My Jack Herer went hermie

past times

Well-Known Member
Pretty much what it says. She went hermie. It was only about 2 and a half weeks into flowering when i noticed but there were definitely a few male sacs already open and about 20 more forming (Hadn't given them a good inspection till yesturday).

I already took all the other plants out and bleached everything a couple times. I guess i am curious to see what gets polinated. Half of what is around it is just starting to show signs of sex and the other half are 5 weeks this sunday into flowering.

Would any seeds produced hermies?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Chech your pistols and the ones that are turning brown will be the ones that got dusted.If you dont have any browning pistols your fine.I had one blow dust all over 65 clones and seed the fuck out of them.Mine were 5 weeks in when they got pollinated ..peace

luvvin growin

Active Member
Chech your pistols and the ones that are turning brown will be the ones that got dusted.If you dont have any browning pistols your fine.I had one blow dust all over 65 clones and seed the fuck out of them.Mine were 5 weeks in when they got pollinated ..peace
Ouch,that hurts like hell..........even to hear

past times

Well-Known Member
i know a saw a few areas of redding hairs on the plants, ill check again later. It sucks but ill be aright. I just started a perpetual harvest and the JH was only the 2nd cycle in so not a lot got tainted by the chick with a dick