Well-Known Member
Do a little research. What was the crime rate per capita during the Great Depression of the 1930s compared to today? I think you all will be suprised. While you're at it, also compare the illegitimate birth rate of African-Americans in the 1930s-1950s to today.
Crime is not a poverty issue. Crime is a moral issue.
I think you are right, Vi, and wrong at the same time. Someone with fewer options IS more likely to commit a petty crime-i.e. one that people see and easily define as a crime. The real issue that I think you might be hitting on is that Crime comes in all shapes. The Crips and the Skull and Bones Society use the same methods, but one is full of "respectable" boys and the other full of Yale Students.

And I think I see where you are going with your historical data...FDR's socialistic welfare reform put us back on track, but part of his New Deal was that once we recovered, the need for welfare relief would reduce, not expand into a four generation family tradition.
Today's welfare system works like Sharecropping did after the civil war. You give someone just enough so that they are stuck in your system which you make money off of. When I was about 20, I was broke and I went on welfare for the medical in order to see a therapist to help get my life together. I started to get my life together, getting a job that paid $6 an hour, and they took away my benefits within a month. I actually made less than what I was getting in food stamps and medical benefits by getting off my ass and going to work.
In my opinion, it all goes back to the Government not wanting people to be self reliant, and people not wanting to be either. We want to be free, as long as we're not responsible for that freedom. I will say that poverty stricken areas are more likely to breed petty crime, but the simple fact is that when two or more determined assholes get together, no matter what the economic status, others will suffer.