Well-Known Member
now that was funny ..go it ...I guess they were late for the photo opportunity!
really, that was from a film clip during the 50s or 60s, I think. looks like a young Jimmy Stewart to me up front.![]()
now that was funny ..go it ...I guess they were late for the photo opportunity!
really, that was from a film clip during the 50s or 60s, I think. looks like a young Jimmy Stewart to me up front.![]()
Topic postThe Results of Our Ignorance
November 9, 2009
Ignorance is a lack of knowledge, education or awareness.
There are many people today who know little or nothing about the U.S. Constitution. There are many who know little or nothing of U.S. history, let alone world history. There are many who know little or nothing about central banks, and how they are used to steal our wealth.
There are many who buy into the glossed-over news of the day. There are many who take at face value the words of the elected class, the pundits and main stream media talking heads and printed headlines.
There are many who buy into the party line of their preferred political party. There are many who blindly believe the various political parties have a platform on which they base their actions and agendas and are committed to following through on those policies. There are many who believe the president, senator or representative they elected has in their hearts the best interests of the people they supposedly serve.
There are many who are ignorant.
It’s not all their fault—particularly the younger generations. Their education system has been corrupted by 1960s radicalism—the same radicalism that has infected our government.
Public education has become a sad joke. Its downward slide accelerated with the passage of “No Child Left Behind.” None are left behind because none are allowed to get ahead. The intelligent children are left languishing and fending for themselves while extra resources are devoted to those unable to keep up.
In speaking with a seventh grader recently I asked what he had been studying in his U.S. history class. Well, we spent about 20 minutes on World War II, then several class periods on how the U.S. Olympic Hockey Team beat the Russians in the 1980 Olympics, was the reply.
In class they watched Miracle, the 2004 movie about the team and its victory.
How backward is that? Twenty minutes spent learning about a six-year war spawned from the feckless, irresponsible and dastardly policies of the elected and ruling classes that resulted in the deaths of somewhere between 62 million and 79 million people worldwide.
Several class periods on a three-hour hockey game that gave Americans a temporarily thrilling victory over a Cold War foe at the tail end of four moribund years of Jimmy Carterism.
Even the seventh grader was perplexed by his teacher’s decision.
Also glossed over in his class was more than 230 years of American history.
Is it any wonder there is so much ignorance?
Lack of understanding of the founding of our great country has led us to where we are now. Lack of understanding of the origins of the Federal Reserve—and other government attempts to establish a central bank—has led us to where we are now.
Lack of understanding of the causes of Great Depression and the misguided (deliberately or unintentionally) attempts to head it off, and how government policies affected the country’s financial health for years has led us to where we are now.
Lack of understanding of how a president’s policies can affect a country has led us to where we are now.
Where are we now? In an economic pit of our own making—suffering the aftereffects of a Fed-created bubble that spurred individuals and businesses to borrow and spend like there was no tomorrow. Now there may not be one.
Where are we now? Exacerbating the problem by dumping money out of helicopters in an attempt to stop it—at least that’s what the elected class tells us they’re trying to do. It’s a policy enacted by a supposed conservative, George W. Bush, and perpetuated on a grander scale by Barack Obama.
Where are we now? Watching as the elected class finds more ways to spend more money and steal the wealth of the individuals through massive tax hikes under the guise of healthcare reform.
Where are we now? Waiting for the other shoe to drop in the form of Cap and Trade, which amounts to more taxes and more spending.
Where are we now? Enduring the Obama presidency, which equals Jimmy Carter to the second power.
Sadly, many are ready to go full steam ahead with such policies.
Never mind that the elected class isn’t even considering whether such things are Constitutional. Forcing Americans to buy a product—health insurance—is okay with the elected class.
Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer said it’s permissible under the general welfare clause of the Constitution. Presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs told the press the president wasn’t even considering whether it was constitutional and no one had brought it up.
Don’t think the elected class is ignorant. They’re not. They know exactly what they’re doing—stealing your wealth and your liberty.
Never mind whether it’s Constitutional, says the elected class. We know what’s best for you.
Never mind whether it’s Constitutional, it’s free, say the ignorant.
Our healthcare system is in terrible shape, we need to have competition, says the elected class. Government can do it better than the free market can.
Yeah. With the compassion of the Department of Motor Vehicles and the efficiency of the Post Office.
Where are we now… really?
Many are sitting in front of the television watching Simon Cowell or anxiously awaiting the result of who is getting kicked off the island next or watching some stars in a dance contest.
Some are waking up. The Tea Parties demonstrate that.
But too many are ignorant. And apparently they’re ready to accept anything as long as it’s “free.”
After all: ignorance is bliss and free is good.
Bob Livingston
Originally Posted by Haul me to Heaven![]()
Both you and LOPEZRI are right about this 'thing'!
Just put him on your 'ignore list'.
Don't even respond to such dweebs/trolls.
Bob is being featured in the magazine and on our audio and video network. So, these fools have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE SAYING!
I've had enough of these people recking every single thread that you people post!
Enough is enough!
I've made more money in one month than these jerks have made in a life time!
Most every person I've read on this site is worthy of making this site BIGGER than most other sites of this nature!
But these fools have brought me to my breaking point!
But I will not spend one thin dime until you TROLLS are dealt with.
Either I'm gone or you are gone! You little twerp %$%(CHJgf547F54367!!
Small town drunk boy whores!
Yes, that's from me! JUSTIN !!!
And learn some manners when you reply to my wife!!
You little Flippen F... Tards!
(Admin! Clean these people out now or we will not advertise here! And forgive me for making this public but enough is enough!)
Justin !
(You have my last name on file. You should know that I am not BullShit ! Do a Google search!)
In humble respect (as best I c an offer now-)
Justin and Justine
For the rest of you, I am sorry.
But I am tired of seeing this site destroyed by a few flipp'en mental degenerates!
So here we have the truth. This dick is buying his power on the site by advertizing. Just like in real life, those with the gold rule. We'll see if this is a real conversational site or just a bullshit rhetoric speiling by wealthy interests. We, the members of RIU, should have some say in this, not be at the whim of lobbiests like this heaven person. I admit that I'm a no bullshit guy. If I smell bullshit, I call it bullshit and this coercing of mods by this hole, fits the bullshit category. I guess what he wants is an all right wing site comprised of dicks like himself that can't take a little truth. One where they tell each other bullshit, then holler at each other, nice post, smooch, smooch, smooch. I call bullshit on this heaven guy.
I agree. It's the mindless/off topic comments that bug me most. And they come form only a few jerks.
I just wish people would stay on topic.
A couple of them have been removed due to their comments made in public and inside emails.
And rightly so, mind you.
Thank you for your comment.
LMFAO, Mr Red Neg Rep.Congratulations, you know how to copy and paste! Do you want a cookie?
Agree or not, they did their homework.I agree with 95% of the OP.
It's not their fault, like others in my family, they were stupid to begin with and like the others that are weak, they are broken.psshh i'm tired of bein told to kiss vet ass
there is nothing patriotic or heroic about young men going to war and dying to protect the property of old, wealthy men
it may be courageous or brave, but it is foolish
the military is a socio-economic issue...and i only feel bad for the poor class that has no other option but to fight
man i actually sat thru all that vid i got to about 4 mins in and wanted to turn it off but i stuck in there to see what they had to say..[youtube]u_rY3u-i2fg[/youtube]
Where is your proof? I don't tell myself lies, that's something others may take comfort in, but a lie is a cold wet blanket to me.some of you guys need to take a big deep breath and tell yourselves
"theres no death camp's theres no death camp's theres no death camp's"
thats hardly proof of death camps is it? how unreasonable is the government to think that it might need to uphold quarantine. and if they were serious about deathcamps then they wouldnt give you the option of complying, and they wouldn't be talking about fines either now would they??Where is your proof? I don't tell myself lies, that's something others may take comfort in, but a lie is a cold wet blanket to me. Here is proof enough. [youtube]jp6uNxA5AJs[/youtube]
now this video is back from 1995 she clearly says that it was gonna be shut down in 93 but they spent 2 years. 1 min 50 seconds in. christ she even gets freaked out by a single cctv camera in the parking lot 15 years of just being a "camp" no sign of death? now call me old fashioned but for this to be a death camp then surely they would have death there. in my eyes if a death camp hasnt had death then its just a fucking camp no??Old one from the later 90's, so its been going on a while now [youtube]irAhQvH93jk[/youtube]
whats that? cause it isnt proof of death camps..[youtube]TxKagAKV1gs[/youtube]
lol the sky is falling !!!!! oh and yeah obama isnt hitler i give no credit what so ever to any of these videos that claim that obama is the figure head of the 4th Reich you should really think before you listen to what these rascist right wing endtimers are spewing forthI wonder if a kid will be the one knocking on your door? [youtube]_vxJD3az3nk[/youtube]
lol i love that koolaid snide comment thing you slipped in there. i never tasted it tho they dont sell it over here he isnt talking about death camps tho is he? im sorry but i dont buy into this 2+2= purple farce you lot seem to be buying into theres a story that i tell my daughter quite a famous one called chicken licken its about a small chick who one day an acorn lands plop on his head. he panics as he believes the sky is falling so he goes around telling everyone that the sky is falling they inturn panic too and they all run off together in hysterics to warn the king. now a sly fox (its amazing how well this fits dont you think) sees the panic add's to it then offers them safety in his den well we all know that chicken licken, henny penny, duckly lucky, goosey loosey. never left the foxes den the moral of this story is that if you jump to conclusions and let yourself get caught up in the mass hysteria then you ARE leaving yourself wide open to be manipulated by unscrupulous people... can you say fox news?This guy knows we are fucked. He doesnt drink your koolaid, or slam it. [youtube]YGFkVaV4LU8[/youtube]
I've been to that "Fema Camp". It's an old amtrak maintenance and repair center. All of Amtraks trains are fixed and maintained there. Unless it's multipurpose it's nothing more than an old rail yard and repair facility.thats hardly proof of death camps is it? how unreasonable is the government to think that it might need to uphold quarantine. and if they were serious about deathcamps then they wouldnt give you the option of complying, and they wouldn't be talking about fines either now would they?? now this video is back from 1995 she clearly says that it was gonna be shut down in 93 but they spent 2 years. 1 min 50 seconds in. christ she even gets freaked out by a single cctv camera in the parking lot 15 years of just being a "camp" no sign of death? now call me old fashioned but for this to be a death camp then surely they would have death there. in my eyes if a death camp hasnt had death then its just a fucking camp no?? whats that? cause it isnt proof of death camps.. lol the sky is falling !!!!! oh and yeah obama isnt hitler i give no credit what so ever to any of these videos that claim that obama is the figure head of the 4th Reich you should really think before you listen to what these rascist right wing endtimers are spewing forth lol i love that koolaid snide comment thing you slipped in there. i never tasted it tho they dont sell it over here he isnt talking about death camps tho is he? im sorry but i dont buy into this 2+2= purple farce you lot seem to be buying into theres a story that i tell my daughter quite a famous one called chicken licken its about a small chick who one day an acorn lands plop on his head. he panics as he believes the sky is falling so he goes around telling everyone that the sky is falling they inturn panic too and they all run off together in hysterics to warn the king. now a sly fox (its amazing how well this fits dont you think) sees the panic add's to it then offers them safety in his den well we all know that chicken licken, henny penny, duckly lucky, goosey loosey. never left the foxes den the moral of this story is that if you jump to conclusions and let yourself get caught up in the mass hysteria then you ARE leaving yourself wide open to be manipulated by unscrupulous people... can you say fox news?
LOL thats classic its not even a disused "camp". its being used to repair trains yet people still bring up a 15 year old video saying its a death camp. perhaps a train spotter saw his beloved loco steam in there one day never to return... those cruel amtrak engineersI've been to that "Fema Camp". It's an old amtrak maintenance and repair center. All of Amtraks trains are fixed and maintained there. Unless it's multipurpose it's nothing more than an old rail yard and repair facility.
I think hurricane Katrina should have taught every American to be self sufficient and not to rely on governments local or federal. The only way to insure you are taken care of is to do it yourself. People think I'm stupid to stock up on MRE's and emergency supplies.....those same people will be the ones begging on my doorstep if something bad ever happens.yeah there probably are fema camps within the usa but seeing as fema's job description is US government tasked with Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery planning then i dont see it unreasonable for them to build the camps
i can see the meeting planning now
"what would happen if there was a large scale natural disaster or even a large scale say nuke attack/ dirty bomb and tens of millions of american citizens needed evacuating/ housing within a very short period of time?"
"well at the moment we'd be screwed we havent got the tents and theres large parts of the country where the weather wouldnt be suitable for a semi permanent tent city"
"what does everyone suggest then?"
"about our only option would be to build dedicated camps rdy for such an occasion"
i'd hazzard a guess that you'd be getting a posh version of this![]()
of course this perfectly innocent scenario wont sit with most of you its obvious that they are really building nazi style death camps lol cause obama is satan and not a citizen
lol i wasnt expecting this to be turned around into a fendfor yourself/ personal insurance arguement.I think hurricane Katrina should have taught every American to be self sufficient and not to rely on governments local or federal. The only way to insure you are taken care of is to do it yourself. People think I'm stupid to stock up on MRE's and emergency supplies.....those same people will be the ones begging on my doorstep if something bad ever happens.![]()
Good points. You cannot possibly be prepared for all emergencies but you can still prepare for most emergencies. And yes I have a hardened bunker/fallout shelter with months of supplies and ammo. Get some!lol i wasnt expecting this to be turned around into a fendfor yourself/ personal insurance arguement.
but having said that i take it you have a fallout shelter (incase of radiation) either that or your house is strengthened to take many tons of ash say from a massive yellow stone erruption??
not only that MRE's and emergency supplies are all good untill they are under 20foot of water with your house and everything else
im not saying that people should rely on the fed but after katrina people asked why fema didnt do more. what else could fema do apart from build camps to house all the displaced people in any future disaster
the point being death camps is far from the logical conclusion to me anyway
I agree wholeheartedly supporting your country and being a pawn for the military industrial complex are to VERY different things.psshh i'm tired of bein told to kiss vet ass
there is nothing patriotic or heroic about young men going to war and dying to protect the property of old, wealthy men
it may be courageous or brave, but it is foolish
the military is a socio-economic issue...and i only feel bad for the poor class that has no other option but to fight
Maybe they aren't "death" camps, but they are def there for those that don't want to be, so what happens if they send a boyscout knocking on your door to unarm you and yours and take you all to your new resort¿ U gonna buy into your "logic"¿lol i wasnt expecting this to be turned around into a fendfor yourself/ personal insurance arguement.
but having said that i take it you have a fallout shelter (incase of radiation) either that or your house is strengthened to take many tons of ash say from a massive yellow stone erruption??
not only that MRE's and emergency supplies are all good untill they are under 20foot of water with your house and everything else
im not saying that people should rely on the fed but after katrina people asked why fema didnt do more. what else could fema do apart from build camps to house all the displaced people in any future disaster
the point being death camps is far from the logical conclusion to me anyway