Well-Known Member
ok well i got my plant under 1 300 watt cfl 1 150 and 1 100,12/12 from seeds and its doing great im a huge fan of cfl growing , show me some pics of ur sucessful cfl grows

Looking nice, How longs the flowering time on that?![]()
its an all organic grow and the tipe od leaves are bit yellow but thats stopped after i put the big fan in the room
only day 14 actualy buds hacve been here lol
ok well close to 6th week from seed thats only about 2weeks of actual buds i have a few more littel ones 2aswellLooking nice, How longs the flowering time on that?
yea ill post some pics later dudhellz yeah homie... i am still a lil nervous about throwing some plants outdoors due to the fact, thati f i get robbed, then all that work for nothing... no security unless i sleep out there with a gun around my shit... and i aint doing but good luck man, and like i said... i will be following this... are you gonna put some piks up of our box?
thanks dude im subscribed to ur newest thread 2 cant wait to see the outcomethat lst shape is sick... that is sorta the shape mine went into... your other one is looking good too...
FUCKING BOMB!preciate it... i just updated with new piks... ive been sick lately, so i havent really had the time or health to be getting on here... but i'm str8 now, so up up and away with new updates and shit...