. I wouldn't feel too bad about your first harvest's yield. I was expecting something along those lines but then I started reading this thread lol.

This is my second grow, and things are going sooooo much better than my first grow. Like you said, what you learn makes a huge difference the next time around.
Morn'n UB,

Thanks, I believe I understand what you're trying to tell me. I don't mean to wear you out with all these questions it's just that I'm trying to get a handle on the subtelties of your growing paradigm.

I realize that my times to get to these various stages that indicate you do certain things is going to be different than yours. What I'm looking for is your reasoning behind why you do things and what indicates to you that you should do them.

I don't know how I can be any more clearer than what I said - "Your goal is to make sure that the plant has plenty of foliage and is well established (has a good root system after upcanning) before going 12/12."

For instance, what is it about the seedling that tells you that it's time to take it out from under the flouros and start giving it the more intense lighting?
Think out of the box. You're stuck on the idea that seedlings are fragile. Here I am giving them full sun on a cloudless day, all day, as soon as they pop and then sticking them under lights to simulate 20/4. You can't do this if you have alot of wind as the new trunk is fragile for a while and of course cold temps doesn't help. But they love the high light. You should grow cannabis without any hesitation from start to finish. I've found that a stunted plant usually remains that way, some how, some way.

Is there some kind of guidline for this based on the number of nodes the plant has produced?
When you have a robust plant with good foliage and root system......

If you want, start a journal starting from the get-go, link us and we'll chime in.

Good luck!

Hopefully, I'm not going to make an idiot out of myself and ask what someone already asked here, but after reading the first 30+ pages, I couldn't find the answer, so I skipped to here. After I've topped for 4 colas I'm going to replant the top in a jiffy plug and use it as a clone (which will susequently get topped the same way). I want to make at least 2 additional clones. My question is, where should I take the cuttings from on the plant??? I've always been told to take cuttings from the lower branches, but is it ok to take a cutting from them after topping or should I cut from somewhere else (any recommendations?)?? Forgive my ignorance of cloning --- I'm trying to learn how to do it CORRECTLY, but I want to top for 4 colas also. My goal is to have 4 plants (1 orig and 3 clones) at a time in my growspace, preferably without using up my limited supply of seeds. Any input/suggestions/thoughts are GREATLY appreciated!!!!
My question is, where should I take the cuttings from on the plant??? I've always been told to take cuttings from the lower branches, but is it ok to take a cutting from them after topping or should I cut from somewhere else (any recommendations?)?? Forgive my ignorance of cloning --- I'm trying to learn how to do it CORRECTLY, but I want to top for 4 colas also. My goal is to have 4 plants (1 orig and 3 clones) at a time in my growspace, preferably without using up my limited supply of seeds. Any input/suggestions/thoughts are GREATLY appreciated!!!!

Even though this thread is not about taking cuttings and rooting them, remember the terminal leader (the top) of a plant is active, while the lower branches may or may not be active at that moment. IOW, I think you'll get better results if you choose cuttings from the top of the plant. Like I've said, you won't get 2/4 main colas unless the nodes are opposing.

Good luck,
Found another topped one that shows the dormant foliar bud output AND the cotyledons below the first node.



Good info:
In the case of dicot seedlings whose cotyledons are photosynthetic, the cotyledons are functionally similar to leaves. However, true leaves and cotyledons are developmentally distinct. Cotyledons are formed during embryogenesis, along with the root and shoot meristems, and are therefore present in the seed prior to germination. True leaves, however, are formed post-embryonically (i.e. after germination) from the shoot apical meristem, which is responsible for generating subsequent aerial portions of the plant.


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Hey UB, So i top my plant for 4 main colas, I then can plant the top for a clone.
Can I then let that clone grow 5 or 6 nodes and top it and plant the top and as a clone again?
and have perpetual clones that way.

Spent a hour or so wandering the aisles of my local Casa de Pot yesterday.

While I couldn't find any of those Peter's products you've been mentioning I did pick up a couple of interesting things to have on hand for possible use. I still have more places to check around town to try and find the ferts you seem to favor.

I got a quart of Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1) for $7.57. Also came accross a Miracle Grow liquid house plant fertilizer product that I hadn't seen before. It's got an 8-7-6 ratio. I grabbed an 8 oz. bottle of that for $2.95. If nothing else I'll be dosing some of my regular house plants with these things to try and get a feel for them.

Also spent some time looking over the various light fixtures they carry and was wondering if you've ever looked over what they carry and thought any of it might be good for indoor garden lighting.

They had some 2, 3 and 4 foot dual T-5 bulb flourescent fixtures that looked interesting and seemed reasonably priced.

Also wondered what you might think of some of the HPS fixtures they sell to be used for out door area/security lighting.

I've got a $100 or so in my budget to spend on increasing my light intensity in the grow space and have been fretting over what might be the best thing to spend it on. I've all ready got a 400 watt MH as a main light along with a 150 watt HPS and 4 150 watt equivelent cfls (in the corners) supplimenting it. The space is 5' x 7'. I still think it couldn't hurt to have some more supplimental light around the edges.

I also picked up several 4' x 8' sheets of 1/2" think white foam insulation panels that look a lot like the movable side panels I've seen in one or two of your pictures. Today's project is to take down the aluminum foil I've currently got on the walls for reflectivety and line the space with these foam panels.


Spent a hour or so wandering the aisles of my local Casa de Pot yesterday.

While I couldn't find any of those Peter's products you've been mentioning I did pick up a couple of interesting things to have on hand for possible use. I still have more places to check around town to try and find the ferts you seem to favor.

Try mail order, orchid supply stores.

I got a quart of Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1) for $7.57.
Good stuff, slow though.

Also spent some time looking over the various light fixtures they carry and was wondering if you've ever looked over what they carry and thought any of it might be good for indoor garden lighting.

They had some 2, 3 and 4 foot dual T-5 bulb flourescent fixtures that looked interesting and seemed reasonably priced.

Also wondered what you might think of some of the HPS fixtures they sell to be used for out door area/security lighting.
You could use the shop lights for seedlings placing them so the leaves almost touch the tubes. Spend alot of time on researching hoods and don't get the inefficient Depot ones. A small horizontal hood with a gull wing insert of specular material is best.

I've got a $100 or so in my budget to spend on increasing my light intensity in the grow space and have been fretting over what might be the best thing to spend it on. I've all ready got a 400 watt MH as a main light along with a 150 watt HPS and 4 150 watt equivelent cfls (in the corners) supplimenting it. The space is 5' x 7'. I still think it couldn't hurt to have some more supplimental light around the edges.
You'd be surprised what 4 moveable white side panels will do. You don't need the extra light fixtures if you keep those panels close to the plants, always. 3 thinned coats of Behr's Ultra White latex or some other like a "brilliant white" latex works great as a coating.

You're welcome Stoney384

Good luck,
Hey UB. Since you've been around the block for so long, have you ever known of asian beetles eating foliage? I always get them in the house each winter, and I figured no problem. Everything Ive read says they eat insects only, yet Ive noticed a couple of leaves on my plants have been nibbled on. :cuss:

Ive been grabbing each one I can and flushing em down the toilet. Im sure theres no other insects in my grow tent nibbling on them. I check on em so often Id notice anything else in there.
Hey I have been reading this thread and I am really interested in trying this. I don't know if you already answered this, but is yield increased a lot by having 4 main colas, or 2, or do you just get 4 colas that produce the same amount of bud as a really large single cola?
Hey Uncle Ben,

I previously asked about doing this with clones that have alternating nodes....I couldn't get them to go back to opposing.....Plan B.....

I plan on starting from seed again but I have no more seeds....So I was thinking :lol: seeing I have to make some seeds and I have these clones would you mind passing on some info about what you think about masculinizing a clone to pollinate. That way I would get all femmed seeds.....This does fit into this thread in a way as, at least for me, I started too late and could only try this method of yours on clones and I have no boys....Only sisters.....So I could even masculinize with a sister or a mother clone....

It would really be cool to be able to sow the seeds and with relative confidence know your limited space would be filled with girls....and then I would be able to top for 4 colas starting from seed every cycle.....

Any help would be appreciated....Your opinion is highly regarded by us all....

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