My 8 little White Widow Children (pics)


Active Member
My plants are doing well with the exception of a few things. Take a look and tell me what you think.

I think that a coupple of my babbies are struggling with Nitrogen Deficiency and im not sure how to fix this, any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
My plants are doing well with the exception of a few things. Take a look and tell me what you think.

I think that a coupple of my babbies are struggling with Nitrogen Deficiency and im not sure how to fix this, any advise would be greatly appreciated.

heres a few, more to come

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:EVERBODY LOVES TO BLAZE:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


the moon

Active Member
My plants are doing well with the exception of a few things. Take a look and tell me what you think.

I think that a coupple of my babbies are struggling with Nitrogen Deficiency and im not sure how to fix this, any advise would be greatly appreciated.

heres a few, more to come

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:EVERBODY LOVES TO BLAZE:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
make sure you run a fan at all times. ventilate the room with the ac, open windows, you might be overfertilizing also,


Active Member
The same thing happened to me early on. I stopped using fert and just watered for a week or 2. After that everything went back to normal. Also I would get a MH bulb. Hps will work for veg but plants seem to stretch a lot more. MH will keep your nodes nice and tight for better bud production later.