sprou truble and its only day 2. HELP!!!!!


Active Member
I just started growing. I germinated my seeds the sprouted and broke the surface of my rockwool cube. When they broke the surface the sprouts and cotyledon were a pale yellow cool and then died within a couple days of breaking the surface. They never got bigger than 2mm and were all leaning. Why cant i get passed this point this is my third attempt with quality seeds. Root was white with little brown spots.

Here is the breakdown of my setup.

-Soaked rockwool for 24hrs in 6.0 pH tap water.

-Seed was placed 1/3" in cube.

-placed under a humidty dome and put a heating pad underneath.

Planned on using 400watt HID HPS if i can get them to stay alive longer than two days.

Where am i going wrong? Any suggestion to get these babies off on the right foot?


Well-Known Member
Why humidity dome? What temps were you at?
The humidity domes help. I use them only until I can transplant into larger rockwool cubes. It's just that the starter rockwool cubes are hard to keep moist. After it sprouts though, it's time to take the dome off. There's no need to soak the little rockwool cube for 24 hours, no harm done, but just for the future, it's pointless. All of the rockwool MFG's have come back and said it's unnecessary. Just dunk them in ph 5.5 water and they are good to go.You aren't adding a nutrients or anything right?What kind of light are they under and how far away is it?


Active Member
u not letting the rockwool cubes dry out r u? everything else seems fine cant understand y they nt goin.


Well-Known Member
well you said that it was pale yellow that is the pH i'd adjust it to 6.8 for now let them get up and going then lower it to no lower then 6.3 pH there getting off but the pH is to acidic for them to go any further germ then in 6.8 plant them in 6.8 then adjust the pH to about 6.5 leave it like that for a bit and see how they go


Well-Known Member
and you said your thinkin about using HID's and HPS? what are you using now? i'd try cfl to sprout then give them whatever also how far are your lights? HIDS and HPS has to be a good distance away or else it'll burn your plant also with cfls you want them a few inches away so they get enough of the light and with cfls they hardly put off any heat which makes it safe(r) to put that close


Well-Known Member
dude its so simple and youre trying to hard

if you have a 400watt ballast it makes the process quicker i find

get a piece of toilet paper, not a hard mcdonalds kleenex type, i learned these dont work they are too thick. fold the toilet paper laike 5-6 times to make it pretty thick and put some water on it, dont soak it completely but make it fairly wet, put ur seeds on top, spread them out because they will sprout quick and lock into each otehr sometimes. then do the same thing, fold toilet paper over and wet it and cover the seeds. After thats all finished, carefully put it in a dvd case, wrap it in black and white or put it in a shoebox or something and lay it on top of your 400watt ballast

youll have sprouts in like 8 hours

after the sprout is shown, stick it right in soil about an inch in, cover it and put in the dark for a few hours until you see those 2 little pedals

then give it light

rockwool is gay


Active Member
Thanks for the info. I ave thetemp of the room at about 70-73. I current;y have a 150 watt CFL for two plants about 4" away from th rockwool surface then want to switch To the 400 watt HPS in a couple weeks. pH of the water is at about 6.8 now. Is this ok? Should it be more or less acidic.


Well-Known Member
dude its so simple and youre trying to hard

if you have a 400watt ballast it makes the process quicker i find

get a piece of toilet paper, not a hard mcdonalds kleenex type, i learned these dont work they are too thick. fold the toilet paper laike 5-6 times to make it pretty thick and put some water on it, dont soak it completely but make it fairly wet, put ur seeds on top, spread them out because they will sprout quick and lock into each otehr sometimes. then do the same thing, fold toilet paper over and wet it and cover the seeds. After thats all finished, carefully put it in a dvd case, wrap it in black and white or put it in a shoebox or something and lay it on top of your 400watt ballast

youll have sprouts in like 8 hours

after the sprout is shown, stick it right in soil about an inch in, cover it and put in the dark for a few hours until you see those 2 little pedals

then give it light

rockwool is gay
rockwool is gay but that has nothing to do with the question he asked he is able to get them to sprout but can't keep them alive it's gotta do with the soil maybe the strain seed your using doesn't require 6.0 it may need to be more alkaline like 6.5 - 6.8 should be ideal


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I ave thetemp of the room at about 70-73. I current;y have a 150 watt CFL for two plants about 4" away from th rockwool surface then want to switch To the 400 watt HPS in a couple weeks. pH of the water is at about 6.8 now. Is this ok? Should it be more or less acidic.

that should be good for now i'd put the cfl like a half to an inch closer and switching the type of light will cause a little stress but it's ok compared to the outcome you will get


Active Member
Well im growing Aurora Indica from nirvana, do most indicas prefer a higher pH like 6.5 -6.8. So switching the light source will caus some stress would it be better to change to HPS later. I know that with the HPS/MH combo i will get a better yield so staing with the CFL is not a route i want to go.


Well-Known Member
Well im growing Aurora Indica from nirvana, do most indicas prefer a higher pH like 6.5 -6.8. So switching the light source will caus some stress would it be better to change to HPS later. I know that with the HPS/MH combo i will get a better yield so staing with the CFL is not a route i want to go.
yeah 6.5-6.8 is prefect and yeah it'll cause some stress yeah and when you put the hps/mh it should be fine but i'm guessing grow with cfl's for now then when your ready to flower then put those up