Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!


Well-Known Member
Ever hear of the burden of proof? You can't go around spouting shit like that and then tell people to prove you wrong. No wonder your message isn't getting through.

If you make a crazy ass claim you damn well be ready to prove it. That's just how it works.
Notice that um proof I posted after your comment¿

Mercury isn't bad in low doses. If there is a lot in your blood you will go crazy (see mad hatters), but I eat fresh fish and I've never had any side effects.
you sir DEF have drank the koolaid.
Mercury INJECTED is NOT NOT NOT, the same as Mercury INJECTED.

They don't teach that in public school so I know you wouldn't go learn that on your own, so go google and learn it or don't, every time they shoot you up they are making more and more less brilliant, much like that comment.

I eat fish too LOL

Oh how about mercury might not be the worst to worry about in vaccines, how about some other reports that aluminin is also not great (BTW we dont use it because it promotes Alzheimers, and is a nerotoxin)


Active Member
Notice that um proof I posted after your comment¿

you sir DEF have drank the koolaid.
Mercury INJECTED is NOT NOT NOT, the same as Mercury INJECTED.

They don't teach that in public school so I know you wouldn't go learn that on your own, so go google and learn it or don't, every time they shoot you up they are making more and more less brilliant, much like that comment.

I eat fish too LOL

Oh how about mercury might not be the worst to worry about in vaccines, how about some other reports that aluminin is also not great (BTW we dont use it because it promotes Alzheimers, and is a nerotoxin)

Not to be overly malicious, but I have some questions. 1.) Do you drive a car that utilizes an internal combustion engine? 2.) Do you use electricity? 3.) Do you drink tap water? 4.) Do you eat fast food? 5.) Do you imbibe alcohol? 6.a.) Have you or anyone you know (have known) ever used chemotherapy to battle cancer. 6.b.) Have you or anyone you know (have known) ever used anti-retrovirals to battle HIV or AIDS. 7.) Do you smoke cannabis or use other illicit substances.

I'll stop there because this list could literally go on forever. All of these activities I have listed expose us either directly or indirectly to harmful or in some cases toxic compounds. Yes, there have been some heinous experimentation done in the past to unwitting groups off people. That is not to say that this is standard practice. Most of us in the medical field did not go into this area w/ the hopes of subjugating the masses. Yes, vaccination can expose you to some potentially harmful substances, BUT, these are experienced in LOW doses in increments of once every 2/5/7/10 yrs. The compounds you are naming and concerned w/ are shown to have detrimental effects in either high doses, or prolonged exposer. If you don't believe in getting vaccinated, then more power to you, but think about what influence you might have over someone who should get vaccinated or have their children vaccinated. What you are doing in this thread is no better than what you propose to stand against. It is fear mongering, done under the guise of truth, pure and simple.


Not to be overly malicious, but I have some questions. 1.) Do you drive a car that utilizes an internal combustion engine? 2.) Do you use electricity? 3.) Do you drink tap water? 4.) Do you eat fast food? 5.) Do you imbibe alcohol? 6.a.) Have you or anyone you know (have known) ever used chemotherapy to battle cancer. 6.b.) Have you or anyone you know (have known) ever used anti-retrovirals to battle HIV or AIDS. 7.) Do you smoke cannabis or use other illicit substances.

I'll stop there because this list could literally go on forever. All of these activities I have listed expose us either directly or indirectly to harmful or in some cases toxic compounds. Yes, there has been some heinous experimentation done in the past to unwitting groups off people. That is not to say that this is standard practice. Most of us in the medical field did not go into this area w/ the hopes of subjugating the masses. Yes, vaccination can expose you to some potentially harmful substances, BUT, these are experienced in LOW doses in increments of once every 2/5/7/10 yrs. The compounds you are naming and concerned w/ are shown to have detrimental effects in either high doses, or prolonged exposer. If you don't believe in getting vaccinated, then more power to you. What you are doing in this is no better than what you propose to stand against. It is fear mongering, pure and simple.
i think this is the best post in this entire thread:clap:...

although i actually agree with alof of what he is saying, i hate the fact that people always have to go about it like this:roll:


Well-Known Member
Not to be overly malicious, but I have some questions. 1.) Do you drive a car that utilizes an internal combustion engine? 2.) Do you use electricity? 3.) Do you drink tap water? 4.) Do you eat fast food? 5.) Do you imbibe alcohol? 6.a.) Have you or anyone you know (have known) ever used chemotherapy to battle cancer. 6.b.) Have you or anyone you know (have known) ever used anti-retrovirals to battle HIV or AIDS. 7.) Do you smoke cannabis or use other illicit substances.

I'll stop there because this list could literally go on forever. All of these activities I have listed expose us either directly or indirectly to harmful or in some cases toxic compounds. Yes, there have been some heinous experimentation done in the past to unwitting groups off people. That is not to say that this is standard practice. Most of us in the medical field did not go into this area w/ the hopes of subjugating the masses. Yes, vaccination can expose you to some potentially harmful substances, BUT, these are experienced in LOW doses in increments of once every 2/5/7/10 yrs. The compounds you are naming and concerned w/ are shown to have detrimental effects in either high doses, or prolonged exposer. If you don't believe in getting vaccinated, then more power to you, but think about what influence you might have over someone who should get vaccinated or have their children vaccinated. What you are doing in this thread is no better than what you propose to stand against. It is fear mongering, done under the guise of truth, pure and simple.
Some of us have personal experiences with the medial profession or lack of that we would never want to trust them.

Yeah we all are FORCED to use less than healthy means, but my family lives and eats healthy we dont eat the same shit as the rest of the pop, and shit is in food, eat a hamburger lately? If yes then you are a cow shit eater unless you are buying from smaller/organic farms. I can go on all day about food health Ive spent the last 3 years in research on our food and where it is um MADE. Tyson say they "grow chickens" not raise them.... hmm grow....
I grow pot, I've never seen anyone grow a cow (I spent my childhood on a farm and thats what we did).

You plp that think its ok to take a little in at a time dont realize you do it with everything you consume so it adds up REALLY fast, and then you wonder why you have cancer.

It's no wonder I had a brain tumor in my teens.

Cancer is cause by all the unnatural (whould be called UN REAL) shit we put in our bodies.

Ah Im done wasting my time with needless debate, you live your short life, Im much happier since I swicth to a QUALITY life rather than a fast one.

Ohh btw I use to work in resturants and YOU ALL ARE STUPID FOR EATING ANYONE ELSES COOKING, I use to smile at plp and feed them food off the floor, most were shitty plp so I gave them shitty food, yeah im sorry for it seriosuly.

BUT what I can do loads of plp do worse, and I've seen worse, I saw a person one time put a dog turd from outside into someone's pizza so by cooking my own food I never have to worry about what is in my food.
Come back at me on that subject, you never know what the food service does to you LOL, especailly in cheap places that pay cheap wages, the workers arent happy and they sure arent happy to be serving at low wages so they will do things so they can laugh at how dumb you are eating the shit they serve.

Take care out there in that toxic world.:weed:

Weed is about the only cleanest thing there.


Well-Known Member
i think this is the best post in this entire thread:clap:...

although i actually agree with alof of what he is saying, i hate the fact that people always have to go about it like this:roll:
Yeah my fat parents are in the same mind set, their kids are sick non stop and they love the koolaid, not to mention both work for the state so they are the ultra stupid. LOL


Well-Known Member
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. You discover Alex Jones and all of a sudden you've got the market cornered on Government conspiracy theories? Give it a rest already...If most of your education is coming from youtube videos you're not as intelligent, worldly or informed as you think.


Well-Known Member
Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. You discover Alex Jones and all of a sudden you've got the market cornered on Government conspiracy theories? Give it a rest already...If most of your education is coming from youtube videos you're not as intelligent, worldly or informed as you think.
I dont listen to him anymore
What proof would you like
A that our food is about to become posint thanks to Monsanto (they make ROUND UP) and codex.

B the shots (NOT JUST SWINE FLU) have serious toxins in them.

C well the gov conspiracy deal/NWO/alex jones, mostly yes youtube videos and speculation, BUT the laws are in place to fuck our world over and the drop of a hat and that my friend is REAL

My main goal really is about our food and that plp r about as dumb as it gets with these shots. I got a vaccine (not swine flu) and it sent me to the ER, alex jones wasn't there, but no one ever warned me about what was in it and I had to suffer and still will. Oh but wait the gov wouldn't ever dream of doing something bad to us huh¿

If you don't want to research on your own to see if you and yours is safe, then that's your choice, when the time comes I made mine to be ready, I wont have to go and take my gov chz when they issue it, don't come begging to me for food.


Well-Known Member
Put all that together and it's beyond conspiracy if these guys r working together, no to mention easy to pull the whool over our eyes, even the most bright individual.

I will give me I know some utube videos to be false religious BULL SHIT, and I give you that, EVERYONE lies.
Also ever thought mis-info is out there just to confuse the already not so bright?


Well-Known Member
I dont listen to him anymore
What proof would you like
A that our food is about to become posint thanks to Monsanto (they make ROUND UP) and codex.

B the shots (NOT JUST SWINE FLU) have serious toxins in them.

C well the gov conspiracy deal/NWO/alex jones, mostly yes youtube videos and speculation, BUT the laws are in place to fuck our world over and the drop of a hat and that my friend is REAL

My main goal really is about our food and that plp r about as dumb as it gets with these shots. I got a vaccine (not swine flu) and it sent me to the ER, alex jones wasn't there, but no one ever warned me about what was in it and I had to suffer and still will. Oh but wait the gov wouldn't ever dream of doing something bad to us huh¿

If you don't want to research on your own to see if you and yours is safe, then that's your choice, when the time comes I made mine to be ready, I wont have to go and take my gov chz when they issue it, don't come begging to me for food.

So first you call me a fool, now you assume that I haven't done any research because I don't buy into your sensationalism? What you're doing is the same thing that the media is doing. Trust me bro...I wont need you. You'll be one of the first people to get popped. I mean look at your attitude now, how are you going to be when the shit does hit the fan?

Oh and for the record. I haven't gotten any vaccinations in years. Including the Dreaded swine flu vaccinations. I don't buy the official story of 9/11. And I'm well aware of most legislation that is passing such as HR 3962. I keep up with mine, but you don't see me jumping down folks throats if they don't believe that the sky is falling. You must back up your opinions with clear facts. Not fear-mongering and sensationalist behavior. All that does is tell people you're a tin-foil hat wearing idiot. Which most people on this board think. So relax...take off your hat, and actually take some time and do the REAL research, and stay off Youtube.


Well-Known Member
So first you call me a fool, now you assume that I haven't done any research because I don't buy into your sensationalism? What you're doing is the same thing that the media is doing. Trust me bro...I wont need you. You'll be one of the first people to get popped. I mean look at your attitude now, how are you going to be when the shit does hit the fan?

Oh and for the record. I haven't gotten any vaccinations in years. Including the Dreaded swine flu vaccinations. I don't buy the official story of 9/11. And I'm well aware of most legislation that is passing such as HR 3962. I keep up with mine, but you don't see me jumping down folks throats if they don't believe that the sky is falling. You must back up your opinions with clear facts. Not fear-mongering and sensationalist behavior. All that does is tell people you're a tin-foil hat wearing idiot. Which most people on this board think. So relax...take off your hat, and actually take some time and do the REAL research, and stay off Youtube.
Well Im glad you didnt get the shots, everyone is a fool, me 2.
So stay off youtube huh? Why is that?
Everything on there cannot be fiction, it's hard to figure fact from but the problem is there are very few sources for untainted truth, youtube opens us up to other people straight without any business being able to censor or edit it like the news.

Im only getting combative because it's annoying when plp won't bother to read on their own, I was the same damn way.

I hope your right, I want to be one of the first to fall.

You guys ASSUME I even think I'm getting out of thise, hells no, 1 bomb will lvl my block no problem, the odds are beyond against us, they are damning and only a fool would really think they could get out of that if it comes down to even half what i'm spewing on about.

I hope that I am way the hell off and you guys are right.

phenom quit smokin laced shit lol
Might want to worry about what YOUR smoking and less about me mr negative rep.

How do you get a red bar on here?
Not being the nicest kid on the block huh?

lol someone told you what to say, you posted a pic, how cute.

Theres no need for personal attacks on me either but they are expected since it's not like I bring the best thread out here but Im not gonna be buying into that decoy about legal weed and such.

This shit is scary and if you love the world in your bubble then dont bother reading this stuff, it will happen regardless we cant stop it, plp just need to be ready.

Dont hold grudges against your neighbors and fmaily, make ammends with plp you can forgive because at some point you never know.

That's the problem NONE OF US REALLY KNOWS.

So lets try and keep this thread to more real info and less about how crazy you THINK I am, it's not like what I talk about is unfounded.


Well-Known Member
Well Im glad you didnt get the shots, everyone is a fool, me 2.
So stay off youtube huh? Why is that?
Everything on there cannot be fiction, it's hard to figure fact from but the problem is there are very few sources for untainted truth, youtube opens us up to other people straight without any business being able to censor or edit it like the news.

Im only getting combative because it's annoying when plp won't bother to read on their own, I was the same damn way.

I hope your right, I want to be one of the first to fall.

You guys ASSUME I even think I'm getting out of thise, hells no, 1 bomb will lvl my block no problem, the odds are beyond against us, they are damning and only a fool would really think they could get out of that if it comes down to even half what i'm spewing on about.

I hope that I am way the hell off and you guys are right.
That sure is a pessimistic view. We outnumber the government by millions, and when the next revolutionary war commences, the soldiers aren't going to turn there guns on the citizens. And if they do they will be shot dead. The crooked cops will of course defend the government, because if the government loses, they lose there power, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over there lives. More tyrannical governments have been overthrown in the past.


I dont listen to him anymore
What proof would you like
A that our food is about to become posint thanks to Monsanto (they make ROUND UP) and codex.

B the shots (NOT JUST SWINE FLU) have serious toxins in them.

C well the gov conspiracy deal/NWO/alex jones, mostly yes youtube videos and speculation, BUT the laws are in place to fuck our world over and the drop of a hat and that my friend is REAL

My main goal really is about our food and that plp r about as dumb as it gets with these shots. I got a vaccine (not swine flu) and it sent me to the ER, alex jones wasn't there, but no one ever warned me about what was in it and I had to suffer and still will. Oh but wait the gov wouldn't ever dream of doing something bad to us huh¿

If you don't want to research on your own to see if you and yours is safe, then that's your choice, when the time comes I made mine to be ready, I wont have to go and take my gov chz when they issue it, don't come begging to me for food.

nobody is really arguing with you... as i said, i agree with most of what you say, but frantically slamming out posts in a pot forum, and attacking all who question your views is not the way to go about it..... now to cover your points...

A: none of us were consulted about "Codex", we had/have no vote... not really doing shit against that but see what comes and deal with it as best neccessary...

B: you DO NOT HAVE TO (at least not yet), be vaccinated.... my children are unvaccinated, and i have not been to a doctor (outside of the ER for injuries) in over 5 years... :finger:... you can do that too

C: you sound exactly like that annoying alex jones fucker in your posts.... its the same reason that most people :roll: at him.....

in summation; chill out, prepare YOU AND YOUR'S to the best of your ability, and discuss CALMLY, your issues of concern with LIKEMINDED people, cause we do our research;-)..... just my opinion


Well-Known Member
That sure is a pessimistic view. We outnumber the government by millions, and when the next revolutionary way commences, the soldiers aren't going to turn there guns on the citizens. And if they do they will be shot dead. The crooked cops will of course defend the government, because if the government loses, they lose there power, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over there lives. More tyrannical governments have been overthrown in the past.
i dont loose anysleep myself.
True something can def turn the tables, I just go for any false hopes, if it happens then good.

1 thing my friend, sure we the plp outnumber them, but not everyone wants to stand or can, we have a shit load of sick, fat, and otherwise uncapable not to mention most of the rest is not trained.

The militsry is very much trained to destroy and kill, and NOT think for themselves.
Its not just the troops tho, we dont have tanks (those will roll over the strongest of homes if not already bombed from above) none of us have any planes or bombs.

Then my last point, last I checked I don't have anything to combat a nuclear disaster (and that's NOT justa explosion) loads of us live near nuclear facilities and not just plants, any leaks can kill big time without anyone ever knowing whats going on.

The those drones i've read about, I would love to see that, then you can't even kill the anything.

Weighing that it's gonna bad bloody fight, I can't count on a super man, obama wasn't him LOL

I've read this was in the works for us in the mid 90's also so it may just get put off more.

But what about Codex, they want to make nutritional vitamins and nutes ILLGEAL
here read and you tell me what you think Bud
Im really pissed about this beyond it all really, noone is hearing about this.
a shit ton of FACTs


Well-Known Member
nobody is really arguing with you... as i said, i agree with most of what you say, but frantically slamming out posts in a pot forum, and attacking all who question your views is not the way to go about it..... now to cover your points...

A: none of us were consulted about "Codex", we had/have no vote... not really doing shit against that but see what comes and deal with it as best neccessary...

B: you DO NOT HAVE TO (at least not yet), be vaccinated.... my children are unvaccinated, and i have not been to a doctor (outside of the ER for injuries) in over 5 years... :finger:... you can do that too

C: you sound exactly like that annoying alex jones fucker in your posts.... its the same reason that most people :roll: at him.....

in summation; chill out, prepare YOU AND YOUR'S to the best of your ability, and discuss CALMLY, your issues of concern with LIKEMINDED people, cause we do our research;-)..... just my opinion
LOL yeah we didnt vote on Codex, didnt even know that name a little over a week ago, waiting till they starve us out is not a good answer, but really who know what we can do, prob nothing but die.

No not yet we dont have to take the shot, I havent been to the doc since late 01, when my insurance ran out and I went to work for myself rather than some greedy fuck head.

Hey I cant help how plp take it, im not selling anything and from here on out if you don't care then you don't care and I've moved on, no more arguing, you got your convictions and I got mine.

Hopefully you all can tell me in a few years I told you so, and Ill stand here and take that over and over, until then Im ignoring it unless I can see some facts and not thoughts.

Take care guys.

Blaming Alex Jones isn't going to do anything for you, and making excuses why you don't want to try and find the truth well some will figure it out at some point this way or another.

Personally Im not sure at all about it and I stopped focusing on him as it's just a diversion away from what I need to be looking into.
If you listen to him good is not good, I dunno and dont care about that.
It is funny I hear his name alot tho, def notorious he is, it looks like he is doing it for a decent profit, scare plp into the products on his site.
Sounds like what the rest of the world does, mostly anyways.

Def prepare, what I am doing is stockin on water and food and roatate it
like I buy 3-4 months of food that keeps, canned ect and as I buy more food I put it in my basement storage then I bring up the oldest to eat
Im not hording food at all, infact this also help keep from eating recalled and tainted food (too bad I cant do meat like that, well unless I freeze it)
SO if they shut off my water I have about 270gallons of fresh distilled water in the basment, so thats about 2/3 a year worth of drinking water, each costing under $1 each, less than the price of a Oz of pot. thats 1 example.
Or what if the water became contaminated? Im not drinking it hahahaha
Also if someone wants to make fun of bottled water well then I say look at your city water and use a TDS and see how much metal you gulp down....
ive stopped drinking from the tap 2 years ago, the plastic in the jug is better than the leaded/copper pipes that break down into the water, oh yeah and PVC pipes, well they seep chems into your water like you wouldn't believe.
My water comes in #2 plastic which is about as safe as plastic is gonna get, so far BPA free, or so they say.


Well-Known Member
Well Im glad you didnt get the shots, everyone is a fool, me 2.
So stay off youtube huh? Why is that?
Everything on there cannot be fiction, it's hard to figure fact from but the problem is there are very few sources for untainted truth, youtube opens us up to other people straight without any business being able to censor or edit it like the news.

Im only getting combative because it's annoying when plp won't bother to read on their own, I was the same damn way.

I hope your right, I want to be one of the first to fall.

You guys ASSUME I even think I'm getting out of thise, hells no, 1 bomb will lvl my block no problem, the odds are beyond against us, they are damning and only a fool would really think they could get out of that if it comes down to even half what i'm spewing on about.

I hope that I am way the hell off and you guys are right.

See you wont give us the chance to actually agree with you. Instead of going all emo as soon as some disagrees with you, maybe you should ask why. Because if you talk to most people they will agree that there civil liberties are being infringed upon. They will agree that every year there is a
"new, more powerful" strain of disease that we must get vaccinated for. Most people will agree that the news is 30% fact, 20% fluff, and 50% bullshit. They just don't rant and rave about it. Im also shocked to hear that you have a pessimistic POV when it comes in term to a "Revolution". There was a quote by Henry Kissinger that said if the people revolt in the morning, Government will fall by night. We are the power.


Well-Known Member
i dont loose anysleep myself.
True something can def turn the tables, I just go for any false hopes, if it happens then good.

1 thing my friend, sure we the plp outnumber them, but not everyone wants to stand or can, we have a shit load of sick, fat, and otherwise uncapable not to mention most of the rest is not trained.

The militsry is very much trained to destroy and kill, and NOT think for themselves.
Its not just the troops tho, we dont have tanks (those will roll over the strongest of homes if not already bombed from above) none of us have any planes or bombs.

Then my last point, last I checked I don't have anything to combat a nuclear disaster (and that's NOT justa explosion) loads of us live near nuclear facilities and not just plants, any leaks can kill big time without anyone ever knowing whats going on.

The those drones i've read about, I would love to see that, then you can't even kill the anything.

Weighing that it's gonna bad bloody fight, I can't count on a super man, obama wasn't him LOL

I've read this was in the works for us in the mid 90's also so it may just get put off more.

But what about Codex, they want to make nutritional vitamins and nutes ILLGEAL
here read and you tell me what you think Bud
Im really pissed about this beyond it all really, noone is hearing about this.
a shit ton of FACTs
Ok, but what would they do that for? You think they want to nuke us? Seriously? Why? What would they do after that? stare at all the useless land?

They are fighting for control. Not extinction.