drying in wood boxes


Active Member
I dried in a wood frame with fine screen on the bottom and it did a good job the only down side is I got flat spots on all of the big nuggs


Well-Known Member
Hang the plant, cut off all leaves. Let dry until small buds can be snapped off with like picking a berry. At this pont it is 100% good to go - no curring or other bullshit. All that curing or drying in this or that is caused by removing wet buds. The hay smell is also caused by wet buds. Dry them right the first time and be done with it.
I have two lockable cedar wood boxes that I use for curing. First I let everything hang in my closet with the door shut for around two weeks or until the stems are almost to the snapping point but not too dry. Then I put them in the boxs for another week or two, then destem further and jar. The object of curing for me is to keep the bud from going really really dry without letting bud mold form or powdery mildew to show up. All the while I open everything very shortly to make sure it is not getting too wet. The boxes, to me, help to keep the buds from getting too wet because the wood wicks moisture, at the same time, the lid is shut keeping a humidor type atmosphere that keeps the bud from drying too fast. At first there was a certain smell to the buds in the box bud didn't effect smoke. After a while the boxes smell so hashy keify good that everything comes out smelling good and smoking slow and staying fresh a long time. At least 4 week cure on even the most dark green nitrogin riddin buds will taste decent, and flushed buds will have their true flavour. For a longer cure though just use an igloo cooler. :joint:


Hang the plant, cut off all leaves. Let dry until small buds can be snapped off with like picking a berry. At this pont it is 100% good to go - no curring or other bullshit. All that curing or drying in this or that is caused by removing wet buds. The hay smell is also caused by wet buds. Dry them right the first time and be done with it.
Could not disagree more! Check out some of the articles in this forum on curing and what decarboxylation can do for your bud. Curing and drying are two very different, very important steps in producing primo bud. Your drying description is right on. However instead of smoking the buds and that point, put them in a curing jar. You'll be glad you did :)