Intolerable "Diversity"

Do a little research. What was the crime rate per capita during the Great Depression of the 1930s compared to today? I think you all will be suprised. While you're at it, also compare the illegitimate birth rate of African-Americans in the 1930s-1950s to today.

Crime is not a poverty issue. Crime is a moral issue.


I think you are right, Vi, and wrong at the same time. Someone with fewer options IS more likely to commit a petty crime-i.e. one that people see and easily define as a crime. The real issue that I think you might be hitting on is that Crime comes in all shapes. The Crips and the Skull and Bones Society use the same methods, but one is full of "respectable" boys and the other full of Yale Students. :mrgreen:
And I think I see where you are going with your historical data...FDR's socialistic welfare reform put us back on track, but part of his New Deal was that once we recovered, the need for welfare relief would reduce, not expand into a four generation family tradition.
Today's welfare system works like Sharecropping did after the civil war. You give someone just enough so that they are stuck in your system which you make money off of. When I was about 20, I was broke and I went on welfare for the medical in order to see a therapist to help get my life together. I started to get my life together, getting a job that paid $6 an hour, and they took away my benefits within a month. I actually made less than what I was getting in food stamps and medical benefits by getting off my ass and going to work.

In my opinion, it all goes back to the Government not wanting people to be self reliant, and people not wanting to be either. We want to be free, as long as we're not responsible for that freedom. I will say that poverty stricken areas are more likely to breed petty crime, but the simple fact is that when two or more determined assholes get together, no matter what the economic status, others will suffer.
Do a little research. What was the crime rate per capita during the Great Depression of the 1930s compared to today? I think you all will be suprised. While you're at it, also compare the illegitimate birth rate of African-Americans in the 1930s-1950s to today.

Crime is not a poverty issue. Crime is a moral issue.

Is it a crime to charge someone 6% to sell their 600,000 home, thats 36,000 for a few hours work, more than most petty thieves make in a year. Where is the morality in that?
Is it a crime to charge someone 6% to sell their 600,000 home, thats 36,000 for a few hours work, more than most petty thieves make in a year. Where is the morality in that?

it's crime to force people to pay taxes for things they don't want by threatening to kick in their door and kill them. you can pick a realtor in the yellow pages or print yourself a sign that says, "for sale by owner".

let's put this one in the case closed section...

it's crime to force people to pay taxes for things they don't want by threatening to kick in their door and kill them. you can pick a realtor in the yellow pages or print yourself a sign that says, "for sale by owner".

let's put this one in the case closed section...

There you go, assuming you have had the last word. Taxes are and will always be in one form or another. Read your fucking Bible and get over it. Give unto Caesar what is Caesars and give unto God what is Gods. And 6% of a 600,000 home is fucking rediculous.
There you go, assuming you have had the last word. Taxes are and will always be in one form or another. Read your fucking Bible and get over it. Give unto Caesar what is Caesars and give unto God what is Gods. And 6% of a 600,000 home is fucking rediculous.

for sale by owner.

for sale by owner.

I believe there is a service whereby you get national listing for a much reduced rate. That would probably be my first choice, but paying some asshole to show up at my door and a week later show up with a buyer and walk with 36,000 is not my idea of fair wages, or I should say fair value. I would say 3-5K would be reasonable for that effort. Thats way more than I ever made in a week, legally anyway.

I believe there is a service whereby you get national listing for a much reduced rate. That would probably be my first choice, but paying some asshole to show up at my door and a week later show up with a buyer and walk with 36,000 is not my idea of fair wages, or I should say fair value. I would say 3-5K would be reasonable for that effort. Thats way more than I ever made in a week, legally anyway.

now see, isn't it nice to have control over what you buy? you get to determine the value!

you can pay the low baller and keep quiet when your house sits through several mortgage payments or pay a ball busting pro to get that thing sold. you might get lucky, you might not, but either way its your choice - America is great.

I believe there is a service whereby you get national listing for a much reduced rate. That would probably be my first choice, but paying some asshole to show up at my door and a week later show up with a buyer and walk with 36,000 is not my idea of fair wages, or I should say fair value. I would say 3-5K would be reasonable for that effort. Thats way more than I ever made in a week, legally anyway.

There's all kinds of options out there, Med. Like 7x says, you can go for sale by owner. You can list your own property on the Internet and hope a qualified buyer will come by and pay you full market value, even though the buyer isn't getting any of the professional services he/she would normally get from a Realtor. You can even find Internet services that will put your home on the local multiple listing service for a flat fee of $600 ... and you still have to sell it yourself. Then there are local discount brokers who will list your home for a flat fee or a greatly reduced commission. Then there are full service brokers who work for a normal fee. This has NOTHING to do with what you earned on your job. You are talking apples and oranges here. What I detect is more of your class envy coming through. If Realtors make the fortunes you say they do ... especially for a "few hours work," then why the fuck don't you get your real estate licence and make a pile of money for yourself? I'd love to see how far you'd get with your "positive" attitude. ~lol~


PS: Uncle Sunny ... You made the statement that FDR got us back on track with the New Deal. Facts will show that there were more unemployed at the start of FDR's third term than there were at the start of his first term. All the socialistic welfare state programs did nothing to end the depression. In fact, they prolonged the depression. What turned the economy around was WWII.
There's all kinds of options out there, Med. Like 7x says, you can go for sale by owner. You can list your own property on the Internet and hope a qualified buyer will come by and pay you full market value, even though the buyer isn't getting any of the professional services he/she would normally get from a Realtor. You can even find Internet services that will put your home on the local multiple listing service for a flat fee of $600 ... and you still have to sell it yourself. Then there are local discount brokers who will list your home for a flat fee or a greatly reduced commission. Then there are full service brokers who work for a normal fee. This has NOTHING to do with what you earned on your job. You are talking apples and oranges here. What I detect is more of your class envy coming through. If Realtors make the fortunes you say they do ... especially for a "few hours work," then why the fuck don't you get your real estate licence and make a pile of money for yourself? I'd love to see how far you'd get with your "positive" attitude. ~lol~
Not the salesman type, thank God.

PS: Uncle Sunny ... You made the statement that FDR got us back on track with the New Deal. Facts will show that there were more unemployed at the start of FDR's third term than there were at the start of his first term. All the socialistic welfare state programs did nothing to end the depression. In fact, they prolonged the depression. What turned the economy around was WWII.
More unsubstanciated bullshit.
PS: Uncle Sunny ... You made the statement that FDR got us back on track with the New Deal. Facts will show that there were more unemployed at the start of FDR's third term than there were at the start of his first term. All the socialistic welfare state programs did nothing to end the depression. In fact, they prolonged the depression. What turned the economy around was WWII.

Um, in 1933, When Roosevelt took over from Hoover,unemployment was 25.2 percent. In 1940, the election year of his third term, Unemployment was 13.9. Now, I know that there are factors going on that skew numbers...for example, the massive immigration of European settlers between 1850 and 1920 were now no longer immigrants or undocumented workers, they were Americans with kids and rights and the government finally counted them, so there could have technically been higher numbers of unemployed people due to Documented Citizen population increase. WWII started years before the US entered it, and many people in a time of war do the logical thing--they run like hell. America had another surge of immigrants all demanding status, causing unemployment numbers to raise.
I quoted you what I read from the Department of Commerce's stats, but I wouldn't argue that certain political writers could change the numbers based on immigration. It's kinda what I'm doing. See, I can blame Hoover, who after all was secretary of Commerce to the most vile and hated president in my mind--Calvin Coolidge. I could base my whole argument on defending Roosevelt, and that it was the Conservative Coalition or the business policies of the World Bank flunkies who came before him, but I'm not going to.
It is impossible to look at the rising and falling of a fluid system and blame the guy at the helm when you hit a wave. America was a different place before the big war and the boomers that followed. America wasn't fixed by WWII, it was deified and thrust into insane amounts of power and control. Sure, there were capitalist far before it, but WWII wasn't a get back on track thing--it was what made us King of the World.

It is as difficult for Baby Boomers to picture the world before the War as it is for my generation to picture the world without Television. Post WWII created a structure in this country that is only now dwindling down. America used to be a whole land of Immigrants, but parties like the "Know Nothings" which spouted the "Git off my Land" ideology and the rising xenophobia of Eugenics prevalent at that time illustrate the change in our culture.

Because of the ideas of what America was when my father was a boy, these "boys" are running a country based on that same solution. We are a war based economy. However, we are not a war based populace like "Golden Generation"-these people dug out of their cellars for scrap to help the war. We now watch biased news reports and throw yellow ribbons on our cars to show we care.
Do I think FDR's Socialist gamble helped American workers? Yes. Do I think that the War trumped anything that anybody did in policy making? Fuck yeah. The point I wanted to make is that when something works in America, it seems impossible to change it, even if it worked once but clearly doesn't work anymore. That was the point I wanted to make about Welfare, and it is how I feel about my Nation's policy on war.
I believe there is a service whereby you get national listing for a much reduced rate. That would probably be my first choice, but paying some asshole to show up at my door and a week later show up with a buyer and walk with 36,000 is not my idea of fair wages, or I should say fair value. I would say 3-5K would be reasonable for that effort. Thats way more than I ever made in a week, legally anyway.

Wow you have never bought or sold a house. First off that 6% commision is split down the middle 3% selling agent 3% listing agent. On top of that Agents work for Brokers, depending on how much you produce dictates how much of a percentage you make of that initial 3%. Being a top producer in real estate means working any time of the day or night for your clients. My most recent agent showed us houses on her daughters birthday. She took us out looking for houses on easter sunday!

Don't misunderstand what I'm saying, she drove a mercedes g500 and more platinum and diamond jewelry than my wife has ever seen, she got the price on the house right, she kept me informed every step of the way, and worked around my schedule. For that she earned the 4800 dollars that the 3% came too. I know she is a top producer, and If I ever list my current home, I will give her the business.
in 1933, When Roosevelt took over from Hoover,unemployment was 25.2 percent. In 1940, the election year of his third term, Unemployment was 13.9.

i wonder how many of those were CCC "employees". i really wonder because they had a lot of those CCC programs in very rural areas where people weren't even affected by the depression but they would enroll in a program to get free lunches and a few dollars a week. maybe that inflated the numbers a bit... don't know.

Wow you have never bought or sold a house. First off that 6% commision is split down the middle 3% selling agent 3% listing agent. On top of that Agents work for Brokers, depending on how much you produce dictates how much of a percentage you make of that initial 3%. Being a top producer in real estate means working any time of the day or night for your clients. My most recent agent showed us houses on her daughters birthday. She took us out looking for houses on easter sunday!

Don't misunderstand what I'm saying, she drove a mercedes g500 and more platinum and diamond jewelry than my wife has ever seen, she got the price on the house right, she kept me informed every step of the way, and worked around my schedule. For that she earned the 4800 dollars that the 3% came too. I know she is a top producer, and If I ever list my current home, I will give her the business.
as I've stated, that is not excessive, 5,000 bucks, if your house was only 150K, If you sell a million dollar house like all shitbox houses in CA are, you split 60K, thats excessive. If you sell upscale houses like VI, 1-5 Million you could be splitting 300K, A very nice weeks work. and way over paid. If your house was 300K and she split, still a nice weeks work. Just think VI can make the price of your house by selling one upscale mansion, is that not excessive profit?
as I've stated, that is not excessive, 5,000 bucks, if your house was only 150K, If you sell a million dollar house like all shitbox houses in CA are, you split 60K, thats excessive. If you sell upscale houses like VI, 1-5 Million you could be splitting 300K, A very nice weeks work. and way over paid. If your house was 300K and she split, still a nice weeks work. Just think VI can make the price of your house by selling one upscale mansion, is that not excessive profit?

Real estate agents only make commision, what if said real estate agent does not make another sale that month or that quarter, they have to live on what they made.

It is a nice living if you dont mind putting in 80 hours a week and never having a holiday or weekend off.

Sales people don't get paid because they are educated, sales people get paid because they work a shitload of hours dealing with the public that have little to no respect for them because they are not educated.

You can't blame the agent for what you are willing to pay for a home.
Uncle Sunny ...

I didn't mean to imply that WWII fixed everything in the country ... only the economy. And don't forget, all of the New Deal projects were paid for with taxpayer money, either through direct taxes or through inflationary monetary manipulation. Any project that government partakes of, is run off of the production of the private sector. In other words, private capital and production is sacrificed to the WPA projects run by government. As is always the case, as the money is filtered through the hands of the government, government takes its brokerage fee.

Here's some interesting stuff for you to read:

The Roosevelt Myth

The Revolution Was by Garet Garrett

Dankie ...

Thanks for the support. Med does not have even the slightest clue about the working life of a successful real estate agent. All he sees is the money, and as a devout socialist,the thought that someone may make more money than he does just drives him crazy. ~lol~

Dankie ...

Thanks for the support. Med does not have even the slightest clue about the working life of a successful real estate agent. All he sees is the money, and as a devout socialist,the thought that someone may make more money than he does just drives him crazy. ~lol~


We may not agree on much, but as an independent insurance agent commision is very near and dear to my heart!
Uncle Sunny ...

I didn't mean to imply that WWII fixed everything in the country ... only the economy. And don't forget, all of the New Deal projects were paid for with taxpayer money, either through direct taxes or through inflationary monetary manipulation. Any project that government partakes of, is run off of the production of the private sector. In other words, private capital and production is sacrificed to the WPA projects run by government. As is always the case, as the money is filtered through the hands of the government, government takes its brokerage fee.

Here's some interesting stuff for you to read:

The Roosevelt Myth

The Revolution Was by Garet Garrett

I must admit that I haven't read your links yet, but I will. I mentioned somewhere that I was sucked into a video game for the past few days and I don't think I'm getting out soon.

And I didn't think that you meant to say that WWII fixed everything all by itself. I genuinely don't think that you are crazy enough to make such a silly implication. You do strike me as a crazy person, but mostly for supporting George W on a site like this...I must say, that Oval office Resignation letter you wrote: clever, but you obviously wanted to piss SOMEONE off...
Uncle Sunny sez ...

"And I didn't think that you meant to say that WWII fixed everything all by itself. I genuinely don't think that you are crazy enough to make such a silly implication. You do strike me as a crazy person, but mostly for supporting George W on a site like this...I must say, that Oval office Resignation letter you wrote: clever, but you obviously wanted to piss SOMEONE off..."

~lol~ I think I like you. :)


PS: Please read the links. Two of my favorite writers.
We may not agree on much, but as an independent insurance agent commision is very near and dear to my heart!
And the light comes on, commissioned salesmen are the most malicious predators on the planet. I worked with some of the slickest salesmen I've ever known, real criminals, would sell their mother a bogus deal. There might be one out of a hundred that has a conscience, but even that is pretty slim odds. When they look at a perspective client, they size them up for how much blood they can suck out of them. Take into account that these two individuals are salesmen before you seek to validate their claims. HAHAHOHOHEHE~LOL~.