You Say Not Hermies If Not Stressed But You Clearly Point Out You Give Them CS To Stress Them To Hermie LMAO
Trust Me Ive Done It Befor Mate Dnt Go Giving Advice You Cant Give Or Youve Read Off The Net You Should Not Stress To Herm Let It Doit Itself

He Dont Wanna Self Polinate He Wants To Polinate Another Plant Ther For If Stressed To Herm Then It Will Most Likly Stay In The Genetics Meaning That The Pollen Be Less Reliable
Plants especially weed, are good at reproducing. They aren't supposed to go without being pollinated, sensimilla is pretty man made for the most part. they are so good at reproducing that they will hermie and pollinate themselves if stressed/need be.
You would not be creating hermy seeds nor plants that are hermie from the get go, but seeds that carried the trait to hermaprhodize when introduced to levels of stress that the parent plant was exposed to.
Flowering an unpollinated plant for that long, that is stress too, mate, like it or not. If you wanted to do it like a pro, then you would have to use a ton of plants. The plant that took the longest/most CS to make it hermie ( or in cheese's case, the plant that flowered the longest b4 hermying) would be the pollen u'd want, since it came from plant that had the highest resistance to hermi-ing, and its resistance would carry on thru its offspring. All pot plants have hermies in their genes. I agree that u don't want an all-hermie crop. but From what ur saying, if I used pollen from a hermie that was induced by any way, and pollinated a feminized plant, the resulting plants would be more likely to hermie since they came from a plant that was hermied, which is only slightly true. If I took two clones from the same mother, and harvested pollen from one ur way (over flowering), and harvested the pollen from the other induced by stress from Colloidal sivler, then pollen A(the cheese101 way) and Pollen B (from Colloidal silver) would have the same genetic make up. You would be continuing the same genetics to w/e female was pollinated. And have the same chances of producing a variety of female,male, or hermie seeds in the future. But Im sure u already knew this cheese101. By the way, its ok to use punctuation when u type.