Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

hey fox...would you have left everything in after cutting it would you have handled removing a male from your setup? I am interested in what you would do cause I still may have 2 or 3 more males to remove...How should I do it?


Well-Known Member
hey fox...would you have left everything in after cutting it would you have handled removing a male from your setup? I am interested in what you would do cause I still may have 2 or 3 more males to remove...How should I do it?
You know, I'm not really sure. I cut down one of my plants in flowering and left the stem and roots in there for three weeks. I had no problems for those three weeks, but I don't know how longer would affect the outcome. I'm sure, as long as you use some H2O2, you'll be OK.

Just make sure and get as much of the roots out as possible. Prevention is better than cure.


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=+1]Here's a little more information about H2O2 and plants...(if you want the source, I got it, lol)

If any substance is interesting, it's hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide should really be called hydrogen dioxide. Its chemical formula is H2O2. It contains one more atom of oxygen that does water (H20). By now everyone's aware of the ozone layer that surrounds the earth. Ozone consists of three atoms of oxygen (03). This protective layer of ozone is created when ultraviolet light from the sun splits an atmospheric oxygen molecule (02) into two single, unstable oxygen atoms. These single molecules combine with others to form ozone (03). Ozone isn't very stable. In fact, it will quickly give up that extra atom of oxygen to falling rainwater to form hydrogen peroxide (H202). (Bear with me: all this chemistry mumbo jumbo I'm going through actually will help you understand the importance of hydrogen peroxide.)

[SIZE=+1]H2O2 Helps Plants[/SIZE]

It is this hydrogen peroxide in rainwater that makes it so much more effective than tap water when given to plants. With the increased levels of atmospheric pollution, however, greater amounts of H202 react with air-borne toxins and never reach the ground. To compensate for this, many farmers have been increasing crop yields by spraying them with diluted hydrogen peroxide (5 to 16 ounces of 35% mixed with 20 gallons of water per acre). You can achieve the same beneficial effect with your house plants by adding 1 ounce of 3% hydrogen peroxide (or 16 drops of 35% solution) to every quart of water you give your plants. (It can also be made into an excellent safe insecticide. Simply spray your plants with 8 ounces of 3% peroxide mixed with 8 ounces of white sugar and one gallon of water.)
OK. Looks like I am only going to have one female in this aerogarden grow. I have been thinking about what to do with the 2 males that are growing in the aerogarden with the female, one on either side. For now, I have pulled them away from the female at severe angles to let the fem. get all the light, breathing room, space, etc... she can get. She is now getting a majority of all of the light without any blockage from the other two.

What do I do about the males? If I cut them off at the base, there will be a shitload of dead roots in the res with the female roots.
I think I might just let them grow along with the female but I have to do something so they dont pollinate her. Maybe prune off all the flowers?
What do you guys recommend? How should I handle the 2 males?


Well-Known Member
OK. Looks like I am only going to have one female in this aerogarden grow. I have been thinking about what to do with the 2 males that are growing in the aerogarden with the female, one on either side. For now, I have pulled them away from the female at severe angles to let the fem. get all the light, breathing room, space, etc... she can get. She is now getting a majority of all of the light without any blockage from the other two.

What do I do about the males? If I cut them off at the base, there will be a shitload of dead roots in the res with the female roots.
I think I might just let them grow along with the female but I have to do something so they dont pollinate her. Maybe prune off all the flowers?
What do you guys recommend? How should I handle the 2 males?
Do whatever you need to do to feel comfortable, but topping them below the first node would be my first choice after trying to separate the roots. The plant will still be very much alive. It will even continue to pull nutrients up and out the top where you cut.
great posts, helped me a lot. I am growing 2 Nirvana Blue Mystic in an Aerogarden. They are 3 weeks old and the one is starting to get a white foam on the lower part of the stem and that area looks like it is weak and skinnier and darker than the rest of the stem. I am guessing this is stem rot??? Is there anything I can do to ge rid of this problem besides turning off the water pump??



Well-Known Member
great posts, helped me a lot. I am growing 2 Nirvana Blue Mystic in an Aerogarden. They are 3 weeks old and the one is starting to get a white foam on the lower part of the stem and that area looks like it is weak and skinnier and darker than the rest of the stem. I am guessing this is stem rot??? Is there anything I can do to ge rid of this problem besides turning off the water pump??
Definitely looks like some sort of stem rot. Not too sure what will help, but some fungicide should be in order. Try Daconil. You can find it Lowes or Home Depot.
great posts, helped me a lot. I am growing 2 Nirvana Blue Mystic in an Aerogarden. They are 3 weeks old and the one is starting to get a white foam on the lower part of the stem and that area looks like it is weak and skinnier and darker than the rest of the stem. I am guessing this is stem rot??? Is there anything I can do to ge rid of this problem besides turning off the water pump??

Also, I would try putting a few caps of Hydrogen Peroxide into the water...This will help with the roots health...
(make sure you rebalance the Ph after doing this)

If you do get that problem solved...make sure to use the cardboard pod covers that come with the aerogarden...if youre not doing this already... Aluminum foil as a pod cover works good too.

Also, make sure to cover all the empty pod holes, the ones you are not using, if you have any of dont want any light to get to the roots or res, or anything except the plant itself...
Hey is an update on this aerogrow progress.
The strain is Lowryder/Dwarf.
Here are some pictures. Its hard to tell the actual size with the webcam I use but there are a couple that give a general idea.
This is the only one that turned out to be female...However, I have kept the males growing cause I pick the pre-mature flowers off as they develop...turns out they are loaded with THC!! Its really helped me keep my hands off the female...
Anyway here are the pics.

Sorry for the shitty pics. Its the only camera I have right now.
Its hard to tell but this plant is almost 3 feet tall and budding all over the place.
The bud growing at the very top of the plant is almost 3 inches tall.

What is the best way to prune? Many of the pictures I have seen show very few leaves and huge buds. The plants in most pictures really consists of mainly bud and stem with a couple huge fan leaves. So far I haven't really trimmed any leaves off unless they were dead/dying, or burnt from growing into the lights. I have heard that trimming away most of the leaves promotes better circulation and allows the plant to concentrate most of its growing power to the buds. However, dont the buds need all those leaves to provide nurishment? But if removing most of the leaves will promote bigger and better buds...What is the general school of thought about trimming away the leaves...Any information on pruning would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
first off get the male out of there, even tho your plucking off the seed pods, your plant can still get pollinated, unless your cool with it then its on your, and second, i wouldn't cut any leave at this point, unless you really think is necessary, kinda hard to see in the pics, but i don't see anything i would trim right now
purple stems means they want some nutes
That cant be true in this case. I have been getting dark colored stems throughout the life of the plant...

I just recently had to empty and flush the res cause the leaves were showing signs of nutrient burn (the signs were obvious), which as you probably already know is from too many nutes... (when i counted, i found i had been giving them between 5-7 tabs a week). Right now, It gets about 3 large tabs a week, which is probably still on the strong side...

I have also read that there are so many different strains, each one being uniquely stem color is not a good indicator of nutrient levels.

Thanks anyways. Always appreciate any and all suggestions.
yea sicc. thanks for clarifying. There is no way these plants are not getting enough nutes.... However it is possible they could be getting cold...will a warmer night/dark period be better for it? What will improve? Thanks for all the good info.
Hey guys. Just wanted to shoot everyone a quick message, and say thanks for all the help. Especially Sicc and Fox Company. Without the timely advice from these two folks, I imagine this first aerogrow attempt of mine would have been a disaster. Instead, thanks to the wealth of knowledge from these guys, I was able to produce a bountiful harvest. If anyone needs help with an aerogrow, these are the guys to ask...

Here are a couple pics of the final product..
This is the top kola from the single successfully producing female I was able to raise...

Here are some pics of the root matrix that was sitting in the res...they had actually begun to grow under the stand and push the lid off, which had to be secured with masking tape.
