The nitrous oxide is on its way...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BobCajun
Nitrous can have some nasty effects if overused. For example this from

"This 36-year old electrical engineer came to the emergency room complaining that he was unable to walk. Symptoms had begun 4 days earlier with 'pins and neeedles' in both feet that gradually worsened and ascended to involve the knees and the fingertips. With worsening of the paresthesias (-no sense of touch or pain-) he noted difficulty in maintaining proper control of the movements of his arms and hands and trouble in walking. He also reported the sensation of electric shocks through his back and legs upon flexion of the neck. He denied bladder or bowel impairment but he had been unable to have an erection for the past week. His past medical history was unremarkable except for occasional abuse of alcohol in the past. However he denied any drinking of alcohol for the past 8 months.
For recreational purposes he had inhaled two to three boxes of nitrous oxide, each box containing 24 cartridges, practically
every day for the past six months.
When first seen his general physical examination was completely unremarkable. The neurological examination showed hyperesthesia and hyperalgesia in the lower extremities up to the knees. He had severe bilateral sensory dystaxia and could only stand with support.
Intramuscular B12 injections were started and during the following days his hematological status inproved, (-apart from neurological symptoms, the functional B12 deficiency caused by N2O also produces megaloblastic anemia,- ed.) although his neurological condition continued to deteriorate. The paresthesias ascended to the nipples and he developed fecal and urinary incontinence. (- stuff deleted-)
Four weeks later he began to improve and four months after the onset of the symptoms, and his last use of nitrous oxide he could walk with some hesitation and had completely regained bowel and bladder control and sexual function (-stuff deleted-)."
Stacey et al More Overuse of Nitrous "This 32 year old woman was admitted to the neurology service for inability to walk and paresthesias in her limbs and trunk. Her symptoms began 3 weeks prior to admission with a 'tingling' sensation in the soles of her feet, trunk and hands. Her gait bexcame progressively less steady and the day prior to admission she had an episode of urinary incontinence. Her past medical history was significant for bulimia and occasional intranasal use of cocaine. for the previous 3 months she had inhaled nitrous oxide for recreational purposes, up to 200 cartridges a day, three to four times a week. (-stuff deleted, similar neurological signs as above, some antisocial behavior)."

I was being a smartass /// I apologize, I realised making vague statements relevant to a sentence 2 pages back on a pot forum can leave some people in the fog.

Big P

Well-Known Member
i bet they put a watch on his name, he saw that the package was deliverd goes to get it from the school postal place and then bam they bust him!! maybe they thought he got his gun mailed to him ya know? but instead they see 100 nitrous cartrages and bust em on that!

anyway just my theory

its either that or hes deadbongsmilie

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I'm back, nirous man.... I want to share some things with you all that are quite significant great on nitrous.



And EDIT: 60 down 40 to go, but I'm trying to save some for shrooms which will be in a week or so.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
My fucking cracker broke and your avatar is gay. I have crafted a bag in which to use the cracked aluminum cracker [where everything is enclosed, not just the top of the cracker where the n2o is SUPPOSED to vent, but did not] then a really good tap with a steel bottle will send the de-threaded threads to the 'screwed on' position. After, the top half will fall off, and the container will dispense.

It works, and I've been using it.