12/12 from seed 5 weeks into flowering schwag bagseed


preciate that crazytrain... i smoke my small lil buds this weekend and wow... i will have piks of my main bud up tomorrow... left the camera at work this weekend and already at work for the day... it was a amazing sativa stoned... me and my girl split a small bowl and were "soaring" till 7 that morning, knowing we would have to wake up around 11... i COULDNT fall asleep on it if i wanted... def a good during the day smoke... it really was amazing and the most gratifying thing i think i have done for myself in a long time... i guess that is why i did this whole grow... to do something for myself for once.... i bust my ass around 55 hours a week... i raise a family in a single income family house hold... all the work i do, it doesnt ever seem like i do anything for myself.. so yeah like i said this grow was super gratifying for me.. whether it was a gram or a ounce, it was homegrown and it was sensi... and hell it gets me fucking stoned as shit... taste great, even after 4 days of drying without a cure... i am so stoked on the flavor this thing will pack when its cured... mmmm.... muh fuccin delicious...

know how you feel... my grow is the ONLY thing in life that i do for ME and ONLY ME.... the rest of my life is devoted to my wife and two boys.... there is NOTHING that gets done by me that is not for them.... gotta have the bud for myself to keep sane.... wouldnt have it any other way though;-)


thanx gogrow.. i am glad you understand where i am coming from... wer'e in the same boat man...

at least now you know that "they" werent full of shit.... those WERE the best times of your life:lol:.... now you dont have a life, you are a (if a real man) indentured servant to the ones that you love the most in life.... this way is better, but you have to make time and take effort to notice/appreciate the good/fun/amazing things in life and in your children.... sometimes (most) we get too caught up making ends meet that we miss the joys in life; dont let that happen to you, at least not with your wife/kids. good luck to you and yours in life bro... we all need it these days. bongsmilie


See how the little CFL is working? Well it's penetrating the cup there it's in, keep it safe from light burns and keep the soils in a thicker container with 1 gallon pots it works.:cuss: < : that's basically your plants roots right now. "TURN THE BURNING OFF, YOU #)*@&#".


Well-Known Member
how bout this sakca, take the time to go back and read the whole fucking thread and you will see that that is not what my roots look like... i harvested so now they are in root heaven... not being pissy and starting shit... like you! that must suck when you feel like you know everything because of what people have told you... what sucks more is that most of them are wrong and fucting with you.... what sux even more than that, is that your the peice of shit that talks shit because you believed them and never had the balls or brains to find out that they were wrong and you are wrong you ignorant imbred kid...
sorry if that comes off harsh... i'm sorry bout that if i pissed you off, but i THINK you are part of the 90% of our population that serves no function or purpose in life...
in all do respect sakca...


Well-Known Member
so yeah go grow... i know what you mean... its easy to let that shit happen... but honestly... i think my kid is my biggest addiction... kids are awesome how you could be pissed off at the world and being around them long enough sorta fixes things... that indentured servant part is true, BUT it gives me a reason to care... it sounds cliche, but you know what i mean by it... anyways man, thanks for checking my shit out... do you have a grow thread?


so yeah go grow... i know what you mean... its easy to let that shit happen... but honestly... i think my kid is my biggest addiction... kids are awesome how you could be pissed off at the world and being around them long enough sorta fixes things... that indentured servant part is true, BUT it gives me a reason to care... it sounds cliche, but you know what i mean by it... anyways man, thanks for checking my shit out... do you have a grow thread?

i NEVER implied that it was a bad thing.... just saying not to get too caught up in the making life work that you miss the little things... cause in the end, the little things are really the big things, because you cant make them up.... be a father first and foremost, then a provider.... many kids grow up poor and are fine... and many kids grow up wanting for nothing and are fucked;-).... thats all i was saying.

no grow thread.... just starting back, so no grow worth showing.... though i do need to get on top of a journal soon;-)


Active Member
Interesting that your indica made you really high.

The indica I grew made me so couchlocked I could barely function.


hey micro.grower nice to meet you man. i was wondering what do you think about starting with cool white cfl's then flowering with warm white cfl's? i heard it was the best because it imitates the growing seasons the best?


Well-Known Member
i know what you mean gogrow... let me know when you get a thread or journal up.... thanks...
om3gawave... i think my plant i just harvested was more sativa than indica... just a guess... it was my first one to grow out... maybe harvesting a lil early gave me that kind of stoned as well... i am going to let my next sativa fully ripen next time around and see what diffrence it makes...

i will be posting new curing piks and piks of my sprouts in a second...


Well-Known Member
i am not sure which is cool white and warm white, but i do know you need blue spectrum (6500k) for veg and red spectrum (2700k) for flower...


Well-Known Member
i have had it in the jar all nite for the first nite... i sorta dried it a lil off normal this time.. i wanted to try out some dif ways of drying... first i tried the drying box i made... i noticed a big dif with this one as far as drying speed, but it was also the first drying technique i tried.. the second was in a brown paper bag.. that way took most of the smell out for me, well the green smell at least, not the dank smell... last i simply put it in my curing jar with cardboard over the top.. i did that tell i felt it was dry enough to put in the jar with the lid on... it seems to have worked... no mold what so ever... well here are some piks... tell me what you think of my first micro bud...



Active Member
i have had it in the jar all nite for the first nite... i sorta dried it a lil off normal this time.. i wanted to try out some dif ways of drying... first i tried the drying box i made... i noticed a big dif with this one as far as drying speed, but it was also the first drying technique i tried.. the second was in a brown paper bag.. that way took most of the smell out for me, well the green smell at least, not the dank smell... last i simply put it in my curing jar with cardboard over the top.. i did that tell i felt it was dry enough to put in the jar with the lid on... it seems to have worked... no mold what so ever... well here are some piks... tell me what you think of my first micro bud...
is that all you got? that 1 nugg? lol


Well-Known Member
i think they are a lil over a week old now.. they are slightly dif ages... i think they are gonna make it after the transplant shock... the only one that is doing sorta shitty is the first one i transplanted... i left it out of its prior home a lil too long... i guess i will find out in the next couple of days or so... i watered them this morning... i am trying not to over water... the caps i am gonna use on the bottom for drainage are still getting holes put in them... i am doing it by hand, so it's taking a lil bit... i try to do one a day so that way next monday i can give a good watering.. i believe they will be fine till then... what do you guys think of my sog style pot i made outta some 20oz bottles? it's really ghetto, but hopefully testing this out will prove it can get the job done...



Well-Known Member
yoitsslobo and stonedoutcam... no actually i got four nugs total.. i just have smoked the other ones... this is the one i am saving till thanksgiving.. if you would have tooken the time to read the thread, then you would know that i was not worried about yeild at all this grow... this thing had zero veg time... 12/12 from seed muh fucca... it was like a micro science experiment to me... next grow i plan on getting over an ounce... then i will try to get pounds...lol... maybe not, but i plan on going a lil bigger every time... and unless either of ya'll have ever smoked your on weed, you should prolly shut the fuck up... if you have, then all the top of this comment applies to you