how to make ur soil stay at 6.0 7.0

How can u make soil stay at a certain ph like everybody talks bout i flush and flush and flush with ph 6.0 and stays low mostly for an hour or so then it goes back to 8.0 and higher any ideas anybody



Active Member
I have one of those meters. I wish that i didnt because they are terribly inaccurate .Try the pH test strips if the pH is causing problems for you or go for a nice digital meter if you have spare cash


Well-Known Member
Dude how many threads are you going to start, haha no offense but try with at least one plant to just water it and not keep looking at the PH and getting your water exactly at 6.0 to flush and checking again and worrying. With one plant at least just water it when needed and get it under the light without stretching it and see how it goes. I have a feeling your both over watering and worrying too much. Try a different approach with at least one like I am suggesting and see how it goes. Also I dont know about you but I can easily read this site for hours and see all kinds of tips and tricks and have learned also that if it aint broke dont fix it. Good luck man


Active Member
you need to try PH strips or cabbage leaves before you trust the testers that you stick in the soil.


Well-Known Member
i hate those testers.
use a digital tester to check your runoff.
that's how you really figure out what the ph of your soil is.

honestly, i've fought acidic soil before and it's as easy as watering with slightly basified (7.7) nutrient solution.
it takes a few waterings, but it works.

i have never seen the ph in soil swing like you are describing.
soil is a great ph buffer and as i said before, and significant change usually takes a few waterings.

your tester is probably just inaccurate.
or it could be that when you test the soil right after watering, the tester reads more of the acidic water than the basified soil.
then as soon as the water has drained, all it reads is the basified soil.

test your runoff.
its the only way to really tell..


Well-Known Member
Flush the plants on a weeky basis and the ph of the soil will be fine it is more important to worry about the feed ph that you are putting in.Stay clear of grow mediums like miricle grow these contain far too many extra's you want good old fashioned compost.The cheeper stuff might have the odd bigger pieces in but just take them out buying this stuff gives you the gurentee that you know what is going in.I flush my plants before every feed this is easy done if you aint growing alot.Just put the plants in the bath get a large tub i use a 18 ltr one fill with water ph it at 5.5 then flush them through till the froth dissapears of the top of the pots.Once you have done this leave them for a hour for the excess water to run of then add nutrients that you have just made.Then leave these in the bath till the excess runs off and no water will be leaking in the grow room.This method requires you to do one thing that i realy important make sure that you only water once a week max let the plants dry a little this will give you a far better root sytem.And no all this water will not harm the plants.Don't worry so much about the ph of the soil so much the ph of the feed is the important part.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to confuse anybody but I rarely flush my plants and I have very few problems. IMO flushing should be used only in an emergency and when all other fixes have been tried. I am not in a good position to be able to flush because my tapwater is horrible. I also like to use big pots so I get big root systems. I'm not even so sure I should do a flush at the end of flowering. I'm going to do a comparison and see if I notice any difference.

P.S. If you start with a soil that has a good pH and uses dolomite lime or another buffer you shouldn't have to worry about pH too much. Just try to keep your feed solution within an acceptable pH range.